
美 [ˈdɑmɪˌneɪt]英 [ˈdɒmɪneɪt]
  • v.控制;支配;左右;影响
  • 网络统治;占优势;主宰

第三人称单数:dominates 现在分词:dominating 过去式:dominated

dominate conversation,dominate policy,dominate region



1.[t][i]~ (sb/sth)支配;控制;左右;影响to control or have a lot of influence over sb/sth, especially in an unpleasant way

2.[t]~ sth在…中具有最重要(或明显)的特色to be the most important or noticeable feature of sth

3.[t]~ sth在…中最显眼的位置;俯视;高耸于to be the largest, highest or most obvious thing in a place

4.[t][i]~ (sth)(在比赛中)占有优势,占据主动,控制战局to play much better than your opponent in a game


大英语B级词汇表 - 豆丁网 ... dominant adj. 占优势的,支配的 dominate v. 支配,占优势 door n. 门 ...


驭字的解释---在线新华字典 ... 控制,制约〖 control〗 统治;治理〖 dominate;rule〗 驾车的人〖 reinsman〗 ...


大英语B级词汇表 - 豆丁网 ... dominant adj. 占优势的,支配的 dominate v. 支配,占优势 door n. 门 ...


SAT官方指南OG阅读真题10套 - 豆丁网 ... enemies v. 敌人 dominate v. 控制 inquiries v. 调查 ...


英语常见词根前缀后缀大全 ... confide 吐露(秘密) dominate 主宰 indomitable 不屈不挠的 ...


称字的解释---在线新华字典 ... 称职〖 becompetent;fillthepostwithcredit〗 称霸dominate〗 称便〖 findsth.agreatconvenienc…


高一教案 第474期- 21英语教师网 ... 主流 mainstream 主导,主宰 dominate 物质主义的 materialistic ...


考研英语大纲词汇表_百度文库 ... doctor 任意改变,做手脚 dominate 耸立于,俯视 duck 逃避 ...

