
美 [dɔɡ]英 [dɒɡ]
  • v.跟踪;笼罩在…心头;弄得…狼狈不堪;被…困扰
  • n.【动】犬;【动】雄性的犬科动物;常用于形容词后;〈侮辱〉卑鄙的人
  • 网络狗;小狗;狗狗

复数:dogs 现在分词:dogging 过去式:dogged

keep dog,walk dog,train dog,breed dog
mad dog,stray dog,rabid dog,friendly dog,savage dog


n. v.

1.[c]狗;犬an animal with four legs and a tail, often kept as a pet or trained for work, for example hunting or guarding buildings. There are many types of dog , some of which are wild.

4.[c](informal)蹩脚货;失败a thing of low quality; a failure

6.[c](informal)(尤用于形容词后)家伙,小人,无赖used, especially after an adjective, to describe a man who has done sth bad


a dog and pony show

(为公关或促销而举行的)造势活动an event that is planned only in order to impress people so that they will support or buy sth

(a case of) dog eat dog

残酷无情的竞争;损人利己的角逐;相互残杀a situation in business, politics, etc. where there is a lot of competition and people are willing to harm each other in order to succeed

a dog in the manger

占马槽的狗a person who stops other people from enjoying what he or she cannot use or does not want

a dogs breakfast/dinner

乱七八糟;一团糟a thing that has been done badly

a dogs life

悲惨的生活;牛马不如的生活an unhappy life, full of problems or unfair treatment

every dog has his/its day

人人皆有得意时everyone has good luck or success at some point in their life

give a dog a bad name

恶名难洗;名声一毁,万难挽回when a person already has a bad reputation, it is difficult to change it because others will continue to blame or suspect him/her

go to the dogs

败落;大不如前to get into a very bad state

not have a dogs chance

毫无机会;绝无可能to have no chance at all

why keep a dog and bark yourself?

既然有人代劳,何必自己操劳if sb can do a task for you, there is no point in doing it yourself

人教版七年级上册英语单词表 ... any pron. 任何一个(或一些) dog n. around adv. 在附近;到处 ...

乙一_百度百科 ... 暗黑系 Goth Dog 记忆 Twins ...


大耳朵图图_百度百科 ... B、 BIRD、( 小鸟) 小鸟小鸟都飞 D、 DOG、( 小狗) 小狗小狗汪汪叫 A、 APPLE、( 苹果) 苹果 …


走进宠物网--华人宠物门户网站 ... 猫 咪/ Cat 狗 狗/ Dog 观赏鱼/ Aquarium ...


从正面看是伟大的神(god),从反面看是卑鄙小人(dog),其实人们所犯的罪恶(evil),反过来正是为了活着(live)。高斯平面直角 …


关于动物的英语单词_百度文库 ... dog 狗 dog 雄狗 dolphin 河豚 ...


(D-F)英语四级词汇表下载 ... doctor n. 医生,医师;博士 文档 n.公文,文件;证件 dog n. 狗,犬,犬科动物 dollar n. 元(货币 …


英语中有哪些常用的名词作动词?_百度知道 ... pool - 淤积 dog - 跟踪, 尾随 stick - 粘贴 ...

