did you know

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did you knowdid you know

did you know


萝莉控kotakoti来自美国的芭比娃娃 | 后时代 ... 极其平常 Super Normal 你知道吗Did you know 3.0 黑镜子第二季 Black Mirro…


... All my hopes through my fears 我在畏惧中还存有希望 Did you know 你是否知道 Still I miss you somehow 我依然那么想念你 ...


GreenBrows... ... ll me l’a dit,l’a jure 他对我这样说,这样起誓 Mary,Did You Know 圣母,你可知晓 Kenny Rogers (肯尼-罗杰 …


pagal – 搜库 ... 12年在世界和平旧女讲话 Peace Speech 您知道吗Did You Know? 1周工作 One Week Job Documentary ...


lost 第五季 第十集_看lost学英语... ... -Kate:Did you know? 你知道么? What the hell are you doing here? 你来干嘛? ...


疯狂英语初... ... 27. Could you tell me…? 你能告诉我……吗? 29. Did you know…? 你以前知道……吗? 30. Do you have…? …


教育的未来(Did you know).mp4by shutecareer 129 views 6:00 ezgo导览影片by adea101 2,178 views 0:12 ezgo 自由软体电脑 …

Did you know this morning, now, that you were coming out on this errand? 你是今天早晨才知道你要出来办这件差事的吗?
Did you know John is going out with Michelle? (你)知道John和Michelle在交往吗?
Did you know? Basilisk lizards are excellent swimmers and are capable of remaining underwater for up to 30 minutes. 你知道吗?水上蜥蜴是优秀的游泳选手,一次可在水下呆上长达30分钟。
Did you know Voltaire was the first to suggest that the universe was created by a gigantic explosion? 你知道伏尔泰第一个提出宇宙产生于大爆炸的理论吗?
Did you know he was cheating on his wife? 你知道他在欺骗他的妻子吗?
Did you know about him in France when you were playing there, before you came to play in England? 你在法国体比赛的时候就认识他吗,在你来英国之前?
Did you know how much he pay for this book last week? 你知道他上周花了多少钱买这本书吗?
Did you know your body actually has the intelligence to make its own saturated fats from all that dry food and store them as fat reserves? 你知道你自己的身体有这个智能来处理所有来自于干粮的饱和脂肪,并把它们储存起来作为脂肪储备吗?
My interest is in your friendship with Brigitte. Before you worked with her, did you know her? I mean personally. 我感兴趣的是你和林青霞的友情。在你跟她合作以前,你认识她吗,我指私人之间。
But did you know that losing weight may also lower the amount of money you personally pay out in medical costs? 但你可知道,减肥也可降低你个人支付的款项医学成本?
Then people can see it and say, "No, you're wrong" or "Did you know about this work being done at such-and-such a place? " 或者是其它非常新的事时,我把它写下来。之后人们能看到它并说“不,你错了”或者“你知道这件事在某某地方已经开始做了么?”
Did you know that people used to call Stamford "The Lock City" ? That's because Yale had its factories here. 你不知道人们过去称斯坦福德为“锁城”吗?那是因为耶鲁曾在这里开了锁厂。
Saleslady Did you know you will save even more because you do not pay taxes on your purchases? 女销售员您知道您还可以省更多钱,因为您买东西不必付税吗?。
mom, did you know about this? Yes, and I'd like to go, But only if you want to come, too. 妈,你早就知道了么?是的,而且我觉得不错,当然如果你也愿意的话。
Did you know? According to a recent survey, one out of every four singles doesn't brush their teeth before a date. 你知道吗?根据最近一项调查,四分之一的单身人士约会之前不刷牙。
'Hello, Lily, surprise, surprise! How did you know I am here? ' Jack forgets his business and shouts as if nobody were there. ‘你好,莉莉,真是好意外啊!你怎么知道我在这里?’杰克忘了自己的任务,旁若无人地跟莉莉打招呼。
Did you know you can add, change, or delete keywords for a clip that you've added to Microsoft Clip Organizer? 您曾往“Microsoft剪辑管理器”中添加过剪辑,您知道您还可以添加、更改或删除此剪辑的关键词吗?
Did you know that they gave half of the money they made to a charity for homeless children? 你知道他们把他们赚的一半的钱都捐赠给慈善事业去资助那些无家可归的孩子们了吗?
When you told me you loved me , Did you know it would take me the rest of my life to get over the feeling of knowing? 当你说你爱我的时候,你想到了这句话会占据我的余生么?使我从梦想破碎的感觉中恢复过来…。
Tips: Did you know? Reading 15 minutes a day translates into one million words a year. 小贴士:你知道吗?每天阅读15分钟,一年就可以增加百万单词。
Tina: ( sobbing ) Peter, did you know what was the wish I made on the night when there was a meteor. 蒂娜:(哽咽着)彼得,你不知道那个有流星的夜晚我许的愿望。
Did you know what was the wish I made on the night there was a meteor. 你知道那天流星闪过的时候我许了什么愿望吗?我请求上帝让我们永远在一起。
Same here. Hey, did you know Susan is going to get married. She invited me to her wedding and she wants you to attend also. 也是在这里。嘿,你知不知道苏珊要结婚了。她邀请我去参加婚礼,她希望你也能出席。
Did you know that it happened, the stone happened, on All Hallows Eve? And the weather was just like this. 你知道关于鸡血石的故事是怎么开始的吗,在万圣节前夜,也是这样的天气。
Mrs. Green stopped and looked at the air hostess. Then she said to her husband, "How did you know her name? " 格林夫人停下来,看看那位空中小姐,然后她问她丈夫:“你怎么知道她的名字?”
There was a note of passion in his voice. "Did you know that you had come into the finest place in the world to buy socks? " “我想买双短袜”他双眸满是热情,声音饱含激情:“您知道您来到了世界上最好的袜店吗?”
People ask me, 'Did you know when you were doing this that you were making an important statement? 人们常常问我:“你知道你设计的这些封面其实是一种重要的声明吗?”
But did you know that Einstein was born with such a large head that his mother thought he was deformed? 但你知道么,爱因斯坦出生时头非常大,他母亲还以为自己生了个畸形儿;
Did you know? Traditionally buttermilk was the sour liquid left after churning butter. Today it's made by adding bacteria to regular milk. 你知道吗?传统的酪乳是搅拌黄油后剩余的酸味液体。现代的酪乳是向普通牛奶中加入细菌制成的。
If 'The Hurt Locker' is in the number one slot, it may be placed in either the 'Hey, Did You Know This Was Directed By A Woman? 如果‘拆弹部队’得到第一名,这部影片可能会被问到‘喂,你知道这是一个女人导演的吗?