
美 [dɪp]英 [dɪp]
  • n.游一游;泡一泡;(通常指暂时的)减少;凹陷处
  • v.蘸;浸;(使)下降;把(汽车前灯的)远光调为近光
  • 网络直插;双列直插(Dual Inline Package);沉

过去式:dipped 过去式:dipt 现在分词:dipping 第三人称单数:dips

take dip,dip pen,dip finger,dip sheep


v. n.

1.[t]蘸;浸to put sth quickly into a liquid and take it out again

2.[i][t](使)下降,下沉to go downwards or to a lower level; to make sth do this


dip into your pocket

花钱;掏腰包to spend some of your own money on sth

dip a toe in/into sth|dip a toe in/into the water

涉足试试;试做to start doing sth very carefully to see if it will be successful or not

人教版高中英语单词表(第一册上必修) - 豆丁网 ... mixture n. 混合物 dip vt. , 蘸 second n. 秒 ...

人教版高中英语单词表(第一册上必修) - 豆丁网 ... mixture n. 混合物 dip vt. 浸, second n. 秒 ...


直插(DIP)和贴片(SMD)电子元件,IC,二三极管,阻容元件,音头,咪芯,滤波器,鉴频器 我要找  任意行业类别 机械及行业设备 五金 …

双列直插(Dual Inline Package)

* 双列直插DIP)、金属封装、陶瓷封装技术除外。业务流程外包 依托行业,利用其自有技术,为行业内企业提供有一定规模 …

yhn232x的博客 - yhn232x - 网易博客 ... 61,memor=memory 记忆 62,merg=dip,sink ,没 63,migr=remove,move 迁移 ...


什么是双列直插式封装(DIP) 03-04LED,LED是什么意思 03-10 LED,LED是什么意思 LED(Light Emitting Diode),发光二极管…


Benjamin Chen - BenjaminC ... diorite 闪长岩 dip 倾角 dip angle 倾角 ...


中学地理科常用英汉辞汇 - 免费文档下载 ... diminishing return 收益递减 dip 倾斜 dip angle 倾角 ...

