
美 [ˈdɪdʒɪt(ə)l]英 ['dɪdʒɪt(ə)l]
  • adj.数字信息系统的;数码的;数字式的;数位的
  • n.数字电视
  • 网络数字的;数字化

digital camera,digital equipment,digital watch,digital tape


1.数字信息系统的;数码的;数字式的;数位的using a system of receiving and sending information as a series of the numbers one and zero, showing that an electronic signal is there or is not there

2.数字显示的showing information by using figures, rather than with hands that point to numbers


财务英语英汉对照表 (D) - MBA智库百科 ... diffused shifting 分散转嫁 digital 数字的,数字化的 digital cash 数字化现金 ...


数位(DIGITAL)方式来储存(音乐)资料, 单位为时间, 其时间总长度可达63-72分钟, 如要换算成电脑资料单位 Byte, 则换算公式如 …


数码digital)系统,又名数位系统,使用分离(即不连续的)价值(0或1)代表信息,用以输入,处理,传输、存贮等。相对 …


外研版英语九年级上册单词表_百度文库 ... advantage n. 优点,优势 digital a. 数码的 battery n. 电池 ...


数字化Digital)指信息(计算机)领域的数字技术向人类生活各个领域全面推进也必将导致媒体的数字化时代,比如传统摄 …


TOEIC词汇汇总 ... delete 删除 7. digital 数位的;数字显示的 8. download 下载 9. ...


模具英语词汇表 - 豆丁网 ... L 1 2 die 模具, 冲模, 凹模 L 1 9 digital 数字式 数字, a.数字的 L 1 2 dissolution 结束 ...

Like the rest of the industry, it has found it hard to turn its digital audience into significant revenue. 正如业内其它公司一样,邮报发现要将在线读者转化成明显的收入非常困难。
Digital cameras, camcorders, and the Internet make it easy to create and share lawful adult material in a wide variety of ways. 数码相机、摄像机和互联网的存在使得人们可以很容易以多种方式来制作并分享合法的成人内容。
But with this week's opening of the Playboy Club Macao, Flanders is confident he's found a place for the iconic company in the digital age. 但随着本周的澳门开幕的花花公子俱乐部,法兰德斯相信他的发现了一个标志性的公司在数字化时代的地方。
CR readers download and process the images, which are stored as digital files, and the plates are then used for the next patient. CR阅读器下载并对图像加工,将其存储为数字文件,随后这块板再被用于下一个病人。
But a digital camera could be made for a few pounds, and a lens and computer chip bought separately and added later. 不过,一台数码相机倒是可以只要几英镑就做出来,镜头和计算机芯片可以单独购买,在后面安装上去即可。
The company is engaged in a professional. Computers. Digital, has many years of sales, marketing groups nationwide coverage. 本公司是一家专业的从事。电脑。数码,有着多年的销售,销售群体覆盖全国。
Cor 2 A and B have always had short period of dark muck in them, digital goo or something of that sort, but this has been constant. COR2A和B总有短时期的暗色物质在其中,它们是数码黏质或是类似物质,但是这一直是持续的。
And the reason is, you see, that we were brought up in a pre-digital culture, those of us over 25. 原因是,你看,我们这些25岁以上的,是在数字时代前的文化中养育大的,。
He said construction of the remaining 30 meters is a critical phase that involves installation of a digital antenna. 他说剩下的30米的兴建是一个关键的步骤,它包括安装数字电视天线。
Troubled photography firm Eastman Kodak has unveiled a new plan to transform the company into a digital player, sending its shares soaring. 陷入困境的摄影厂商伊士曼柯达计划将公司转变成数码播放器厂商,此计划使其股价猛涨。
More than one hundred GE employees will spend a week at GA over the next year in a sort of digital boot camp. 明年,将有一百多位通用员工在GA参加为期一周的数字化新人训练营。
No doubt you will hear some tell you that journalism is in dire shape, and the triumph of digital is to blame. 毫无疑问,你们会听到一些人说,新闻业岌岌可危,而这要归因于数字化的进攻。
The digital measurement value can be captured making it easy to read. 数字式测量值可以被捕获,容易阅读。
Just a little British ingenuity that saw a standard digital camera taped to a helium balloon and floated into the sky. 只需要点英国人的小智慧,将一个绑在氦气球上的标准数码相机飘入天空,万事俱矣。
Ms Clifford decided she would get definite proof of her sighting and snapped the divine apparition on her digital camera. 桑德拉决定要为这一圣迹留下确实的证据,就拿起她的数码相机抓怕下了这神圣的一幕。
A technique capable of resolving digital timing differences among system components and obtaining the maximum performance out of each. 一种能够消除系统内各部件之间的数字定时的差异,从而使每个部件都能发挥最佳效能的技术。
"We want to evolve our touch point strategy and elevate our digital capabilities, " she said, adding that Carat was "best able to do that" . 她说:“我们要进一步发展我们的接触点战略同时提升我们的数字化水平”,她还补充说凯洛媒体是“最有能力做到这一点的公司。”
Today, Kodak is trying to sell off its cache of digital patents, which may in fact be worth more than the company's market cap. 如今,柯达正设法将其数码领域的专利变现。实际上其专利价值有可能超过公司的市值。
Cisco is trying to demonstrate that point in Songdo City near Seoul, where the firm provides all the digital plumbing. Cisco正试图在邻近首尔的Songdo证明这点,它在此地提供了全套数字水管装置。
Trying to share information with people on your Web-based networks can introduce another layer of digital jujitsu. 在以互联网为基础的社交网络上与他人共享信息会将你带入数字博弈的另一层次。
The facility makes analog chips, which are used for a variety of applications, as well as parts used in digital projectors. 该厂生产用途广泛的模拟芯片以及用于数字投影仪的组件,占了德州仪器公司2010年收入的约10%。
Only one person at a time will be allowed to check out a digital copy of an in-copyright book for two weeks. 一人一次只能借阅一本图书的电子版,借阅期为两周。
In 1993, Apple created its first Message Pad, known as the'Newton. ' It was one of the first personal digital assistants. 1993年,苹果推出了款名为“牛顿”的掌上电脑,最早开发的私人数字化助理。
To get a spectacular image like this, though, one needs a good camera, color filters, and a digital image processor. 要取得一张如同上图的壮丽景色,首先要有强大的相机、滤色镜和数字图像处理器。
This is not entirely new, but with the explosion of digital technology, things seem to have spiraled out of control. 以前有过先例,但是随着数字技术的大爆炸,事情有点超出控制了。
They've both embraced the digital world as social media gets bigger and bigger -- but Coke seems to be faring better thus far. 随着公共媒体的规模发展越来越大,可口可乐和百事都敞开怀抱走入数字世界,不过就目前看来可口可乐进展更顺利。
A few days ago, Adam Brown, the head of digital communications at Coca-Cola, got his car washed and the sun shone down on him in Atlanta. 几天前,可口可乐(Coca-Cola)数字沟通主管亚当·布朗(AdamBrown)在亚特兰大把车洗了,浑身沐浴着阳光。
I also added videos to the site, and though these took a little longer to load, they were as easy to post as my digital photos. 我还在网站上添加了视频,虽然上传视频耗时稍长,但是这和发布数码照片一样很容易。
Careers in the arts, she said, have always been uncertain, but digital media give current graduates more points of entry. 艺术事业一直以来都是变幻莫测的,但数字媒体给当今毕业生更多进入该领域的机会。
Apple might successfully argue that the 'market' is all digital media and that it does not have a monopoly of that sector. 苹果可能会据理争辩:“市场”上到处是数字媒体,苹果不可能在这个领域搞垄断。