
美 [dɪˈvɪʒ(ə)n]英 [dɪ'vɪʒ(ə)n]
  • n.师;分配;分开;分歧
  • 网络除法;部门;分割


division make,base division,heal division
fair division,clear division,sharp division,pacific division



分成若干部分into separate parts

1.[u][sing]分开;分隔;分配;(分出来的)部分the process or result of dividing into separate parts; the process or result of dividing sth or sharing it out


2.[u]除(法)the process of dividing one number by another


3.[c][u]分歧;不和;差异a disagreement or difference in opinion, way of life, etc., especially between members of a society or an organization

部门part of organization

4.[cspv](机构的)部门a large and important unit or section of an organization

体育运动in sport

5.[cspv](英国体育运动,尤指足球比赛的)级(in Britain) one of the group of teams that a sport competition is divided into, especially in football ( soccer )

军队编制part of army

6.[cspv]师a unit of an army, consisting of several brigades or regiments


7.[c]分界线a line that divides sth

议会in parliament

8.[c](英国议会的)分组表决the separation of members of the British parliament into groups to vote for or against sth


除字的解释---在线新华字典 ... 除掉〖 mopup〗 除法division〗 除非〖 onlyif;onlywhen〗 ...


服装英语2 ... discrepancy 差异 division 部门,组别 documentary secretary 单证员 ...


医学英语教程_百度文库 ... occasion 偶然原因,近因,时机 division 分割,分开 vision 视力,视觉 ...

党卫军 - 二次大战 - 全球防务 ... 党卫军“帝国”师( Das Reich) “维京”DIVISION“WIKING”) 党卫军“帝国”师( Reich) ...


医学英语教程_百度文库 ... occasion 偶然原因,近因,时机 division 分割,分开 vision 视力,视觉 ...


打电话找某人的英语情景对话 ... sale n. 出售,出卖 division n. 分,分割,分裂 urgent a. 紧迫的,催促的 ...

So far, those who have spoken publicly on the issue have distinguished between the British newspaper division and the America-based company. 迄今为止,那些公开讨论这件事情的人都把新闻集团的英国报业部分跟美国公司区分开来。
They took me to the homicide division, and played a cassette tape on which a man I knew named Kevin Freeman accused me of shooting a man. 他们把我带到了杀人犯区审讯,播放一盒录音带,在这段录音中,我认识的一个名叫凯文·弗里曼的人指控我开枪射死了一名男子。
When he had first taken over the division, Clement had taken the time to talk to each and every one of his special agents. 克莱门特刚接管CID的时候,曾专门花时间与他手下的每一位特工进行了交谈。
Unlike the United States, China's constitution does not provide for a division of power among the various tiers of government. 不同于美国的是,中国宪法没有规定各级政府有类似议会的权利机构。
Interior division, interior designer, home decoration friends ready to take a look at the British indoor decorative art! 室内装饰师,室内设计师,准备装修家里的朋友都可以看看,英国的室内装饰艺术!
Division(Force) hospital is often located on the frontage of sanitation employment. 师(旅)医院处于卫生工作的前沿。
It is not clear how much money Huawei could raise from a sale of a stake in the division, which is being arranged by Morgan Stanley. 目前尚不确定华为可能从出售该部门股份中筹集多少资金。此笔交易由摩根士丹利(MorganStanley)安排。
It dominated the English game before the war and has never been relegated out of the top division. 战前它主宰英国足球比赛而且从未被降级出甲级球队。
He did not know her, and she was speculating on the division made bare by their degrees of the knowledge, a deep cleft. 他不了解她,她思索着由于他们知识水平的不同而造成的赤裸裸的分裂,这是一个深深的裂纹。
An important part of any kampfgruppe was a halftrack -borne artillery observation party from the division's artillery regiment. 所有战斗群的一个重要组成部分就是师属炮兵团的半履带炮兵观测车。
He said the GW2 gene might affect grain size by regulating the cell division cycle. 林鸿萱说GW2基因可能通过调控细胞分裂周期来影响谷粒尺寸。
Lie between a day to tell a boss this thing in the morning, at it is the boss asks a geomantic division to see that room. 隔天早上将这件事告诉老板,于是老板请一位风水师来看那间房间。
To stop the division and the long-existing feud between senior Somali politicians, I decided to step down from my position. 为了停止索马里高级政客之间的分歧和长期的争执,我决定辞去我的职务。
Others have explained our insistence on a fair division by citing the need, for our ancestors, to be sheltered by a strong group. 其他学者则将人们坚持公平分享,归因于我们的祖先必须依附在强大团体的庇护下。
Division of the public and private spheres is one of the core issues of dealing with the relations between the state and citizens. 公共领域和私人领域的划分是处理国家和公民关系的核心问题之一。
Heavier taxation might narrow the division between rich and poor, but it would be a hollow triumph if it stifled the economy. 加大税收力度也许会缩小贫富间的差距,但如果它抑制了经济的发展,那也只是毫无意义的成就。
A preliminary division, like the limited conception from which it comes, can only be an anticipation. 正如对理念的认识一样,对各部门的划分只能是预想的东西。
To mollify him, Chiang at least approved his earlier recommendation for a second Thirty Division plan. Designated the ZEBRA Force by U. 为了平息他的不满,蒋介石至少还是批准了史迪威此前提出的,武装第二批30个师美械师的计划。
Compared with other cultures, members of a civilization are organized into a diverse division of labor and an intricate social hierarchy. 和其他文化相比,文明的成员被组织成为不同的劳动类别和错综的社会层次。
The average age of these officers was thirty in the regiment, thirty-five in a brigade, forty or over in a division. 军官的平均年龄是:团一级三十岁,旅三十五岁,师是四十岁以上。
After the encirclement of the German 9th Flak Division at Stalingrad it was the only Axis AA defence unit in the area. 在德国第9高炮师陷入斯大林格勒的包围圈后,罗马尼亚防空部队成为轴心国在该地区唯一的防空部队了。
Cancellation of Arts and Sciences Division, and that the title of the sea we are now is not to a greater spread it? 取消文理分科,那我们现在的题海不是要蔓延得更大了吗?
Meiosis is a special form of cell division that takes place in the reproductive organs that produce sex cells. 减数分裂过程中是一种特殊形式的细胞分裂,发生在生殖器官性细胞。
Welcome around the dealers, traders, single customer, or to call the Division I business negotiations. 欢迎各地经销商、贸易商、外单客户致电或来我司洽谈业务。
LINAGE-COUNTER can be referred to in procedure division statements; it must not be modified by them. 可以在程序划分语句中引用LINAGE-COUNTER;但不能用这些语句修改它。
She is a project manager for a mainframe manufacturing division of her company. Her cognitive style tends to be analytical. 安德烈是一个技术专家对于搜索引擎有着很深的理解他是公司制造部的项目经理她的认知风格倾向于解析型
The Americans do not know this iniquitous division of duties and rights; among them the seducer is as much dishonored as his victim. 美国男人决不会理解权利和义务的这种不公平分配,在他们看来,诱奸者和受害者是同样不光采的。
Microsoft said the loss in its ad sales division was due to the significant decline of average rates in display advertising. 微软表示,这一损失主要是由于在线图片广告平均资费的大幅度降低。
Even if Samsung's smart-phone future is up in the air, the company can fall back on a hidden weapon: its semiconductor division. 三星智能手机的命运悬而未决,公司还有一个秘密武器可以依赖:半导体。
Its video-game division, which used to dominate the field and sustain the rest of the company, is expected to make a loss in 2008. 它的视频游戏部门原来在这个领域占支配地位并能帮助维持公司其他部门,但是在2008年可能开始亏损。