Why should your father have to be walking the dog out on a cold night while you take your ease by the fire? 为何你的父亲竟必须在这样的寒夜出去遛狗,而你却烤着火悠闲自在?
And, for the longest time, the dog had disdained to answer to any other appellation. 而且,很长一段时间了,这只小狗都不屑于答应任何其他的称呼。
And just like my new dog, it was an idea that got bigger than I'd imagined. 就像我的狗一样,这个主意比我预想的要博大得多。
Connie wondered sometimes if it were a sort of mask to disarm opposition, because it was almost too fixed. Was he really such a sad dog? 康妮有时自问着,他这种神气,这种不变的神气,是不是拿来克敌的一种假面具,他真是一条可怜的狗吗
'I'm very sorry, ' he said. 'My dog had taken in into the garden. He often does this! ' “着实歉仄,”他说,“我的狗把它弄到花圃里去了,他常干这种事!”
From the furthest east to the furthest west the cries spread as if by contagion, accompanied in some cases by the barking of a dog. 这种声音好象受了传染似的,从最远的东面传到最远的西面,有时候,里面掺杂着一两声狗鸣犬吠。
If there's such a thing as the dog days of the exhibition season, the Lakers might be feeling it. 如果有像季前赛的三伏天这样的事的话,湖人队或许会感觉到了。
It was good of him to help a lame DOG over a stile. 他真好,帮助人渡过了难关。
It was only when I rang my daughter to ask her to walk the dog that I remembered he wasn't at home. 直到我打电话给女儿,让她去遛狗的时候,我才想起狗根本不在家里。
A Merseyside Police spokesman said the two cars have been found, but the dog is still missing. 默西塞德郡警方的一位发言人表示,失窃的两辆轿车已经找到,但那只狗却仍然音信全无。
that of a dynamic winger, one who always plays fighting like a dog and one whose rivals are afraid of. 一个精力充沛的边锋,总是像一条狗一样战斗着,让他的对手害怕。
Sorry, but I am not going to be able to come in to work today. I'm as sick as a dog. 对不起,今天我不能来上班了。我病得厉害。
Their veterinarian said he thought the dog had cataracts that might be surgically removed. 兽医认为这只狗患白内障,也许可以手术摘除。
I go over to see it, the dog has look at me, has taken a sniff at Barbecued Spare Ribs in my hand again, chasing me desperately. 我走过去看一看它,狗看了一眼我,又嗅了嗅我手中的烧排骨,就拼命地追着我。
With that she laughed and hugged Molly tighter to her bosom as if she were a lost child and not a dog. 听到这话,她笑出声来,把莫利在怀里抱得更紧,就好像它是个失而复得的孩子,而不是一只狗。
Our hero of the game, a poor little dog was an alien intrusion into a monster, you can help it face up to it? 我们的游戏主角,一只可怜的小狗被异形怪物侵扰着,你能帮助它勇敢面对吗?
They don't live quite as long, however, so the total cost isn't much more than with a small dog. 但是因为它们的寿命美元小狗的那么长,所以它们一生的花费也就不会比小狗多多少。
When the bus pulled away, I looked back in time to see a dog carefully carrying the cup in his mouth as he headed for home. 当汽车驶离,我回头正好看见了一条狗小心翼翼地把杯子用嘴衔起,然后,回家去了。
If a dog is run over by an automobile and seriously hurt, nine out of ten passers-by will stop to laugh at the poor brute's howls. 如果一条狗被汽车严重辗伤,十有八九过路的中国人会停下来对这条可怜的狗的痛嚎感到好笑。
Your dog might be eating cat poop or other animal poop to get key nutrients and minerals not available in his own food. 您的狗可能会咬人猫尾楼或其他动物船尾获得重要的营养素和矿物质不能在自己的粮食。
Despite attempts to drive the dog out of the court, the hound refused to leave the premises. 尽管人们想法设法的要把这只狗赶出法庭,但它就是不肯出去。
No PCT dog products can be suitable for children of different ages and arbitrary allocation of the growth stage of the children. 无厘狗产品系列可适合不同年龄段孩子并任意配置各成长阶段的儿童房。
Of course Mrs. Darling brushed him, but he began to talk again about its being a mistake to have a dog for a nurse. 当然,达林太太给他刷掉了毛,不过,他又念叨起用一只狗当保姆是个错误。
" Silvia said: " The neighbor said he was on TV, I realize that I can tell you, he sent off to sleep that day the dog house. 西尔维娅说:“邻居说他上电视了,我这才知道。我可以告诉你们,他那天被罚睡狗屋。”
"Me? A dog? " it seemed to say with its strong body and sharp white teeth. 它长着健壮的身躯和一口锐利的白牙,似乎在说:“你说我是狗?”
One morning the prince and his dog were out as usual, and in chasing their game they drew near the bank of the Nile River. 一天早晨,王子和他的狗像往常一样出去,追捕猎物时,他们越来越靠近尼罗河。
Also he could imagine how free the dog was --- by thinking of how much he was burdened and restricted. 也可以通过自己受到多少负荷与约束——想像狗现在自由的程度。
Been very very busy working like a dog but I just wanted to say thanks to all of you who sent me birthday wishes. 最近非常非常忙碌,做到一只狗咁,但是我想跟所有给我生日祝福的朋友们说声谢谢。
surprise, and I jumped to my feet. A frightening shape had come out of the fog. It was a dog, a. 我则跳了起来。一个可怕的幽灵窜出了浓雾,那是一只猎犬。
Russia's satellite navigation system isn't fully operational yet, but it seems to work on Prime Minister Vladimir Putin's dog. 俄罗斯的卫星定位系统还未全面投入使用,不过经过普京总理爱犬的检验证明,它的性能还不错。