
  • abbr.(书写形式)医生;(用于街道名)路
  • n.【摄】动态范围
  • 网络博士;糖尿病视网膜病变(diabetic retinopathy);指定路由器(Designated Router)



1.(书写形式)医生,博士(in writing) Doctor


中国兽医协会 小动物诊疗分会 ... 张聪明 兽医师 Dr. Dr. H 陈冠升 博士 Dr. J 曾秋隆 副教授 Prof. Dr. ...

糖尿病视网膜病变(diabetic retinopathy)

...网膜病变(DR)是糖尿病的严重并发症之一,因此防治糖尿病视网膜病变(DR)显得尤为重要.中医各家对DR的病因病机认识有脏 …

指定路由器(Designated Router)



人教版初中英语单词全部 - 豆丁网 ... down 向下;下去;沿着 Dr 医生 dreamer 空想家;梦想家 ...

She was right: Dr Barry, who had been a lady killer in his time, did resent the continuance of young men. 她说得一点不错。当年巴里大夫曾经是个使女人倾心的男人,年轻人后浪推前浪地拥上来,他感到不满。
Dr. Landau said that his mother had cared for the butcher when he was a boy in the Lodz ghetto in Poland during World War II. 兰多医生说,二战时期在波兰的罗兹犹太人区,母亲曾经照顾过那个屠夫(当时他还是个小孩)。
In 1892, Dr. Washington Sheffield of Connecticut was the first to put toothpaste into a collapsible tube: Dr Sheffield's Creme Dentifrice. 1892年,康涅狄格州的华盛顿.设菲尔德医生首次制成软管牙膏:设菲尔德医生乳剂牙膏。
Dr Robinson said 'setting the clock back on adulthood and starting again' brings with it a sense of freedom. 罗宾森博士说,成年期调整指针有一个新的开始让人有一种自由的感觉。
After a couple of hours I found a mistake in Dr. Zuck's original proof which I was trying to emulate. 在无数个小时的努力后,我发觉Zuck博士的原始的证明有一个逻辑上的错误,也许这个错误是我的笔记抄错了,我不知道。
As for the giant hole, Dr Lintott has "no sensible explanation" for that at the moment and needs to wait for more telescope time. 至于那个大洞,Lintott博士认为“目前没有合理的解释”,望远镜需要更多的时间去观测。
"If you could reduce blood pressure by just a few points, you could reduce hundreds of thousands of deaths, " says Dr. “如果你能仅靠几点就减低了血压,那你就能减少成千上万的死亡,”纽约市身心健康保健部委员托马斯。弗雷登博士说。
Superintendent Dr. Julianne Lein said the district apologizes for the incident and is taking steps to remedy the situation. 负责人JulianneLein博士表示学区对所发生的事表示歉意,并正采取措施纠正此类情况。
Dr. Conrad Murray's attorney says his client has prepared to turn himself in, if charges are filed. 康纳德·默里医生的律师说如果提起诉讼,他的当事人便准备自首。
As lead investigator of the Dutch study, Dr. Prins was not ready to go quite that far. 作为这项研究的首席研究员,普润思医生还不准备这么做。
Dr Perry was a week at Cromer and said it was the best sea bathing place of all, if you must go. 佩里医生在克罗默呆了一周他说那海滩真棒你们应该去的。
Sadly Dr Greenberg's co-founder died in 2009, just a year short of realising his goal of creating a commercial retinal implant. 遗憾的是格林伯格博士的合作伙伴于2009年去世,离实现他创造出商业化的仿生眼的目标仅仅只有一年时间。
That this should somehow please Dr. Lang was a thought as baffling to her as it was discomforting. 这多少能让朗博士高兴吧,这种想法对她来说,既困惑又不安。
Dr Stanley, who sleeps separately from his wife, points out that historically we were never meant to share our beds. 与妻子分床而睡的斯坦利博士指出,从历史来看,夫妻并同睡一张床的习惯。
Dr Kok shows that this shattering, like the shattering of all sorts of other things, produces a distinctive mix of particle sizes. 考克博士向我们展示,这种粉碎效果如同粉碎其他物体一样,会自然产生尺寸不一的颗粒混合物。
Dr. Edwin has not heard of him (Frankie) resigning as Deputy Speaker after SAPP pulled out of BN. 而迄今艾德温医生没有听说过拿督张友志退出国阵并辞去副议长的职位的消息。
The transfers did not lead to a viable pregnancy but Dr Zavos said it was a serious attempt at producing a cloned baby. 这次移植没有带来有效的妊娠,但是扎沃斯说这是一次真正的克隆婴儿的尝试。
Dr Nakamura wrote several influential papers and went on to become one of the pre-eminent researchers in the field. Nakamura博士也写了几篇有份量的论文,在此领域继续作为一名杰出的研究者被广泛认可。
Dr Cardelli is trying to discover whether it is more like the hardware of electronic circuits or the software of programming languages. Cardelli博士正努力研究其原理是更类似于电子电路这些硬件,还是编程语言这些软件。
Dr. Murray said he watched the singer for a few minutes then made a long walk to a bathroom. 莫里医生说他照看了杰克逊几分钟时间,然后走了很长一段路到了卫生间。
Dr Tom Heffernan, who leads research group, said the findings would be useful in anti-smoking campaigns. 领导研究小组的汤姆·赫夫南博士表示,这一发现有助于反吸烟运动。
The librarian, a globular being with a thousand eyes and one mouth, bent some of his eyes upon Dr. Thaddeus. 图书管理员是一个球状的生物,有一千只眼睛但只有一张嘴。它把一千只眼睛中的几只弯向泰迪斯博士。
How much easier such treatments would be, theorises Dr Yun, if the lasers could be generated internally, by a patient's own cells. 如果真的能让生物激光产生于病人自身体细胞中,这样产生的治疗该多简便呀!
Dr. Michael Chez, an epilepsy specialist, said the scene could be triggering episodes of photosensitive fits. 癫痫症专家迈克尔·切兹博士说,这样的场景可能引发光感不适反应。
Poor Dr. Wainberg said he had been swamped with running the conference and was told nothing about the girls before meeting them. 可怜的Wainberg博士说他当时正在忙于会议的各项事宜,而且并不知道他将要面对的是这样一对小女孩。
Dr. Oz may be the only health expert in America who could inspire you to dig salad ingredients out of your front walk. Oz医生也许是美国唯一一位能鼓励你把沙拉成分从你的路前挖出来的人。
"If not for this misplaced activism, we might have had an answer five years earlier, " Dr. Jaffe said. “如果不是因为这些荒谬的理由,我们可能五年前就可以公布这一新成果了,”加菲博士说到。
Dr Hughes did what he could to fend off the illness. He took to wintering in New Zealand to escape the long Alaskan nights. 休斯博士倾尽全力想抵挡病魇,在冬天去新西兰以逃避阿拉斯加那漫长的黑夜。
Terrace, portrayed as a sort of heartless Dr Doolittle in the film, still largely stands by his ghastly experiment. 泰瑞斯在电影中被演绎成无情的怪医杜立特,他如今依然只关注自己那可怕的实验。
Dr. Wallace, the creator of Alice, is said to have already done that in his house and I am trying to re-create the experiment. 华莱士博士,创作者李翘如,是说已经做了,在他的房子和我想重新创建的实验。