
美 [ˈdesp(ə)rət]英 ['desp(ə)rət]
  • adj.渴望;(因绝望而)不惜冒险的;绝望的;孤注一掷的
  • 网络不顾一切的;拼死的;令人绝望的

desperate need,desperate situation,desperate attempt,desperate fight,desperate bid


1.(因绝望而)不惜冒险的,不顾一切的,拼命的feeling or showing that you have little hope and are ready to do anything without worrying about danger to yourself or others

2.[ubn]绝望的;孤注一掷的;铤而走险的giving little hope of success; tried when everything else has failed

3.[nubn]非常需要;极想;渴望needing or wanting sth very much

4.极严重的;极危险的;很危急的extremely serious or dangerous


英语词根词缀记忆大全 ... perspicacious a 有洞察力的 desperate a 绝望的 desperation n 绝望;拼命 ...


大英语B级词汇表 - 豆丁网 ... desk n. 书桌,办公桌 desperate adj. 不顾一切的,绝望的 despite prep. 不管,尽管,不论 ...


大学英语四级单词集锦 D 开头_百度文库 ... despair n. 绝望 desperate a. 拼死的;绝望的 despise vt. 鄙视,蔑视 ...


新浪教育_新浪网 ... design 计划;设计 desperate 令人绝望的,危急的 despite 憎恨,轻视 ...


高中英语选修6单词表 - 豆丁网 ... relaxation n. 放松,松弛 desperate adj. 绝望的,拼命的 chemist n. 药剂师;化学家 △ ...


字根字尾构词法.doc - 豆丁网 ... despair 失望,绝望 desperate 绝望,不顾死活的 despondency 意气消沈,失望 ...


MBA词汇电子版 - MBA智库文档 ... despair 绝望,失望 desperate 绝望的;铤而走险的 disappointment 失望 ...

