
美 [daɪˈrekʃ(ə)n]英 [daɪ'rekʃ(ə)n]
  • n.方向;指示;指导;方面


right direction,opposite direction,same direction,wrong direction,reverse direction
change direction,set direction,determine direction,indicate direction,take direction


With her luggage in her hands, the girl stood looking round in all directions, but apparently no one had come to meet her. 这个女学生提着她的行李,在站台外东张西望,却看不见有接她的人。
One of the best pieces of advice Lemov ever received as a novice teacher was to stand still when giving directions to a class. 在作为一个教师初出茅庐的时候,Lemo收到的最有用的一条建议是在给全班进行指示的时候站着别动。
Eventually the chicken learns to turn in the desired directions, and a sequence of these form a dance. 终于,小鸡学会了按训练人的意图转来转去,这样连成一串结果就成了跳舞。
If it had occurred to them to separate into two squads, and to go in both directions, Jean Valjean would have been captured. 班长下令向左转沿塞纳河坡岸前进。如果他想到分成两组朝两个方向去,冉阿让就被捕了。
It certainly sets the stage for you to expand on this example and take it in all sorts of new and interesting directions. 当然,本文也为您打好了一个基础,您可以扩展这个例子,尝试各种新的、有趣的方面。
Dutch design always seems to be one step ahead of convention, setting new directions in design and architecture. 而荷兰建筑设计似乎总会领先于传统一步,为建筑设计制定新方向。
Skywalker would remember this as the political fallout from Dooku's death and the continued Clone Wars tugged him in different directions. 天行者将把这看成杜库死后的政治效应:持续的克隆人战争把他拖向不同的方向。
The doctor came that day to see Natasha, and gave directions for the powders to be continued that he had begun prescribing a fortnight ago. 这天,医生来看娜塔莎,吩咐她继续服他在两个星期前最后开的那些药粉。
But the fragrance of the virtuous blows against the wind . Truly the virtuous man pervades all directions with the fragrance of his virtue. 只有具德者之香才能逆风吹送,具德者之香能吹送至一切方向。
We have enough sense to realize that the easiest way to get out of being lost is to ask for directions. 我们拥有足够的常识知道摆脱迷路的办法就是开口问路。
It is unclear why news should be treated differently from any other form of online content that Google provides directions to for free. 相比于谷歌免费提供索引的任何其它形式的在线内容,新闻为什么就该受到区别对待呢?
His ambiguous directions misled us; we did not know which road to take. 他那模棱两可的指点把我们引错了方向;我们不知道该走哪一条路。
Encourages people to ask questions, especially after giving directions or at the end of a learning unit, activity or exercise. 鼓励学员提问题,特别是给出提示以后,或者是在学习单元,活动或者练习的尾声。
Circular 50, Circular 171 and Circular 192 all seem to lead in different directions, but away from his goal of the next closed deal. 第50号文、第171号文和第192号文似乎都各有不同方向,但都与他达成下一个交易的目标背道而驰。
It said it was down in Pioneer Square and gave him directions for him to go and get that artifact and use it in his presentation. 它说它是下在先锋中一致而且为他给予了他方向在他的发表中去而且拿那个人工品而且使用它。
"Before cars had GPS systems, he'd use it so he wouldn't have to ask for directions, " says his wife, Linda, a teacher. 他的妻子琳达(琳达是个教师)常说:“以前车上还没有GPS系统时,他就常用这东西找路,以免麻烦去问人家。”
Trying to follow their directions was nothing but grief. 照著他们的方向尝。
Finally, the Rabbi escaped and headed for the nearest town, winding up in the Urals instead, because he was ashamed to ask directions. 最后,这位拉比逃跑了,逃向最近的镇子,结果却到了乌拉尔山区,因为他耻于问路。
Her stretchy solar cells are pleated like an accordion and are able to expand up to 30 percent extra in two directions. 她的弹性太阳能电池有像手风琴一样的褶皱,并能在两个方向上延伸多达30%。
It was the main instrument for the formulation of religious ideas in the Near East, which then spread in all directions all over the world. 它是简洁地表达近东宗教思想的主要器具,然后是向各个方向遍布整个世界。
That part of a luminaire designed to reflect the luminous flux of the lamps in required directions by means of specular reflection . 灯具中被设计成利用镜面反射来在所需的方向上反射光源光通量的那部分。
Computer scientists use the word algorithm to describe such a set of directions. 计算机的科学家用algorithm(运算法则)这个词来描述它(那套方法步骤)。
The said valve may independently perform the adjustment of flow rate of normal and reverse directions in an air pipeline. 该阀可以独立地实现气路中正、反两个方向的流量调节。
His uncertain directions confused us; we did not know which of the two roposters to take. 他的闪烁其词的指导使我们很诱惑以至于我们不知道该走哪条路了。
Everyone's got a Prince Charming. Mine just took a wrong turning got lost and is too stubborn to ask for directions. 每个女孩儿都会有一个白马王子的,我的那位么,只是来的路上走错了一个岔路,还不好意思问路过来罢了。
But on very overcast days those clock-shifted pigeons are just as good as normal pigeons in starting out in the right directions. 可在乌云蔽日这时那些生物钟已经改变了的信鸽在沿正确的方向起飞前行方面仍像正常的鸽子那样,做得非常好。
On Sunday, he said, 'it was like a fire alarm went off and people ran in all directions. ' 他周日表示,这就像火警响过之后人们四散奔命一样。
Situated at the top of a hilly landscape, the hotel's rooftop deck provides panoramic views of the city and the sea in all directions. 坐落在一个丘陵景观的顶部的旅店的屋顶甲板上,可以看到四面的城市和大海美景。
Automatically generates the code with your personalized message including easy to follow placement directions. 自动生成的代码与您的个性化信息,包括容易后续的就业方向。
My lungs inflate with a deep breath of air, and I stretch my limbs out in all directions for about two seconds. 我的肺深深地吸了口空气,然后在接下来的两秒内自由地伸展我的四肢。