
英 [dɑm]
  • n.同“Don”;阁下
  • 网络文档对象模型(Document Object Model);数字正射影像图(digital orthophoto map);大教堂



文档对象模型(Document Object Model)

文档对象模型( DOM )的基本 方法 -IT618资讯网文档对象模型( DOM )的基本 方法 .... 中UpdatePanel以及Triggers的使用; 11aja…

数字正射影像图(digital orthophoto map)

数字正射影像图dom)主要内容涉及资料准备、技术路线设定、定向建模、dem获取、影像纠正、色彩调整、影像镶嵌、裁切 …


大教堂Dom)的整体外形虽历经1200多年的风风雨雨却依然恢宏如故,皇帝、国王和朝圣者都捐赠了大量的内部装饰品和其 …


高达战争编年史_百度百科 ... 老虎特装型 GOUF CUSTOM 大魔 DOM 战蟹 GOGG ...

He told Dom Frollo that they were really just friends and that Esmeralda was looking for her parents. 他告诉多姆·弗罗洛,他们只是朋友,而且艾丝米拉达正在找她的父母。
After using the DOM for a while, you'll see some patterns emerge -- things you'll want to be able to do over and over. 在使用DOM一段时间后,您会看到形成了一些模式——您想要反复做的事情。
An alternate implementation of this program might be more efficient if it used the SAX parsing method, rather than DOM. 这个程序的另一个实现可嫩更有效,如果使用SAX解析方法而不是DOM。
You can always access and manipulate DOM from JavaScript, making it easy to handle it like a typical HTML control. 您始终可以从JavaScript访问并操作DOM,并使之像典型的HTML控件一样易于处理。
Most parsers that implement the DOM provide at least a vendor-specific means of access to an underlying SAX parser. 很多实现DOM的解析器至少提供一个供应商专用的方法来访问一个底层SAX解析器。
However, there's a price to pay for so faithfully representing an XML document: DOM parsing tends to be memory intensive. 但是,这样如实地表示XML文档需要付出一定的代价:DOM解析往往需要占用很多内存。
In the DOM, it isn't always easy to tell which is the next node in document order. DOM通常很难告诉您,按照文档的顺序,下一个节点是什么。
It's almost as if we're being manipulated by Dom Cobb himself, as he effortlessly travels deep into our brain to plant an idea. 随着柯布毫不费力地深潜到我们的大脑里,植入一个想法时,我们被电影中的他完全操纵一样。
Another option is to set a limit for how much data to read into the DOM. 另一种选择是设置对读入DOM的数据量的限制。
DOM forms a very effective base on which easy-to-use systems can be built by following a few simple principles. DOM奠定了一个非常有效的基础,遵循一些简单的原则就可其上构建易于使用的系统。
Let your users work with the DOM, and nothing else, at least in terms of your requirements for your class functioning. 让您的用户仅仅处理DOM,至少在类函数需求方面不需要任何其他内容。
Let's see if you can use the DOM to make a few more changes, and make that button useful whether the rabbit is in the hat or out of it. 我们来看看能否利用DOM再作一些修改,无论兔子在帽子里还是出来都让这个按钮派上用场。
The first step in making this bit of DOM trickery occur involves looking up the DOM node that represents the img element in the Web page. 完成这个DOM小戏法的第一步是找到网页中表示img元素的DOM节点。
Using the DOM isn't a good option, as there aren't good, simple ways to turn a DOM object into a string that you can send as a request. 使用DOM不是一种好的选择,因为没有简单易行的办法将DOM对象转化成在请求中发送的字符串。
First, if you've read this series faithfully, you know how to use the DOM, a JavaScript-friendly API with which you can manipulate XML. 首先,如果您一直忠实地阅读这个系列,那么您已经学会了如何使用DOM这种对JavaScript友好的API来操纵XML。
At this point, I'd normally show you how to use the DOM or at least give you a few code examples, but even that would be misleading. 现在,按照常规也许应该说明如何使用DOM,或者至少要给出一些示例代码,但这样做也可能误导您。
You can then add the isbn element and its text node just as you might with a typical DOM element. 然后就可以像处理典型的DOM元素一样,为它添加isbn元素和文本节点。
It's also easy to strip out the data and focus on just structure, which is what you'll need to do when working with the DOM. 将数据剥离开来并只侧重于结构也很简单,并且这也是处理DOM所需做的。
Note that the core DOM API does not give you methods to either parse XML data into a DOM, or to serialize the DOM back out to XML. 注意,核心DOMAPI并不能使您将XML数据解析到DOM,或者将DOM序列化为XML。
It's such a difficult problem that I have to dom uch to work it out. 这是一道如此难解的题,以致我得费很大力气才能把它做出来。
A DOM parser turns an XML document into an easy-to-use object representing all the data from the XML document. DOM解析器将把XML文档转换成表示文档中所有数据的易于使用的对象。
JAXP initially had the goal to remove some of the vendor-specific details, related to which XML parser was used, from SAX and DOM code. 最初,JAXP的目标是从SAX和DOM代码中移除一些特定于供应商的信息(涉及到所使用的XML解析器)。
To make it look more like a typical breadcrumb trail, CSS and DOM style manipulations can be used to style the breadcrumb nodes. 要让其看上去更像是一个典型的breadcrumbtrail,CSS和DOM样式处理可用来样式化这些breadcrumb节点。
The name of a client-side DOM element does not match the name assigned to the corresponding control at design time. 在设计时客户端DOM元素的名称与指定给相应控件的名称不匹配。
As you can see, daisy chaining allows you to concatenate several DOM traversal statements together. 如您所见,菊花链方式可以将几个DOM遍历语句连接起来。
Unlike DOM, SAX is not endorsed by an official standardization body, but it is widely used and is considered a de facto standard. 与DOM不同,SAX没有经过官方标准机构的认可,但是它被广泛使用并被视为事实上的标准。
They do not feel confident enough in their DOM skills to produce the canonical functions that make up the helper library. 他们对自己的DOM技巧没有足够的信心来创建自己的、构成助手库的规范函数。
Also no need to make multiple DOM scripting calls: All that you need is a short string to define the elements to work on. 同样也不需要进行多个DOM脚本调用。您只需要使用一个简短的字符串对所需的元素进行定义即可。
You'll see that this is important in my discussion of DOM in the next section, Dealing with DOM. 您将看到,这对于下一节处理DOM中讨论DOM是重点。
Consider them prisoner war! They will be released when i had the photo graph. And don't think you can distract me with another ounce of dom. 把他们当成俘虏了!它们会在我得到照片后被释放!还有,别以为一瓶香槟酒能使我分心!