All the sort of classic department stores are desperate to break into that area, and are doing it in a much much more imaginative way. 所有这种类型的著名商店都拼命挤进这个领域,并采取了一种更有想象力的经营方式。
The door of the ramshackle farmhouse opened, and Mrs. Hobbs introduced herself to a family in a desperate situation. 农房摇摇欲坠,那扇门打开后,霍布斯太太就出现在陷入绝境的这家人面前。
Certainly in this picture Sir Alex Ferguson and his players seem to be desperate to depart the scene of their disappointment. 在图中,弗格森爵爷和球员们似乎恨不得赶快离开这个伤心地。
It was an almost desperate need to alter or to stop the negative cycle of events which seemed to dominate my relationships and my life. 对于那些似乎支配着我的感情关系和生活的事情,现在急需调整,或要停止这些事情的恶性循环。
Kevin admitted he took it but said he thought he could put it back before it was missed, he was desperate and no one was there to ask. 凯文承认钱是他拿的,但他说他以为能在别人发现此事之前把钱放回去,因为当时他的处境很绝望、很无助。
She had to made a desperate attempt to leave her husband so she left under the cover of night. 她只能孤注一掷,离开她的丈夫,所以她趁着夜色跑了。
I got a desperate email last week from a woman who had sold all her stocks in panic in March and moved the money into bonds. 周我收到了一位女性充满绝望情绪的电子邮件。她在3月份的恐慌气氛下抛出了所有股票,将资金投入到债券中。
"You are desperate, " said the gentleman, taking out his snuff-box, "and I am sorry for you. " “你简直是要发狂了,”绅士说着,取出鼻烟壶来,“我真替你难过。”
COBBLER unable to make a living by his trade and made desperate by poverty, began to practice medicine in a town in which he was not known. 补鞋匠穷得绝望了,他不能靠手艺来维持生计,便跑到另一个城市去行医,因为那里没有一个人认识他。
She says she received many desperate phone calls from people unable to get out of the city because of blockades erected by Kyrgyz gangs. 她说,她接到了很多绝望的人的电话。由于被吉尔吉斯斯坦团伙设立的封锁阻挡,他们无法逃离这个城市。
His new book is out in hardback, but I'm not desperate to read it, so I think I'll save some money and wait for the paperback to come out. 他的精装本新书面市了,但我倒不是非看不可,所以我想,我会少花一点儿钱,等平装本出来。
Get into a price war. Companies frequently undertake suicidal contests with rivals in a desperate attempt to seize market share. 一些公司在拼命抢占市场份额时,常常与对手展开自杀性争夺。
However, I have learned a valuable lesson -- in desperate situations, the most feasible option is often the best option. 然而,我学到了珍贵的一课——在令人绝望的时候,最可行的方案通常会是最好的方案。
But, Walker says, she resisted the pressure "to make a book I really wasn't all that desperate to read. " 但是,Walker说,她顶住了压力“来编辑好一本我不会即刻想去读的书”。
Expansion into new industries, like the kind Center Group attempted, is a desperate attempt to move up the value chain. 像信泰集团这样尝试向新行业扩张的做法是一种试图向价值链上游转移的孤注一掷的做法。
On her way to be forced to marry a millionaire, desperate Rose attempted to jump into the sea, but she was saved by Jack. 在被迫嫁给一个大富豪的途中,绝望的露丝企图跳海自尽,但被杰克救下。
But such a rivalry is not unusual between a superpower and a rising competitor desperate to protect its burgeoning interests. 只不过,超级大国和日益崛起的竞争者之间的这种竞赛是司空见惯的,竞争者正在拼命保护着自己快速发展的果实。
I knew it would be dangerous to leave the lift, but I was desperate. The trap door was locked. 我知道离开电梯会很危险,但已经顾不得了。可是,活板门上了锁。
In a desperate attempt to save the world, Mack sacrifices himself to destroy Flurious once and for all. 在绝望企图拯救世界,麦克牺牲自己,以摧毁flurious一劳永逸。
Each day of my life, I'm filled with all the joy I could find, you know that I am not the desperate type. 我每一天都在寻找我可以感受的快乐,你知道我不是那么痴狂的人。
He did not look like he was going to win anyone over but by the end of the tournament everyone was desperate for him to stay on. 他看起来不像他将要结束赢得任何人但是藉着巡回赛的结束每个人是不顾死活让他停留在之上。
In the last desperate weeks of her life, Faten knew a death sentence was hanging over her head, and she tried hard to escape it. 在其生命绝望的最后几周时间里,法特恩知道死亡审判马上就要降临,并试图努力逃脱出来。
One wrong step and I could either make a desperate, flailing grab for the boat or be over my head in water! 要是一步踏错,就可能扑腾着连小艇都够不着,要不就是在水里来一个倒栽葱!
The enemy made a desperate attempt to seal off the gap through which we had burst. 敌人拼命想堵住我们已经冲开的那个突破口。
I'm desperate to get that photo of me with my teammates holding the Premier League trophy. 我渴望拿到一张我与我的队友高捧英超冠军奖杯的照片。
The photo before you is of a man in desperate need of help. In the next room are the tools to his salvation. 你眼前的照片是个急需帮助的人,隔壁房间有拯救他的工具。
Totti is expected to be out of action for up to three months, but he insists he's desperate to get started on his recovery. 预计托蒂会休养三个月,但他坚持说他会不顾一切地尽快复元。
Not seeing you go away from me, may you go in an easy way, leaving me alone with little bit of the last desperate hope in me. 没有看着你离开我,你会觉得让我一个人带着最后的不顾一切的希望让你感觉更轻松了吗?。
I'm not as desperate for a change as you are. A change for me would be starting a new hobby or just buying something new. 我不像你那样渴望改变。我的改变方式会是培养新的爱好,或者买些新东西。
Experts have already suggested this ancient atrocity may simply have been a desperate last act by a starving people. 专家们已经表示,这种古代的暴行可能只是人们在极其饥饿时走投无路作出的选择。