
美 [daɪˈrekt]英 [daɪ'rekt]
  • v.指导;指挥;【影视】导演;命令
  • adj.明白的;一直线的;正面的;直接的
  • adv.一直
  • 网络引导

第三人称单数:directs 现在分词:directing 过去式:directed

direct control,direct access,direct result,direct way,direct connection
direct production,direct operation,direct traffic,direct play,direct development
go direct



The mayor directs all city... ... Mayor 市长 Directs 指导 City agencies 市部门 ...


...没有被民法和教会法注意到;我"[培根说:]'物理学引导(directs)我们走狭窄崎岖的小径,因为它是自然本性再现在(upon)各种对象 …


ftp isu edu tw - 义守大学档案伺服器_馆档网 ... directoryaselect 目录选择 directs 直接 disabled 被取消 ...

Dr. McCullough directs his book to the children of elderly parents, and he pegs it to the story of his mother. 麦克科鲁斯医生把他的书寄给老人的子女们,并附上了他母亲的故事。
Another transportation security officer directs me to enter an advanced imaging technology machine, also known as a body scanner. 另一名交安局安检员要求我接受先进扫描机的检查,即所谓的人体扫描机。
The fees paid by a judicial trustee may be deducted out of the income of the trust property unless the court otherwise directs. 除非法院另有指示,否则由司法受托人缴付的费用,可从信托财产的收益中扣除。
What's more, says David Keith who directs the University of Calgary's Energy and Environmental Systems Group, it would be pretty easy to do. 而且,卡尔加里大学能源和环境系统小组的负责人大卫·基思说,要这么做很容易。
But the moment the fungus directs an ant tobite a leaf is at least partly dependent on environmental conditions, Hughesadded. 但真菌指引蚂蚁咬树叶的时刻却在一定程度上至少取决于环境条件,休斯补充道。
There is no central controller which directs the body where to put each foot or how high to lift a leg should there be an obstacle ahead. 没有所谓的中央控制器来指导身体把脚放在哪里,或者跨过障碍时要把腿抬多高。
Since Ma continues to work on the cinematography of the films he directs, all that hard-earned knowledge is still useful. 自从马继续工作,对电影艺术的电影,他指示,一切都是辛苦赚来的知识仍然是有用的。
The senate even directs the present and future consuls and praetors to see to it that no injurious consequences to her follow. 元老院甚至责成现在的和将来的执政官和大法官注意不要使她因此遭到任何烦恼。
On a computer, they've positioned the turbines close enough together that as one spins, it then directs the wind to its neighbor. 在电脑模拟中,这些新式的涡轮可以密集放置,旋转时看上去就像一体,这样可以有效将风力导向隔壁的涡轮机。
It also directs readers to further sources for information and explains why creation science has no place in the classroom. 此外,也提供资讯,指引读者做进一步的研究,并说明「创造科学」不应进入课堂的理由。
If you approach a red light and a traffic officer directs you to go through the intersection without stopping, what should you do? 如果在红灯时交通警指示你穿过十字路口,你应如何?
The system directs the facilities administrator to the Company Property pages to issue the appropriate company property to the new hire. 系统指引设施管理员到“公司财产”页面,以便将适当的公司财产发放给新雇员。
Directs and has responsibility for the Company's accounting practices, financial planning, and the preparation of its financial reports. 指导并负责公司的各项会计规范,财务计划及报告;
By day the LORD directs his love, at night his song is with me- a prayer to the God of my life. 白昼耶和华必向我施慈爱。黑夜我要歌颂祷告赐我生命的神。
Or, to be more precise, they're the roadmap that organizes and directs your business toward meeting its objectives. 更确切一点讲,它就是指导你的企业实现既定目标的路线图。
The lifting cap directs the vapour to flow horizontally into the liquid, thus providing better mixing than is possible in sieve trays. 被掀起的泡罩将蒸气水平引入液层,从而提供比筛板塔盘更佳的汽液混合效果。
Switch directs Visual Studio to load as if the Visual Studio SDK developer license key was not present. 开关会使VisualStudio在加载时就像没有提供VisualStudioSDK开发人员许可证密钥一样。
If prayer is a way of life for you, select the subject "favor with God" and pray as the Spirit of the Lord directs [11] you. 如果祷告对你来说是一种生活的方式,请选择第一阶主题:“得神喜悦”,并顺从圣灵带领你的方向祷告。
WebSphere CloudBurst directs you to the virtual systems page where you can monitor the deployment status of your system. WebSphereCloudBurst转入虚拟系统页面,可以在那里监视系统的部署状态。
The false tao is like an abusive dictator that directs through force and fear, and may be respected but unloved . 虚假道就象暴虐的独裁者,通过强迫和恐惧来指挥,并被尊敬,但是不被爱。
It directs participants to ask their partners open-ended questions that go beyond talk of household and kid logistics. 它还指导参与者向伴侣提一些开放性问题,话题内容要超出家务和照料孩子的范围。
In the light of a dynamic utility function and cost-return trade-off, government directs the changes of financial institution. 政府根据动态效用函数和收益成本原则,主导中国金融制度变迁。
Directs EHS audit of the company to detect potential accident and health hazards, and recommend corrective or preventative action. 负责公司EHS的审查工作,以发现可预防安全事件和健康危害,并且提供改善和防护措施。
From exile in Dubai he directs his red-shirted followers, known as the United Front for Democracy Against Dictatorship (UDD). 流亡迪拜的他亲自指挥其红衫追随者,即众所周知的反独裁民主联盟(UDD)。
Professor Perlman developed what he calls a suicide molecule. It acts like the protein that directs cells to self-destruct. 普尔曼教授开发出了一种他称为自杀分子的物质,与该种蛋白质作用相同,引导细胞自行毁灭。
Maybe just because of this he thinks simply. In each phase of his life, there's only one goal in his heart which directs him to keep going. 也许正是因为如此,他的思维非常的简单,在他生命的每一个阶段,阿甘的心中只有一个目标在指引着他。
Think not you can direct the course of love, If it finds you worthy, directs your course. Love has not other desire but to fulfill itself. 不要想你能引导爱的路程,因为若是他觉得你值得,他就引导你。爱没有别的愿望,只要成全自已。
The next thing I know she directs me back onto the conveyor belt, which has reversed itself and is now heading downstairs. 接下来她让我回到传送带上,传送带这时又改变方向往下走了。
The lance has a hood that directs both a flow of liquid cryogen and a flow of vaporous gas toward the metal surface. 所述喷管具有朝金属表面引导液体制冷剂流和蒸气流的罩盖。
The Ground Controller directs the pilot across the taxiways to its destination gate at the terminal. 地面管制员指挥飞机滑过滑行道,抵达航站楼的登机口。