Yet the insistence on immediate spending cuts continued to dominate the political landscape, with malign effects on the U. S. economy. 然而,坚持立即采取开支削减的观点继续占据政治版图的主导地位,对美国经济产生有害的影响。
American movies and TV series dominate our screens and the American Dream seems to have become more or less universal. 美国电影和电视剧控制着世界的荧光屏,美国的梦想也或多或少变得更加全球化。
Yet again, it is now racing to catch up in a part of the market where the Japanese overwhelmingly dominate. 然而现在,它不得不再次奋起直追,争夺已让日本人占主导地位的那部分市场。
And this ensures that our efforts to dominate the wind, solar, nuclear and electric car industries will not be challenged by America. 这就可以保证我们希望主导风能、太阳能、核能和电汽车等行业的努力不会受到美国的挑战。
Intent to dominate is usually going to make more enemies than friends, but it's a sensational quality to have for a professional athlete. 想要主宰的念头通常会树立更多的敌人,而不是朋友,但是对于一个职业运动员来说,这是耸人听闻的。
in love we affirm one another but do not dominate. To love is not to win or lose, but to help and be helped. 在爱中,我们互相尊重对方,但并不凌驾人。爱并不是要获胜或失败,只要助人,也受人助。
But you have to find out, to put your relationship in its right place, which is not to be jealous, not to possess, not to dominate - love. 但是你必须去发现,去把你的关系放在它正确的地方,也就是不去嫉妒,不去占有,不去支配——爱。
We get so used to looking at it, so dependent on its flickering pictures, that it begins to dominate our lives. 人们如此习惯于看电视,如此依赖它的闪烁的图像,以致它开始支配我们的生活了。
In Latin America, the ongoing machinations surrounding last month's disputed presidential election result continued to dominate the news. 拉丁美洲方面,有关上月墨西哥总统大选的争议依然牵制大市去向。
It was an almost desperate need to alter or to stop the negative cycle of events which seemed to dominate my relationships and my life. 对于那些似乎支配着我的感情关系和生活的事情,现在急需调整,或要停止这些事情的恶性循环。
Yeah he looks a bit clumsy early on, but you know Yao will get it going and dominate this Pacers interior eventually. 是的,刚开始姚明看上去有点拙笨,但是你知道姚明会找回状态的,并最终统治步行者的内线。
European cities continued to dominate the top 25 cities in the survey, Mercer said, while Canadian cities also had a strong showing. 美世公司称,欧洲城市仍占据榜单前25位,加拿大城市也有不俗表现。
The yobs cannot be allowed to dominate, or I would argue all of society can only be minutes from collapse. 那些野人不应该被允许统治游戏领域,否则整个社会离崩塌只有几分钟时间了。
But women are also starting to dominate middle management, and a surprising number of professional careers as well. 但是,女性还开始在中层管理人员中占据统治地位,并且在专业岗位中人数惊人。
They are not intended to dominate your way of thinking or to persuade you to conform to the way the writer thinks or feels. 它们无意支配你的思维方式,或劝告你遵循作者的思想或感受。
A lot of heckling is the tension of trying to make sure that the comedian is going to be able to dominate, and overcome the heckler. 多次大声的质疑是一种,尝试去确定演员有能力控制观众,和克服质疑的张力。
Reports from both sides of the Atlantic show that female students dominate university courses, yet women still do not make it to the top. 来自大西洋两岸的报告均表明,尽管女生在大学课堂上占尽优势,但女人依旧没有攀上顶尖位置。
No matter the parents or the teacher has no right to dominate or to restrict his behaviour. 无论父母还是老师都没有特权去支配或限制他们的行为。
Pisces are ready to rely on Scorpio to compensate their indecision, and will agree with the Scorpio's aspiration to dominate. 双鱼准备好了依赖天蝎去弥补自己的优柔寡断,而者与天蝎期望主导的性格步调一致。
Nixon: All that I can say, from the way you talk and the way you dominate the conversation, you would have made a good lawyer yourself. 尼克松:我可以说,从你谈话的语气以及你一直主宰整个谈话过程的态度来看,你自己本可以做一个很好的律师。
He continued to put up excellent returns until the mid -1990s , when tech stocks started to dominate the market . 他继续做出了杰出的回报,直到90年代中期,科技股开始统治市场。
We are often asked how the cover-up will break, as it is at present a standoff, at least by the great powers who dominate the scene. 我们经常被问到掩盖活动像现在这样的僵局会怎样被突破,至少会由那些控场的大国发起。
"The 'lean, mean phone-making machine' that used to dominate the sub-$50 space has come under huge pressure from agile rivals, " he said. 他说道,“这种变化意味着曾经主宰着50美元以内的手机制造机器,已经遭受了灵活竞争者所带来的巨大冲击。”
Therefore, he considered that dominate the class and be among the dominant class, oppression is not the only form of existence. 因此,他认为支配阶级和被支配阶级之间,压迫不是惟一的存在方式。
In a few days this question will dominate all conversations, at least in the Western world. 再过几天,这个问题就将成为人们热议的话题——至少在西方国家会如此。
Over the past decade, Amazon. com and eBay have continued to dominate the online retail market in the United States. 在过去十年当中,亚马逊和eBay依然统治着美国在线零售市场。
Draco: What she needs is a man. . . to *dominate* her! To make love to her enough to make her love him! B man like you! 德拉古:她需要一个男人,去占有她,去和她做爱而让她爱上他!一个像你一样的男人!
The British did not understand the spiritual nature of the Sirian dream in India; they tried to dominate through force. 英国人并不懂得印度天狼星梦想的灵性本质,他们试图通过力量来统治。
But they add it would be unfortunate if Cuba came to dominate discussions at a time of economic peril for the entire hemisphere. 但是美国官员同时表示,在经济问题困扰整个西半球的时候,古巴如果成为压倒性议题将是令人遗憾的。
Its video-game division, which used to dominate the field and sustain the rest of the company, is expected to make a loss in 2008. 它的视频游戏部门原来在这个领域占支配地位并能帮助维持公司其他部门,但是在2008年可能开始亏损。