Their oars did not again dip until the last of the sweet sounds had actually died among the remarkable shores. 直到优美的歌声完全消失在遥远的湖岸,他们才拿起船桨。
Surprisingly, the only activity to see a dip is uploading videos to video sharing sites. 让人意外的是,唯一出现下滑的是视频分享网站的上传活动。
A typical optocoupler made up of two electronic assembles: An IR LED and an output optoelectronic detector which are integrated into a DIP. 典型的光耦合器是将两个电子组件-红外(IR)发光二极管(LED)和输出光电探测器集合到一个双列直插式封装(DIP)中。
If China's rebound were to fizzle, it could easily drag the rest of the world into a double-dip recession. 如果中国的复苏夭折,全球其它地区很可能受到拖累,从而陷入“双底”型衰退。
About a year later, the company was again experiencing a slight dip in sales, combined with serious product problems. 约一年后,公司销售量又有轻微下滑,而且还有严重的产品问题。
Waiting for call to begin. Share are up in after-hours trading, and have made up for the dip earlier today on the Steve Jobs health news. 00等待电话会议开始。股票在交易几个小时后开始上涨,已经改变了今天早些时候公布史蒂夫健康状况时的低迷走势。
Encouragingly, more than three-quarters of those surveyed did not expect the world to slip back into a "double-dip" recession. 令人鼓舞的是,逾四分之三受调查投资者认为全球不会坠入“二次衰退”。
Only a few kilometers out of Basu, a dip in the road seemingly as deep as the Tiger Leaping Gorge suddenly appears. 开出八宿才几公里,路面就骤然下降,似乎有虎跳峡那样深。
Market participants are trying to determine if last week's pullback was a temporary dip on the way up, or a sign of more weakness to come. 市场投资者正试图判明上周的回落是上涨趋势中的短暂回落,或着预示更大的下跌。
said Pado, who added that he does expect something of a dip in the markets in September. 他补充称,自己确实认为市场会在9月份有所下滑。
Another might be whether the U. S. will plunge into a double-dip recession. 另外一个可能是美国是否会深陷衰退的泥潭无法自拔。
Darryl: Yeah, but I don't want to stay long, so let's make it a dap and dip. 那就去吧,不过我可不想多呆,顶多就打个照面就走人。
He said Sony Ericsson could not think this was just a short-term dip and that next year "everything will be rosy again. " 他表示,索爱不能认为,目前的下滑只是短暂的,而到了明年“一切都会重现光明。”
About half a year later, the company is experiencing a dip in sales, combined with serious product problems. 大约半年之后,公司正经历着一次销售滑坡,还伴随着严重的产品问题。
"Growth was always likely to slow once these boosts began to fade. However, this slowdown need not develop into a double dip. " “一旦刺激措施开始结束,增长总是可能会放慢,但这不需要演变为双底衰退。”
Nouriel Roubini of New York University said the UK data suggested "the risk of a double-dip or long-term stagnation are not done forever" . 美国纽约大学(NewYorkUniversity)的鲁里埃尔•鲁比尼(NourielRoubini)表示,英国数据表明“二次探底或长期停滞的风险尚未永远消失”。
I thought about it a little bit and said, 'Know what? I'm gonna just dip my wheels in gold. ' 我想了一会然后说,‘知道么,我要把它涂成金色。’
Coard said he had not expected the two-year yield to dip much below 0. 50 percent but that Treasuries at current levels seemed overbought. Coard称,预计两年期公债收益率不会跌至远低于0.5%之下,但以目前的水平来看,公债超买。
"People think they are just swimming in water when they go for a dip in the sea, " he said. "In fact, they are bathing in a plankton soup. " 他说:“人们以为他们去海里泡一泡仅仅是游泳而已,事实上,他们是在一大锅浮游生物汤里洗澡。”
"If earnings come through and we don't double-dip, we could end up in positive territory for the year, " he said. “如果盈利不错且不发生二次衰退,今年年底时股市可能录得涨幅。”他说。
And of Asher he said, Let Asher be blessed with children; let him be acceptable to his brethren, and let him dip his foot in oil. 论亚设说,愿亚设享受多子的福乐,得他弟兄的喜悦,可以把脚蘸在油中。
Dip the cotton wick of the candle into a bit of the honey, and shake off the excess. 用蜡烛上的棉花芯蘸一点蜂蜜,然后甩去棉花芯上过量的蜂蜜。
In Asia, prices of hot dip galvanized sheets and electrolytic galvanized sheets have continued to fall since the beginning of this year. 亚洲自今年开始,其热镀白铁皮和电解白铁皮的价格就在持续下跌。
Yes, you could make the case that this season's Premier League was mediocre, with a general dip in the quality of football. 是的,你可以说,本赛季的英超联赛有点平庸,足球比赛的质量下降。
If it is a year, Mr. Sam said his severance will cover him, but after that he would have to dip into savings. 山姆先生说,他的解雇费可以让他维持一年时间,如果要等更长的时间,他就要动用积蓄了。
For a plate of fine scratches, can be used to dip in a little dilute sulfuric acid with a soft brush on scratch Office for processing. 差于印版上的划痕,可以用细毛笔蘸极众稀硫酸涂在划痕处办理。
He said the economy will dip down into negative GDP growth soon, necessitating a second stimulus program. 他认为,经济将迅速跌入负增长,这就需要第二个刺激计划。
"The chance of a double dip is rapidly going away, " he said. "This could be the makings of a good recovery. " 他表示:“出现双底型衰退的可能性正迅速消退。这有望带来良性复苏。”
But at least the economy now has more momentum than expected, which suggests that fears of a double-dip recession have been overdone. 但是至少可以看到现在的经济势头要比预期的好,这说明当初对于经济再度衰退的担忧是有些过头了。
Dip his right forefinger into the oil in his palm, and with his finger sprinkle some of it before the Lord seven times. 把右手的一个指头蘸在左手的油里,在耶和华面前用指头弹七次。