
美 [doʊs]英 [dəʊs]
  • n.剂量;(药的)一服;一次;讨厌的东西
  • v.给(药);把(药等)配分剂量;在(酒)中加料;服药
  • 网络药用量

复数:doses 现在分词:dosing 过去式:dosed

give dose,take dose,increase dose,administer dose,decrease dose
lethal dose,fatal dose



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These involve smaller doses of the vaccine injected at two or eight areas of the body on the first day, followed by later booster shots. 对于这种方法,患者在疗程的第一天接种一整支疫苗,分别在身体的4个部位注射。
Normally UFO developments like this are measured out in small doses, as far as the media is concerned -- but this was an impressive cluster. 通常如此的UFO事态发展都会仔细斟酌从小做起,直到媒体关切起来---但是这次是一个令人印象深刻的系列。
In a nuclear power plant accident, the general population is not likely to be exposed to doses high enough to cause such effects. 在核电厂事故中,一般民众不太可能暴露在足以造成这样的影响的高剂量辐射下。
Let it out in small doses, deal with the thoughts and situations as best as you can. 而是以”微小的剂量“来宣泄,并尽可能地来处理好你的思想和局势。
His wife, an introvert, enjoys parties in short doses but prefers to be home reading or spending time with her dog. 而他的夫人是个内向的人,虽然她也乐意参加些时间不长的派对,但更愿在家里读读书,或同自己的狗狗共处。
At this point, he said, the doses in question are far too high to be safe for people. 他声称,在此情况下,他们使用的剂量太高,对人身安全不利。
This will enable higher doses of drug to be delivered to cancer cells while minimising the risk of side effects in the rest of the body. 这样更高剂量的药物会对癌细胞穷追猛打,同时又把副作用(即对身体其它部分的影响)降到最低。
He now had not one addiction two, taking cocaine in doses a hundred times larger than Freud used to do. 他现在不是只沉溺于一种两种,可卡因的服用量要比弗洛伊德当时大一百倍。
and mega doses of drugs and LSD and all of that and I have no memory of any of that. 还有超大剂量的麻醉药、迷幻剂和所有那些然后我对此就没有记忆了。
The team have found that blocking the action of a gene seems to make healthy cells immune to even very large doses of radiation. 这个研究小组发现,阻断一种基因可以使健康细胞对放疗产生免疫力,即使对于大剂量的放疗也同样有效。
Vitamins given in high doses may also have effects that science is only beginning to understand. 给予大剂量维生素会产生一定的效果是刚刚才被认识到。
Mr Viehbacher estimated that the company could increase output to at least 800m doses of a vaccine for the latest swine flu strain. 魏巴赫表示,为生产最新猪流感变异病毒的疫苗,该公司可以将产量扩大到至少8亿支。
Ethylene has been used as an anesthetic in modern days, but when administered in experimental small doses, induced a trance-like state. 乙烯在现代曾被用作麻醉剂,如果使用小实验剂量,可以使人出现恍惚状态。
Sebelius said the vaccine doses will be distributed immediately to designated locations across the country once they are available. 西贝利厄斯说疫苗一可用就会立即发派至全国各指定地点。
The bottom line, according to Trisal: "It's easy to get adequate doses of vitamin D by taking a tablet. " Trisal博士表示,通过服用片剂即能获得足够量的维生素D。
Zhang said the catalysts have no direct impact on the environment as long as the doses are kept within 0. 5 gram per square kilometer. 张说,只要这些催化剂的剂量控制在每平方公里0.5%以内,将不会对环境造成影响。
High doses of the acid in its oral form have been shown in studies to cause birth defects and various pregnancy complications. 这种酸的高剂量口服形式在研究中显示会引起生育缺陷和各种孕期问题。
Reason: the body quickly habituates to the chemical and requires ever higher doses to feel anything at all. 原因呢:人体迅速适应了这种化合物,需要更高剂量才能有点感觉。
By the time he was 27 he was having as many as 11 seizures a week and was on near-toxic doses of anti-convulsants. 到他27岁时,癫痫病每周要发作11次,过量服用抗癫痫药让他近乎中毒。
It also appears that the three-drug combination can be given on the day of chemotherapy without the need for additional doses, he said. 而且,如果可以在化疗当天令患者服用这三种药物的混合剂,就不必额外添加剂量了,他说。
Iodine-131 has a half-life of about a week, meaning that levels in water could fall quickly if new doses aren't introduced. 碘-131的半衰期在一个星期左右,所以如果没有新的剂量进入,水中的放射性可能就会很快下降。
To limit patients' exposure to doses too low to be effective, only a very small number of patients per cohort are treated. 因为限制病人的暴露剂量太低而不能起效,队列中仅有很小数量的病人被治疗。
Sanofi and other drugmakers annually produce about 300 million doses of seasonal flu vaccines, the kind used for annual flu shots. 赛诺菲和其它的制药企业每年生产3亿支季节性感冒疫苗--那种每年注射一次的疫苗。
However, despite the low doses Goetzl said he would never advise giving it to young women. 然而,尽管用量小,葛佐建议年轻妇女不宜使用该药品。
Consulting forces you out of your dark corner, even if it is just in small doses. 与人交往迫使你走出心中的阴暗角落,即使只是小小的一块阴影。
Oregon adopted the only measure, in the U. S. to allow doctors to prescribe lethal doses of medication to terminally-ill patients. 俄勒冈州采取了美国境内仅见的一项措施,准许医生开致命药立给病入膏肓的病人。
The majority of anti-anxiety medications given to animals are the same ones used for people, although in different doses. 大多数给动物使用的抗焦虑药物与人类使用的相同,只是剂量的不同。
Unless they are taken in doses high enough to cause flaccidity, anti-spasticity drugs usually do not prevent spasms . 除非他们采取的剂量很高,足以造成痿,抗痉挛药物通常不会防止痉挛。
The gel has never been tested in men, but has protected monkeys given anal doses of the simian version of the virus. 凝胶从未在男性身上做过试验,但是已经能够对肛门给药猿猴艾滋病病毒的猴子起到保护作用。
Professor Links says workers within the nuclear plant are the only people at risk of extremely high doses of radiation. 链接教授说,在核工厂的工人正处于非常高剂量的辐射危险的唯一的人。