doctor who

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doctor whodoctor who

doctor who


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历代异世奇人(Doctor Who)的名字及经历 [ 欧美 ] doctor who 1 目前没有资料 发问者: peggyok99 ( 小学级 5 级) 发问时间: 20…


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A doctor who worked in a village was very annoyed because many people used to stop him in the street and ask for his advice. 有个医生,他在乡村工作,他觉得很生气,因为很多人过去常常在街上拦住他,征求他的意见。
After it was shuttered, a doctor who was assigned to the camp spent six months fabricating the medical records of every inmate. 在夹边沟被关闭之后,一位医生被派到劳改营,花了六个月的时间为每一名囚犯编造病历。
So Tom went to his doctor who gave him a pill and told him to take it before he went to bed. 于是汤姆找到他的医生,医生给他开了药,并叮嘱他睡前服用。
A man was prescribed Viagra by his doctor who told him to take it one hour before sex. 一男子从医生那里开了一些伟哥,医生告诉他请在做爱前一个小时服用。
According to several sources, the doctor, who waited outside, told her to take in a handbag that was fitted with an electronic device. 根据可靠信息,一名在外面等她的医生叫她背一个带有电子设备的包进去。
In me, I think the world lost a mediocre doctor who's heart would not be in healing - so it was no great loss. 在我看来,我认为世界上少了一个普普通通的没有工作热情的医生,实在是不值一提的小事。
A doctor who said the Venezuelan President Hugo Chavez had less than two years to live has fled the country, saying he feared for his life. 一名称委内瑞拉总统查韦斯活不过两年的医生已逃离本国,他说他担心自己的生命安全。
She was from Upper Montclair, New Jersey, the second of six children of a doctor who was studying to be a priest before he met her mother. 她来自新泽西州的北蒙特克莱,是家中六个孩子中的老二,父亲是个医生。在邂逅丹尼斯的母亲之前,他正在学习,准备当牧师。
If he hasn't sprouted his first tooth by then, talk to your doctor, who can let you know whether or not a visit to the dentist is necessary. 如果到时候他的第一颗牙还没长出来的话,跟你的医生谈谈,他会让你知道到时候有没有必要去看牙医。
We've got to limit it. It's not a pension plan for people who used to be in Doctor Who. 我们得要有所限制。这不是在《神秘博士》里的人物的退休计划。
But for really serious PMS pain, see your doctor, who might be able to prescribe a different medicine or birth control pills to help. 但是,如果疼痛特别严重,建议去看医生,医生可能会开一些不同的药方或者避孕药来缓解疼痛。
The doctor who had volunteered to settled down in the poor village became the chief fable of the villagers. 这个志愿到这个穷村庄落户的医生成了村民们的中心话题。
So she took her baby to another doctor, who told her to wait a year to see if he would "grow out of it. " So Lee waited-and watched. 于是她带孩子去看另一个医生,这位医生建议她观察一年看看他是否可以“健全”。因此李等候着,观察着。
I heard of a doctor who bought the words Be Not Afraid cut out of steel. He wanted to hang the phrase in the children's ward of a hospital. 我听说有一位医生买了一块用金属切割成「不要害怕」的字样挂牌,要在儿童病房内挂着这句话。
The two of us moved as one. We lied to the safety and hope of a doctor who did not confuse diagnosis with verdict. 我们俩像一个人一样慢慢移动,逃到了一个给我们带来安全和希望不会把诊断与裁决混为一谈的医生那里。
She grew up in rural New York: her father was a doctor who made house calls, and her mother was the town mayor. 她在纽约乡村长大:父亲是一名出诊医生,母亲是一位镇长。
Josephine managed to reach and use the chute, whereupon her colleagues rushed her to a doctor, who pumped her stomach. 约瑟芬勉力走到洗衣槽那,滑到下面,由同志紧急送到医生处洗胃。
An hour earlier the doctor who had released Sean told him, "I'm not sure you'll be able to row" -- implying ever. 一个小时前,医生同意马宏升出院时曾告诉他,“我不确定你还能不能划船。”
That didn't work, so the next day she saw a doctor, who started her on an antibiotic and a painkiller. 这并没有起作用,第二天她看了医生,医生给她开了抗生素和止痛药。
He wanted to be a highly skilled doctor who would be able to bring the dying back to life. 他想成为一名能起死回生的神医。
And even the pop culture, I feel like you know I'm very forthcoming. I've never seen Star Trek, I've never. . . I don't know Doctor Who. 甚至是流行文化,我觉得我可以很直率地说。我从没看过《星际迷航》,我也从没……我也不知道
Jenny insisted that the doctor who operated on her husband should take full responsibility for this medical accident. 珍妮坚持给她丈夫动手术的那位大夫应对这起医疗事故负完全责任。
A doctor who accompanied Ozawa said the cancer is in an early stage. 发布会期间陪在他旁边的医生称,癌症处于早期。
Creative mug shaped like the time machine from the British science fiction television series Doctor Who. 造型像英国科幻小说电视连续剧《神秘博士》中的时间机器的创意杯子。
This medication can cause you to have unusual results with certain medical tests. Tell any doctor who treats you that you are using Cubicin. 服用本药物可能会导致一些医疗检测的结果出现偏差,应该告诉医师你正服用克必信。
In Marthas second trip on the TARDIS in the new Doctor Who, the Doctor takes her to New New York. 在玛莎在新医生的TARDIS第二次是谁,医生把她带到新的纽约。
Be patient and talk over the subject with your doctor, who will put you in touch with a health adviser. 和你的医生耐心的谈一谈这个问题,他会给你介绍一个健康顾问。
Scott was sold in Missouri to an army doctor who took him to Illinois and then went into the Wisconsin territory. 斯科特在密苏里州被卖给了一名军医,这名军医将他带到了伊利诺斯州,随后又带到了威斯康星州。
The king said, 'I promised half of my kingdom to the doctor who cured my son. Since you are a woman, you will marry my son and become queen. 国王说:‘我许诺过,哪位医师治好了我儿子,我就把城邦的一半送给他,你是一个女人,你就嫁给我儿子,当他的王后吧。’
'It was his heart, 'said the doctor, who arrived a little later. 'Did he have any bad news suddenly? 晚些时候,大夫来了,他说:“是因为他的心脏。他有没有突然听到什么不幸的消息?”