
美 [dɪˈzæstər]英 [dɪˈzɑːstə(r)]
  • n.灾害;灾难;灾祸;不幸
  • 网络天灾;祸患;大祸


natural disaster,major disaster,terrible disaster,utter disaster,total disaster
avert disaster,spell disaster,avoid disaster,cause disaster,suffer disaster



1.[c]灾难;灾祸;灾害an unexpected event, such as a very bad accident, a flood or a fire, that kills a lot of people or causes a lot of damage

2.[c][u]不幸;祸患a very bad situation that causes problems

3.[c][u](informal)彻底失败的人(或事)a complete failure


高一英语单词表 - 豆丁网 ... scare vt 恐吓 disaster n 灾难;灾祸 finally adv 最后;终于 ...


虐字的解释---在线新华字典 ... 轻视;忽视〖 despise;overlook〗 灾害disaster〗 同本义〖 brutal;cruel;andferocious〗 ...


高一英语单词表 - 豆丁网 ... scare vt 恐吓 disaster n 灾难;灾祸 finally adv 最后;终于 ...


大学英语精读单词表(第三册) - 豆丁网 ... mule n. 骡 disaster n. 天灾; 灾祸 line n. 战线, 防线 ...


戾字的解释---在线新华字典 ... 罪恶,罪行〖 crime〗 祸患disaster〗 通“疠”。疫病〖 pestilence〗 ...


新概念第三册全套课文讲解及笔记 - 豆丁网 ... foretell 强 主语是人) disaster n. 灾难,不幸 (比 lost vi. 迷失(通常与介词 ...


大学英语四级单词集锦 D 开头_百度文库 ... disappoint vt. 使失望,使受挫折 disaster n. 灾难,灾祸;天灾 disk n. 圆盘,唱片…


大学英语自学教程(上册) _ Unit 19 ... 烟雾 n. smog 灾难,大祸 n. disaster 污染 n. pollution ...

