
美 [.di aɪ 'waɪ]英 [.diː aɪ 'waɪ]
  • n.自己动手(全写为 do-it-yourself,相对于雇人做)
  • 网络自己动手(do it yourself);自己动手做;自己做




1.自己动手(全写为 do-it-yourself,相对于雇人做)the abbreviation fordo-it-yourself (the activity of making, repairing or decorating things in the home yourself, instead of paying sb to do it)

自己动手(do it yourself)

因此自己动手DIY)制作Hi-Fi音箱成为“发烧友”及音乐爱好者追求的目标。 音箱怎样制作的呢?


Nice to meet you ... VIP 重要人物 DIY 自己动手做 CEO 首席执行官 ...


机器人自己做(DIY)之初步介绍篇(图文) 来源:机器人天空原创  时间:2008-03-19 评论 条  (访问论坛) R…


组装dIY)的电脑就象是在超市里的货物,你愿意怎么要都可以,他可以按照你自己的需要和特点来选择合适的配件,价格经 …

If you don't have one available, use a man's old shirt fixed on a hanger. Button it up and stitch the bottom together. 如果你还没有这样的篮子,只需要把一个男士的旧衬衫固定在衣撑上,将扣子扣上,缝合衬衣的底端就可以diy一个了。
This point is DIY, glass and glass hinge are ready to sell, install it on their own line. 这个DIY一点不难,钢化玻璃和玻璃铰链都有现成的卖,自己安装一下就行了。
with at least 5 years of designing experience, with high ability of DIY as well as able to direct the other designers. 具有5年以上实际设计经验,动手能力强,又能指导其他设计人员工作的设计人才。
This resulted in him bypassing the hairdresser and trying to solve the problem with a cheap DIY dye kit. 结果,他没有去理发店,而是试图用一种便宜的DIY染发工具解决这个问题。
DIY products fully integrate the spirit of each one can think of gardening into the colorful life of a dream of my friends. 产品本身充分结合DIY精神,能让每一位想踏入多姿多彩的园艺生活的朋友们达成梦想。
Says Levine: "DIY is not just a term but a way of life. " 莱文说:“DIY不单单是一个词汇,而是一种生活方式。”
I was trying to make a story to show you, to do DIY BBQ by looking at how I make it here in Nanjing. . . but I made a big mistake! 我本来想写一篇我在南京制作BBQ的故事给你们,展示我是怎样做BBQ的,但是我犯了个错误!
His latest project is a mobile home the size of two tatami mats, made up of DIY assembly parts and with a total cost of 26, 000 yen. 他的最新项目是两个榻榻米大小的流动之家,由DIY组装件组成,总成本为26000日元。
Enter the lightbulb terrarium, a quick and easy DIY project that lends a bit of nature to a bookshelf or table. 进入灯泡的玻璃容器里吧,自己动手,简单又快捷,为书橱或桌子借去一丝生机。
With its number of alternative uses, the onion may induce tears of joy to any DIY pundit. 有了众多另类用法,洋葱可能会让任何一个DIY专家留下喜悦的眼泪。
I decided to pull colors from this DIY wall art that hangs on her wall and have a little fun in her room. 我决定将我自己画的墙纸贴在她房间的墙上,让她的房间看起来很有趣。
I get quite a good discount from the DIY shop in London Road. Oh, that's marvellous. 我可以从伦敦路一家DIY商店中得到很多的折扣。那很了不起。
But I believe there are very few situations where AppConfig won't be able to do the job as well or better than the DIY approach. 但我相信,AppConfig不能做得象DIY一样好或更好这种情况是非常少的。
A statementfrom the Drug Enforcement Agency indicates that this DIY tunnel wasunder construction for two years. 美国缉毒署的声明指出,这条自制的隧道已经建设了两年时间。
In the bath he rubs his feet with them, which seems to induce a trance-like state - a kind of DIY reflexology . 洗盆浴的时候,他总是拿脚在香皂上蹭来蹭去,这使他进入一种恍惚的状态,像是在自己给自己做足底反射按摩。
DIY fruit cups last about a week so you can do up a batch Sunday night and you're good for school. 自己动手做的什锦水果能保存一个星期。你能周日晚上做一批,然后周一孩子上学就有得吃了。
Due to its DIY nature, a true 2. 0 platform would be far less complex to set up and operate, and much easier to adopt. 再者,由于其DIY的系统属性,「企业2.0」平台的建立和运作会完全分派到每个用户手中,非常容易落实,复杂度也大大地降低。
A DIY guide to becoming an MP and a database of the connections between the powerful could soon be created online. 一项关于成为议员以及有权力的人之间联系数据库的DIY指导将会被在线创造出来。
Now, with Thailand's economy slowing sharply, the DIY cash is beginning to flow freely again. 如今,随着泰国的经济再次大幅放缓,这种DIY货币又开始流通起来了。
DIY has been a popular trend, the spread in various industries, custom fashion, custom gift . . . DIY已是流行势头,在各个行业的蔓延,定制时装,定制礼品…
Therefore, from now on, you Bulaqien the Warriors, do not idle when idle, hastened to a DIY world of unprecedented wonders of the task it! 所以,从现在开始,各位布拉奇恩的勇士,闲着的时候别闲着,赶紧DIY一个奇迹世界里前所未有的任务吧!
Hotpot is a traditional way of eating food, the interest of hotpot is the spirit of DIY, which cannot be found in other cate. 火锅是一种传统饮食方法,吃火锅的乐趣就在于自涮自吃,很有DIY精神,这是吃别的菜肴不可能有的乐趣。
"Big box DIY retail is not the model for China, so we're going to try something else, " said Mr Cheshire. “大盒子式的DIY零售模式不适合中国,因此我们打算尝试些别的,”切希尔说。
The company's main product line includes our own brand name "UMAY" , DIY plush and cartoon character plush. 公司自主品牌“一米”。主打DIY原创毛绒系列、原创影视动漫形象延伸产品等。
Like many of the other DIY processor folks, he started small but. Over time, the design and his ambitions for it grew. 和其他DIY处理器的高手类似,一开始的项目都很小,但设计量和他的雄心都随着时间的推移而增长。
Rosen and His DIY MRI: How it works: A patient stands in the scanner, wearing a vest connected to a computer, and inhales magnetized helium. Rosen和他DIY的MRI如何工作:一个患者站在扫描仪中,穿着一件与计算机相连的背心,然后吸入被磁化的氦气。
For instance the Presence in Absence DIY USB Carving Set is for those lovers who stay apart often, yet want a tangible piece of each other. 例如,在无自助的USB雕刻集存在,是那些恋人往往谁留外,还希望对方有形件。
DIY telescope made from car parts, coat hangers and baked bean cans is one of the more unusual attractions. 一款由汽车零部件、衣架以及甜豆罐头组装而成的自制望远镜吸引了很多人驻足观看。
Regardless of your home-preservation instincts and DIY spirit, don't ignore evacuation orders to battle rising floodwaters. 尽管你有着保卫家园的天赋和DIY的精神,无论如何也不要在上涨的洪水前置疏散命令于不顾。
Products beyond the air-cooled liquid as a new generation of high-end cooling solutions, has been more beloved DIY group a cooling mode. 液冷作为超越风冷产品的新一代高端散热解决方案,一直是DIY一族较为钟爱的一种散热方式。