
美 [dɔɡ]英 [dɒɡ]
  • v.跟踪;笼罩在…心头;弄得…狼狈不堪;被…困扰
  • n.【动】犬;【动】雄性的犬科动物;常用于形容词后;〈侮辱〉卑鄙的人
  • 网络类似犬的动物;钩卡;夹住

复数:dogs 现在分词:dogging 过去式:dogged

keep dog,walk dog,train dog,breed dog
mad dog,stray dog,rabid dog,friendly dog,savage dog


n. v.

1.[c]狗;犬an animal with four legs and a tail, often kept as a pet or trained for work, for example hunting or guarding buildings. There are many types of dog , some of which are wild.

4.[c](informal)蹩脚货;失败a thing of low quality; a failure

6.[c](informal)(尤用于形容词后)家伙,小人,无赖used, especially after an adjective, to describe a man who has done sth bad


a dog and pony show

(为公关或促销而举行的)造势活动an event that is planned only in order to impress people so that they will support or buy sth

(a case of) dog eat dog

残酷无情的竞争;损人利己的角逐;相互残杀a situation in business, politics, etc. where there is a lot of competition and people are willing to harm each other in order to succeed

a dog in the manger

占马槽的狗a person who stops other people from enjoying what he or she cannot use or does not want

a dogs breakfast/dinner

乱七八糟;一团糟a thing that has been done badly

a dogs life

悲惨的生活;牛马不如的生活an unhappy life, full of problems or unfair treatment

every dog has his/its day

人人皆有得意时everyone has good luck or success at some point in their life

give a dog a bad name

恶名难洗;名声一毁,万难挽回when a person already has a bad reputation, it is difficult to change it because others will continue to blame or suspect him/her

go to the dogs

败落;大不如前to get into a very bad state

not have a dogs chance

毫无机会;绝无可能to have no chance at all

why keep a dog and bark yourself?

既然有人代劳,何必自己操劳if sb can do a task for you, there is no point in doing it yourself


类似 - English translation - ... 类似的一个 another 类似犬的动物 dogging 类似螃蟹的动物 crab ...


汽车英语速查手册(转载)_英语杂谈_天涯论坛 ... divided type rim 对开式轮辋 dogging 钩卡,夹[钳]住 domed piston 凸顶活塞 ...


《Friends》词汇表B ... dogging n. 狗, 犬, 类似犬的动物, 卑鄙的人, 小人, 坏蛋 unavailable adj. 难以获得的 ...


汽车英语速查手册(转载)_英语杂谈_天涯论坛 ... divided type rim 对开式轮辋 dogging 钩卡,夹[钳]住 domed piston 凸顶活塞 ...


帮忙将以下名词翻译成英语_百度知道 ... 斜顶: lifter;angle from pin;pitched roof 卡钩dogging 水口: water gap; ...

You could sit up as late as you pleased, and, whenever you got up, go abroad without any landlord or house-lord dogging you for rent. 你可以随心所欲,长夜坐而不寐;起身出外时,也不会有什么大房东二房东拦住你要房租。
Wake up, people! Everybody seems to be dogging it today. What the matter with you? 今天大家工作都不起劲,究竟是怎么回事?
Dogging the G-20, he says, is the question of 'how much meat there is on the bones? ' 他说,困扰20国集团的问题是“骨头上还有多少肉?”
During the air force show, one of the pilots was a dangerous hot dogging flyer. (在空军表演时,一位飞行员做惊险的飞行动作。)也指真正的热狗食物。
During the air force show, one of the pilots was a dan-gerous hot dogging flyer. 在空军表演时,一位飞行员做惊险的飞行动作。
So far, the sexual assault allegations dogging him have not hurt the image of his opposition Socialist party. 目前为止,对他的性攻击指控还没伤害到他所在的反对党社会党。
Sign up for an art class, or at yoga, introduce yourself to the woman who's downward-dogging next to you. 参加一堂艺术课,或者瑜珈,把你自己介绍给正在你旁边做向下伸展动作的女士。
And they've been dogging me for a year. 他们因为这件事已经烦了我一年。
And dogging all the time the advertisement of media use circumstance advocate also meet promote network advertisement defray 20% . 而一直在跟踪媒体使用情况的广告主也会将网络广告支出提升20%。
Be in additionally all the way spot of check of brigade of collect lake port is right " water guest " Wang Mou undertakes dogging secretly. 另一路则在罗湖口岸旅检现场对“水客”王某进行秘密跟踪。
Basement prices are a reminder of the two big problems still dogging the Spanish banking system. 这种白菜价提醒我们有两大问题仍在困扰着西班牙银行系统。
Investigations of sensor noise robustness and the impact of dogging forces are the most important issues to be further investigated. 调查传感器鲁棒性和噪音的影响是困扰部队的最重要的问题作进一步调查。
Ruth Kelly's school choice reopens a debate dogging Labour supporters for years - do your principles or your child's education come first ? 罗思凯利的择校料仓重开辩论劳工支持者年贵原则或子女教育放在第一位?。
By "sitting on wells and bird-dogging seismic crews, " he learned the tricks of the trade firsthand. 他通过“亲临油井和深入调查地震工作人员”,学到了第一手业务知识。
After cure, the hospital can undertake dogging checking to the patient, prevent rhinitis to have a relapse again. 治疗以后,医院会对病人进行跟踪检查,防止鼻炎再次复发。
But there are still questions about the strength of the Chinese economy, questions that were dogging the company before the chicken scare. 但外界对百胜中国经济的状况仍然存有疑问,在鸡肉恐慌事件发生前,此类问题就已经存在。
The other concern dogging markets in recent weeks has been that the spectacular growth of China's economy may moderate. 近几周一直困扰市场的另一个担忧是,中国经济壮观的增长势头可能正在放缓。
After producing SARS 2003, western media ever gave special attention, large space land undertakes dogging for a long time reportorial. 2003年发生SARS后,西方媒体曾给予特别关注,大篇幅地进行长期跟踪报道。
But this lifeline won't solve the immediate problems dogging the entire U. S. auto industry. 但是这笔救命钱不足以解决纠缠全美汽车工业的迫切问题。
The poor policeman does on dogging him until he is "dog tired" . 这位可怜的警察却一直盯着他直到“精疲力尽”。
But he also thinks GDP will likely relapse into negative territory in the third quarter, given the problems still dogging the economy. 不过,鉴于美国经济仍受到一系列问题的拖累,魏特纳也认为美国第三季度的GDP有可能重陷负增长。
The allegations by the Chinese government began dogging him before his arrival in Taiwan. 自从他抵达台湾后来就一直受着来自中方的指控。
Climbing without falling or dogging. 没有坠落或吊著的攀登。
We believe it is questionable whether QE2 can solve the chronic economic problems dogging the US. 我们认为,二次定量宽松能否解决困扰美国多年的经济问题是存在疑问的。
vt. If you keep dogging me, I will definitely call the police. 如果你一直跟踪我,我肯定要报警了。
A policeman is dogging a suspected thief. 警察正在追踪一个有嫌疑的小偷。
The issue of alleged British complicity to torture is dogging the government. 英国被指控串谋折磨囚犯事件使政府备受关注。
Spies were dogging his steps then. 那时特务在跟踪他。
She kept dogging my tracks all the way to my home. 她一直跟踪我到我家。
He kept dogging my tracks all the way to Shanghai. 他跟踪我一直到上海。