
美 [daɪn]英 [daɪn]
  • v.宴请;吃饭;供吃;招待膳食
  • 网络海东

第三人称单数:dines 现在分词:dining 过去式:dined




剧场版也快结束了,海东(DINED)偷了DECADE的卡片就消失了(算定情物吧OTL)PS:海东长的好像萧敬腾啊 请期待第二集(听 …

In New York, I dined with him, we did not gon into detail about the Real Madrid offers, but he told me that he will be loyal to Milan. 在纽约,我和他吃了顿饭,我们没有谈到关于皇马提供的合同的细节。
Yes, perchance, this monologue had some connection with the last occasion on which he had dined , three days before, for it was now Friday. 要是这段独白涉及到他上一次吃饭的日子,他便是三天没有吃饭了,因为那天是星期五。
He dined with us the next day, and was to leave town again on Wednesday or Thursday. 他第二天跟我们在一起吃饭,星期三或星期四又要进城去。
I've never dined out in London; and I don't want to be ridiculous. 我在伦敦还没出去吃过饭,也不想让人笑话。
Suspicion around the number 13 has Christian origins as well, reflecting the last supper where Christ dined with his twelve apostles. 有关数字13的说法也起源于基督教,这体现在耶稣与12名门徒共进的最后一顿晚餐。
They dined in a small Chinese restaurant there, which had a cage near the window containing a live owl. 他们去当地的一家小中餐馆吃饭。餐馆窗户旁有个笼子,里面关着一只活猫头鹰。
As for the meeting, first the Parthian dined with Gaius upon the Roman bank, and later Gaius supped with the king on the soil of the enemy. 至于这次会谈,帕提亚人先是在属于罗马人的河岸上与盖乌斯一道就餐,稍后盖乌斯又到敌方的领土上和大王共进晚餐。
He was always hard up, but being a man of enterprise knew all the best people, as well as all the worst, so that he dined out every night. 他手头总是很紧,但是由于他敢作敢为,他认识一切最好的和最坏的人物,所以他天天在外面吃晚饭。
In the end, I decided to take her out to play some day we dined together, to talk about the heart and another slip of the ice. 终于,我决定带她出去玩一下,那天我们一起吃了饭,谈了心,又一起溜了冰。
Well, well, "he said to himself, " I thought I had not yet dined, but I see I am mistaken. 嗯--“他自言自语,”我还以为自己没吃饭呢,看来是我弄错了。
The Morningside Cannibals: a circle of polite middle-class people who dined out on each other, with aid of a medical tissue incubator tank. 晨边食人族:一圈体面的中产阶级一起出去吃晚饭,借助医疗组织培养皿吃对方。
She saw him one morning at his own house, and has since dined in company with him four times. 有天上午她在他家里跟他见过一次面,此后又跟他吃过四次晚饭。
Before arriving home and taking the stroll, the president and first lady dined out for nearly two hours at a posh Georgetown restaurant. 在回到家并散步之前,总统和第一夫人在一个时尚豪华的乔治敦餐厅就餐近两个小时。
Alas! In truth the man but changed his mind. Perhaps was sick, in love, or had not dined. 啊,假如一个人确实改变了主意,那也许是因为他在生病、恋爱、或饿着肚皮。
Newton remarked, "Dear me, I thought I had not dined, but I see have. " 牛顿说:“哎呀,我原以为我还没吃饭,可是看来我已经吃过了。”
Over the next few days, she also dined at her other favorite restaurants, Lavo and Rue 57. 之后几天,她也在其他喜爱的餐馆(Lavo和Rue57)里吃饭。
"The full kitchen was at her disposal, " says the source, who adds that the party dined in the private third floor dining area. “他们在三楼的私人用餐区开Party,安妮斯顿也是兴奋的满场飞”,知情人士透露。
Owner John Henry dined with the player's agent earlier this week at a London restaurant to try and thrash out a deal. 俱乐部拥有者约翰亨利与球员的经纪人在本周早些时候,在伦敦的一家餐厅一起吃饭,双方尝试促成这笔交易。
What is unbelievable to young people today is that they seldom dined out in a restaurant, or traveled to a scenic spot for a holiday. 让当今年青人不可思议的是,他们很少下馆子,或者去某个风景点旅游度假。
Although it was a sultry summer Friday, as the group dined on striped bass, fruit salad and cookies, the tone was serious and rather formal. 那是个闷热的夏天,客人们吃的是鲈鱼、水果沙拉和小甜饼,不过气氛颇为严肃,或许说正式更合适。
Chelsea, he said, has dined at Osso Buco a few times since that night he posed with her, but not in recent years. 切尔西他说,已在共进晚餐ossobuco几次,因为这天晚上,他提出与她,但不是在最近几年。
He later dined with Mr Kerkorian in Nashville to discuss the plan, having met Mr York in London. 而后,戈恩和克科里安在纳什维尔一起就餐,以讨论联盟计划;此前,他还在伦敦会见了约克。
He dined with Cosette, and he had a loaf of black bread on the table for his own use. 他和珂赛特同桌进餐,桌上有一块为他准备的陈面包。
Later on, several weeks afterwards, when he came to think it over, he could never recall where he had dined that evening. 过了好些日子,几个星期以后,当他回想起这一天的经过时,他怎么也想不起那天晚上他是在什么地方吃饭的。
In other words, Judaeans, rather than Philistines, must have lived (or at least dined) here. 换句话说,曾经住在这里(或在这里烹饪)的肯定是犹太人,而非是非利士人。
And similarly the cup after they had dined, saying, This cup is the new covenant established in My blood, which is being poured out for you. 饭后,也照样拿起杯来,说,这杯是用我血所立的新约,这血是为你们流出来的。
Ms. Hou dined on plenty of bitterness in working her way up to champion. 在冠军成才路上,侯逸凡同样吃了很多苦。
She added that Beijing had "wined and dined" all the leaders of "these small Pacific nations" . 她还说,中国政府以“美酒佳肴”款待了“这些太平洋小国”的所有领导人。
He performed in soccer stadiums around the world, and sold hundreds of millions of records and dined with prime ministers and presidents. 他在世界各地的足球场上表演,他的销售量突破纪录。他和总理、总统共进晚餐。
It would have been churlish not to do so, and we dined in high style at the Rossmount Inn in St Andrews. Seafood was never so sublime. 不尝尝这里的海鲜是说不过去的,我们在圣安德鲁斯品位高尚的罗思萌旅馆里吃的海鲜,味道鲜美无比。