Assuming you can back up the active log after a disaster occurs, you can restore the database up to the point of failure without data loss. 假定可以在发生严重故障后备份活动日志,则可将数据库一直还原到没有发生数据丢失的故障点处。
Analysts said images and reports from Japan's disaster zone so far did not suggest a major economic disaster. 分析师表示,迄今来自日本灾区的图片和报导没有显示造成重大经济灾害。
The consent of the head of the consular post may be assumed in case of fire or other disaster requiring prompt protective action. 遇有火灾或者其他灾害须迅速采取保护行动时,可以推定领馆馆长已经同意。
He says each family needs a plan in place in case of a disaster, when phone services may be down and travel difficult. 他指出,每个家庭都需要一个适当的计划以防突如其来的灾难,到时候电话服务可能会有故障、交通也可能很困难。
With a frown and a resigned shrug I take my seat, watching as the screen in front of me replays my disaster of a shot again and again. 我皱了皱眉,无奈地耸肩坐下,看着眼前的屏幕一遍又一遍地重播着我糟糕的一击。
He said the outpouring of support from Han Chinese in the wake of the disaster 'will touch Tibetan peoples' hearts. ' 他说,地震后汉族人提供的大量援助将使藏族人民从内心中觉得感动。
There seems to be controversy every time this guy opens his mouth. This administration is a disaster! 看起来,每当这个家伙翻开嘴巴,就会带来争议。现任政府是个祸患!
It sort of skips along within reach of disaster, but uses the power of falling to propel itself forward with grace. 虽然在面对灾难的时候许多人都在寻求逃避,但是我们要利用跌倒的力量继续向前以铸就辉煌。
There does not appear to be any serious plan for dealing with chaos in Libya, which could quickly turn into a humanitarian disaster. 在应对利比亚混乱方面,好像并没有提上日常,这将很快被证明是人道主义灾难。
If you're feeling frustrated or overwhelmed by the news of a disaster, volunteering to help can be a great way to cope. 如果你因为一场灾难而变得灰心丧气或不知所措,那么成为一个志愿者帮助他人将会是一个不错的解决方式。
A few Arab leaders recognise that water and energy profligacy must be curbed if ecological disaster is to be avoided. 一些阿拉伯国家领导人意识到,如果要避免生态灾难,必须遏制对水和能源的浪费。
Even under the impending edge of the knife of disaster, he might be able to think more, and more, and more. 即使是灾难的刀锋快架到他头上来,他还能多想想,多想想,再想想。
It might be possible to make a convincing case for an air strike on Iran if you could somehow erase the memory of the disaster of Iraq. 如果你能以某种方式抹去伊拉克灾难的记忆,那么让空袭伊朗的主张变得令人信服或许是有可能的。
Americans always look at the bright side, whether or not there is one, and if possible accentuate the positive of every disaster. 美国人总看事情光明的一面,不论是否有光明的一面,而且如有可能,就强调每场灾难的积极意义。
She said she lost a brother and his wife and a nephew in the disaster. 她说自己的兄嫂和侄子都死于地震。
It would be depressing if top politicians forgot how close the world economy came to disaster just over a year ago. 如果高层政界人士忘记世界经济仅在一年多以前是多么接近灾难边缘,那将是令人郁闷的。
Also had is civilized society's people regards him is not the before strong person image, to his view was an air disaster survivor. 还有就是文明社会的人看待他也不是以前的强人形象,对他的看法就是一个空难的幸存者。
If the captain of the Titanic had not gone down with the ship, would he have blamed the iceberg for the disaster? 如果铁达尼号的船长没有随船沉没,他会责备造成这场灾难的冰山吗?
As long as we unite as one, united and face up to the disaster, will certainly be able to win a complete victory in earthquake relief. 只要我们万众一心、众志成城,勇敢地面对灾难,一定能夺取抗震救灾的全面胜利。
Thus began what was for many the only eyewitness account of the worst natural disaster in our nation's history. 就这样,这个博客开启了对美国有史以来最严重的自然灾害的现场报道。
First of all, I'd like to ask all the male population, do you reckon your life a disaster to your parents, or at least a heavy burden? 首先请教所有男同胞,是否认为自己是父母这一生的大包袱?
When a trumpet sounds in a city, do not the people tremble? When disaster comes to a city, has not the Lord caused it? 城中若吹角,百姓岂不惊恐呢?灾祸若临到一城,岂非耶和华所降的吗?
He said the poor condition of the earthquake and tsunami disaster, the rescue team can come and help, he is very grateful. 他说,地震海啸灾区的条件不好,救援队能前来帮助,他十分感谢。
Nothing could really inspire me at all. It was truly a hard time for me, a life of disaster. 已经没有什麽东西能让我感动了!那是一段无情的折磨…是我人生的一段悲哀~。
When you make any other configuration changes, take a snapshot of the configuration data, and transfer it to the disaster data center. 进行任何其他配置更改时,请捕获配置数据的快照并将其传输到灾难数据中心。
I did not know those people who encountered disaster together with me. 我不知道那些与我同时遭遇灾难的人是谁。
"Unless you're part of a team before the disaster happens with a formal mission, you're going to be part of the problem, " she said. “除非你是灾难发生前执行普通任务小组的一员,否则你将成为一个问题。”她说。
A spokesman for Afghan President Hamid Karzai said the escape was a "disaster" which should never have happened. 阿总统阿米德卡尔扎伊的一位发言人称,这次的越狱事件是一次不应该发生的“灾难”。
RalphinFL Think how much fun a 200 mile per hour train derailing in an urban area would be. What an idea for a disaster movie. 时速200公里的火车竟然在市区里出轨是多么搞笑的一件事情,作为灾难片倒是一个不错的点子。
The spread of oil on the water's surface in April was a clue used to determine the size of the leak from the Gulf of Mexico rig disaster. 墨西哥湾泄漏原油在水面扩散,4月,科学家将此作为评估此次灾难影响的线索。