
美 [.di 'aɪ]英 [.diː 'aɪ]
  • n.狄;分异指数;禁止中断;乳切齿
  • abbr.探长(英国中级警官)
  • pf.表示“二”
  • 网络数字量输入(Digital Input);邸;氐




1.探长(英国中级警官)Detective Inspector (a British police officer of middle rank)

数字量输入(Digital Input)

数字量输入DI):4路DI(干节点),可通过通讯或显示读取。■继电器输出(RO):2路RO,包括遥信控制和报警输出两 …

名字 中国人姓名_百度文库 ... 邓 : DENG : DI 第五 : DI WU ...


注:“”(Di)现代读音阴平声,我国古代民族,居住在今西北一带,东晋时建立过前秦、后凉。 1 【打擂】上联:山石岩上弹 …


共有开关量输入DI)130 个输入点,开关量输出(DO)70 个输出点,模拟量输入(AI)18个输入点。模拟量输出(AO)6 …

目的变址寄存器(destination index)

DIDestination Index):目的变址寄存器,可用来存放相对于 ES 段之目的变址指针。还有一个标志寄存器FR(Flag Register…

In an exchange of e-mails, Ferguson told me the Banco di San Giorgio was "a hugely important institution, there is no doubt" . 在同弗格森的一次电邮交流中,他告诉我,圣乔治银行“是一个非常重要的机构,这一点毫无疑问”。
Did her a Di mother send person to have never called to come over to call eldest daughter two? 她一个嫡母派人去叫了长女两次,都没叫过来?
Paolo Di Canio has spoken for the first time of his return to Lazio and claims he is ready to "do anything" for his beloved club. 迪卡尼奥首次开口谈到他回归拉齐奥的问题,并强调说他以做好准备为他心爱的球队做任何事情。
Build up the water resources protection and management mode with which the fiver valley management and administration di. . . 建立流域管理与行政区域管理相结合的水资源保护和管理模式,实行水量水质统一管理。
I also got to meet some of Chen Di's extended family after the rally. . . this is his mother (on the right), aunt, and cousin. 拉票会后我也有幸认识了陈迪的亲戚…这是他的妈妈(右边的),阿姨,和表弟。
Di Martino said the duo will not be employing session musicians while on tour, arguing that they are powerful enough as a live act already. 迪马蒂诺说,两人将不会雇用会议的音乐家,而对旅游,认为他们不够强大,作为一个活法了。
The best form of usable nitrogen seems to be a combination of di-ammonium phosphate (DAP) and yeast extract. 最好的方式,似乎是一种可用氮结合荻磷铵(磷酸二铵)、酵母粉。
Also and Xiao-Lan Di Dan back together high school, the intention to scare you about the Klan, they found a bit strange here, like . . . 也和小兰一起回到了帝丹高中,本打算吓唬大家一下的柯南,却发现这里的样子有点奇怪……?
In morden Chinese language, dao di, as a mood adverb, indicates strong requirement for the ultimate nature of things. 现代汉语副词“到底”是一个表示语气最终追究的极量词。
The controversial issue is often brought into public focus. People from di fferent backgrounds hold different attitudes towards the issue. 这种极具争议性的话题往往很受社会的关注。不同的人对此的看法也不尽相同。
Cayenne DI container is small (about 35K in size), XML-free, easy to use and has no external dependencies (not even on Cayenne). Cayenne的DI容器规模小(大约是35K)、无XML、易用、而且没有外部依赖(甚至不依赖于Cayenne)。
There was a 38-year-old cheetah named DI Mu before who formerly was always locked up in a narrow and small cage. 有一只叫帝姆的38岁的猎豹以前一直关在狭小的笼子里。
However, according to Sky Sport Italia it seems as if Di Natale is standing by his promise to end his career in Udine. 然而据意大利天空体育报道,迪。纳塔莱似乎准备信守自己将在乌迪内斯结束职业生涯的承诺。
The characters Huang and Di had been used separately and never consecutively (see Three August Ones and Five Emperors). 字符和黄迪已经分开使用,并没有连续(见三八月一,五皇)。
Paolo Di Canio and Cesar , who have been out of action for a while due to muscular problems return to train with the squad. 因为肌肉问题已经休息了一段时间的保罗。迪卡尼奥和塞萨尔今天恢复了训练。
RB: There are quite a few DI containers already, what was the motivation by your team in creating Unity? RB:已经有相当多的依赖注入容器,又是什么动机使得你们团队创建了Unity?
The nutrient concentrations displays the negative correlation with salinity, DIN was higher in the surface than the bottom and DI. . . 营养盐与盐度呈现出负相关的规律性,无机氮表层高于底层,无机磷底层高于表层;
The legendary life of folk hero Pu Di-liu came out of his courage, wisdom & romance. 勇气,智慧与风流就成就了民间剿匪英雄蒲地流传奇的一生。
To be honest, if I were on a reading retreat at the Castello di Galeazzo, I doubt I'd be able to resist the siren song of nearby Bologna. 老实说,如果我是在一个加莱亚扎城堡阅读闭关,我怀疑我是否能够抵挡博洛尼亚附近迷人的歌声。
Packing in cardboard box with a little bit of flower design is suitable for di lay in supermarkets. 用盒上带一点花卉淘宝取消订单图案的硬纸盒包装,适合超市展销。
"Most people say you have to be nuts to attempt a year-long exposure of the sun, " di Cicco wrote on the TWAN astrophotography website. 多数人表示,尝试为期一年的太阳曝光,你一定是疯了。
Here Ms Clinton is in the office of the personnel di-rector of a major New York firm - notice the view out the panoramic window. 画中克林顿小姐正在纽约一家大公司(请注意全景大窗户外的景色)的人事部主任的办公室里。
The meaning "di wei" of it is often used in modern Chinese, but its original meaning is "part of a body" . “地位”义是其现代的常用义,但其本义为“身体某部分”。
And this gets shown in art galleries like this, as a sequence, and similarly, with the Di-Dodian baby imagery. 它们在一个画廊中按顺序展出。相似地,这是戴安娜和男友想象中的小孩的照片。
The new Tian Di Show Kitchen Restaurant is a feast for eyes and a tease for the senses. 全新的天地餐厅烹饪秀,为您奉上赏心悦目的饕餮盛宴。
President Giorgio Napolitano signed it into law, prompting one opposition leader, Antonio Di Pietro, to call for his impeachment. 总统乔治•纳波利塔诺签署了该项法令,这也促使了反对党领导人安东尼奥•迪•彼得罗要求他下台。
Bule Di said the group also claimed the same day Italy and Greece also produced the same message in two bomb attacks. 布勒蒂说,该组织声称当天还在意大利和希腊同时制造了两起同样的邮件炸弹袭击事件。
Liu no longer speak, Di Xiatou "Hula Hula" eat, eat that fast-that is, ah, did not seem to eat the number of days. 刘妈妈不再说话,低下头“呼啦呼啦”吃起来,吃得是那个快那个香啊,好象多少天没吃饭了。
Di DeluoAmerica justs like the midsummer the fruit, is easy to corrupt is unable to say for certain to hold. 狄德罗美犹如盛夏的水果,是容易腐烂而难保持的。
Di claim the money within the next two weeks is expected to decide whether to approve the application. 迪钱索预计今后两周内决定是否批准申请。