
美 [dɪp]英 [dɪp]
  • v.浸;蘸;下沉;把(汽车前灯的)远光调为近光;浸;濡湿;浸染;汲取
  • n.浏览;游一游;泡一泡;(通常指暂时的)减少;俯角;泡;洗浴;凹下
  • 网络浸入;没有降低

过去式:dipped 过去式:dipt 现在分词:dipping 第三人称单数:dips

take dip,dip pen,dip finger,dip sheep


v. n.

1.[t]蘸;浸to put sth quickly into a liquid and take it out again

2.[i][t](使)下降,下沉to go downwards or to a lower level; to make sth do this


dip into your pocket

花钱;掏腰包to spend some of your own money on sth

dip a toe in/into sth|dip a toe in/into the water

涉足试试;试做to start doing sth very carefully to see if it will be successful or not

大学英语六级词汇真题练习题 ... ) twisted 扭曲 ) dipped ) haunted 折磨 ...


考博英语词汇参考之六级词汇 - 考博网 ... ... drowned 溺水 dipped 浸入 induce 引起 ...



Myth's river-where his mother dipped him, fished him, a slippery golden boy flow ed on, his name on its lips. 神话之河———他母亲浸泡、捞取他的地方,一个滑溜溜的金童流过,他的名字在其唇上;
The U. S. unemployment rate dipped in March to its lowest level in two years, and President Barack Obama hailed the "good news. " 美国3月份失业率下降到两年来的最低水平。美国总统奥巴马称赞说,这是“好消息”。
A navy pilot on a routine flight had given in to mild curiosity and dipped his aircraft to inspect what he thought was an oil slick. 海军一名飞行员在例行飞翔途中,看见海面上似乎有浮油,微觉奇怪,忍不住稍稍低飞察看。
Sushi made with seaweed tends to be a little higher in sodium, as is the soy sauce that each piece is dipped in. 用海草做的寿司钠含量挺高的,就像用酱油浸过一样。
He took out a long-handled squeegee, dipped it into the toilet and then used it to clean the mirror. 他拿出一个长把的橡胶滚轴,把它浸在马桶里,然后用它擦拭镜子。
There was nothing remarkable about the pen, excepting that it had been dipped too deeply in the ink, but it was proud of that. 有没有什么显着的笔,除,它一直浸在油墨过深,但它为此感到自豪。
And He is clothed with a garment dipped in blood; and His name is called the Word of God. 他穿著蘸过血的衣服,他的名称为神的话。
For the walls and doors of such a smooth surface, using an old cloth or sponge dipped in mild detergent solution, scrub enough. 对于墙和门这类光滑的表面,用旧布或海绵蘸取温和的洗衣粉溶液擦洗就足够了。
And he was clothed with a vesture dipped in blood: and his name is called The Word of God. 他穿着溅了血的衣服。他的名称为神之道。
The chemistry teacher dipped his finger into the mixture and took it out of it. 化学老师把一个指头伸进混合液里,立刻又拿了出来。
His mass said, he broke his fast on rye bread dipped in the milk of his own cows. 弥撒经念过以后,作为早餐,他吃一块黑麦面包,蘸着自家的牛的乳汁。
Father bound the celery together with a rope and dipped it in the stream for a while before he took it to the market for sale. 父亲用绳子把芹菜扎在一起,放在河里浸了浸,然后拿到菜场去卖。
At last he came to a stream. He sat on the bank and dipped his feet in the cool water. 最后,男子经过一条河,他坐到河边,将双脚浸入冰凉的水中。
Almost a year later, sales again dipped when a key global product had to be recalled. 差不多一年之后,当一个关键的全球性的产品不得不召回时销售额又一次下降。
Hunter looked down at his board and he took out an inking pen and dipped it and began to ink in his drawing. 亨特低头望着画板,他摸出一支墨水笔,蘸了一下,开始在画上上墨。
The statue, which looks a bit like the young Mr. Warhol dipped in silver paint, is fast becoming a favorite downtown attraction. 那座雕像,外表看起来有点像正年轻的Warhol先生整个儿浸泡在银光闪闪的油漆里。它很快成为了城里最吸引目光的东西。
After a while they may be taken out with chopsticks and, before eating, dipped in a sauce prepared in advance. 煮一会后再用筷子捞出,然后在吃之前先蘸一些事先准备好的调味汁。
With an air of genuine concern, the man rushed to her, dipped his fingers in the glass, and sprinkled some water on her face. 他,带着真正关切的神情,冲过去,手指蘸上杯子里的水,往她脸上洒。
Inventory levels across the U. S. market dipped in July as a range of popular models began to run short on dealer lots. 7月美国汽车市场的库存下降,因一系列畅销车型开始缺货。
"I know. It's fine. We'll talk about it later, " I said, ready to not think about it anymore as I dipped my roller. “我明白。没事儿。我们可以以后再谈,”我一边说,一边把滚刷蘸上油漆,不打算再想这事了。
She's hoping to develop a small strip or stick that would turn a certain color if dipped into a drink that had been spiked with roofies. 她希望研发一种小纸条或是小棒,如果把它浸入已经加入迷奸药的饮品中就能变成某种颜色。
He then dipped it into the cup . After a few seconds he took his finger out . 然后他浸在杯子里的那个特区几秒钟就带着他的手指。
In the wet process the work after pickling and rinsing is dipped through a flux layer floating on the surface of the zinc bath. 在湿法工艺酸洗和冲洗后的工作是透过通量下降对锌浴表面浮层。
A rise, I can see that 10 million umbrella bamboo sword dipped down in the gap, those gorgeous sword colorful, dazzling! 一抬头,我还能看到千万把利剑竹林伞的缝隙中斜射下来,那些利剑五彩斑斓,令人眼花缭乱!
then acrobat returned to his element, dipped, zoomed, and sailed out to dive for a fish. 然后它又开始了它的特技表演,俯冲、收翼,一头冲入水中去抓鱼。
Mr. Pan was quite overwhelmed. He took the writing brush and dipped it in the ink. 潘先生觉得这当儿很有点意味,按了笔便在墨盆里蘸墨汁。
The paint with which they were smeared, intensified in hue by the sunlight, imparted to them a look of having been dipped in liquid fire. 十字架上漆的红色油漆,让太阳的光线一照,它的色彩就显得更加艳丽,让人看上去觉得十字架好像是被浸泡在红色的液体火焰里一样。
A few drops of a detection liquid are placed on a pad that has been dipped into a drink. 滴几滴这种测试液在浸过饮品的小垫上。
Even after spending hours alone, huddling in temperatures that dipped below -15C, the teen appeared to be in decent shape. 即便独自度过了那么多个钟头,在零下15摄氏度的气温中蜷缩成一团,他看上去依旧状态良好。
He dipped his head under the water and dived to the bottom. 它把头浸入水里,潜至水底。