
美 [drɔ]英 [drɔː]
  • n.抽彩;抽奖;抽签;平局
  • v.描画;拖(动);拉(动);牵引
  • 网络绘制;绘图;画画

过去式:drew 过去分词:drawn 第三人称单数:draws 现在分词:drawing

draw line,draw conclusion,draw picture,draw map,draw water
away draw


v. n.

绘画make pictures

1.[i][t](用铅笔、钢笔或粉笔)画,描绘,描画to make pictures, or a picture of sth, with a pencil, pen or chalk (but not paint)


2.[t]~ sth/sb + adv./prep.拖(动);拉(动);牵引to move sth/sb by pulling it or them gently

3.[t]~ sth拉,拖(车)to pull a vehicle such as a carriage


4.[t]~ sth拉(窗帘、帘子)to open or close curtains, etc.


5.[i]+ adv./prep.(向某个方向)移动,行进to move in the direction mentioned


6.[t][i]~ (sth) (on sb)拔出;抽出;掏出to take out a weapon, such as a gun or a sword , in order to attack sb


7.[t]吸引;招引;使感兴趣to attract or interest sb

引起反应get reaction

8.[t]产生,引起,激起(反应或回应)to produce a reaction or response

使人说话make sb talk

9.[t][oftpass]~ sb (about/on sth)使说出;使吐露to make sb say more about sth


10.[t]~ sth (from sth)获取;得出;推断出to have a particular idea after you have studied sth or thought about it


11.[t]~ sth进行,作(比较或对比)to express a comparison or a contrast


12.[i][t]抽(签、牌);抓(阄)to decide sth by picking cards, tickets or numbers by chance


13.[i][t]以平局结束;不分胜负to finish a game without either team winning


14.[t]提取;领取;支取to take money or payments from a bank account or post office


15.[t]~ sth (+adv./prep.)抽出;吸出to take or pull liquid or gas from somewhere


16.[i][t]抽(烟);吸(气)to breathe in smoke or air


draw a blank

无回音;无结果;无收获to get no response or result

draw blood

使流血to make sb bleed

draw breath

停下来歇口气to stop doing sth and rest

draw sbs fire

(为掩护他人)吸引…的火力,转移…的视线to make sb direct their anger, criticism, etc. at you, so that others do not have to face it

draw a line under sth

到…为止;就…打住to say that sth is finished and not worth discussing any more

draw the line (at sth/at doing sth)

拒绝做;给…定界限to refuse to do sth; to set a limit

draw the line (between sth and sth)

划界线;区分(两个密切相关的思想)to distinguish between two closely related ideas

draw the short straw

抽到倒霉签;被派做苦差事to be the person in a group who is chosen or forced to perform an unpleasant duty or task

draw straws (for sth)

抽签(决定某事)to decide on sb to do or have sth, by choosing pieces of paper, etc.

人教版七年级上册英语单词表 ... may modal v. 可能;可以 draw v. little pron. 少许;少量 ...

yhn232x的博客 - yhn232x - 网易博客 ... 112,text=weave 纺织 113,tract=draw ,抽,引 114,un=one 一 ...


绘制(DRAW)区域【D】 渲染(RENDER)【R】 锁定工具栏(泊坞窗)【空格】 视频编辑 加入过滤器(FILTER)项目【CTRL】+【F …


绘图(DRAW)下拉工能表选塑形(MODELING)-设定(SETUP)-视景(VIEW).旨令行里你会出然多次提示,你全按ENTER就可以,程 …


人教版小学英语三年级下册单词表 ... fly 放(风筝) draw 画画 picture 图画 ...


足球术语中英对照_旺旺英语教学网 ... goal 球门,进球数 draw 平局 goal drought 进球荒 ...

yhn232x的博客 - yhn232x - 网易博客 ... 112,text=weave 纺织 113,tract=draw 拉,,引 114,un=one 一 ...


仁爱英语七年级下册单词_百度文库 ... at the back of 在……的后面 draw 绘画;绘制;拉,拖 because 因为 ...

here, try some of my homemade wine. i think you'll be able to draw a distinction between the two. 汤姆小声说。“来,尝尝我的自制酒。我想你能喝出两者的区别。”
Customization is often much of the draw of the multimedia offerings. 客户化定制往往是多媒体报道更吸引人的中央。
He asked that we not use his real name, "because I don't want people to think I'm trying to draw attention to myself, " he said. 他要求我们不使用他的真名,“因为我不想让人们以为我这是在吸引人们注意”他说。
Ultimately, all the devices on the network will be able to draw on the others, so each gains the power of a supercomputer. 最终,网络上的一切设备将能够利用其他设备,使每一台计算机获得一台超级计算机的能力。
Draw the art you want to see, make the music you want to hear, write the books you want to read. 画你想看的画,谱你想听的曲,写你想读的书。
Yet this mix of history, politics and culture may turn out to be much less of a draw than either Mr Salmond hopes or Mr Gallagher fears. 然而历史、政治、文化交织在一起,其结果不会像萨蒙德希望那样形成均衡之势,而加拉格尔也正是担心如此。
As if she had a protractor in her head, she also sees precise angles. "When I draw a piece of equipment, I can test run it in my mind. " 如同她的脑袋里长着一个量角器,她同样能读出准确的角度。“当我在脑袋里画一部仪器,我能在脑海里给它测试运行。”
He looked so tired that I asked him to draw up a chair and take the load off his feet. 他看来很累,所以我要他拿张椅子坐。
I made sure the cardboard was taped back over the hole as it had been and I went back to my room and began to draw myself a very hot bath. 我确定厚纸板被在洞上方向后地以带子绑起当它是而且我回去我的房间而且开始拉我自己一次非常热的沭浴。
We may draw curves which have everywhere one of these directions for a tangent, these curves are called stress trajectory. 我们可以画一簇曲线,这簇曲线处处都有一个主方向作为切线,这些曲线叫做应力轨线。
feeling Paleontology is much like politics: passions run high, and it's easy to draw very different conclusions from the same set of facts. 古生物学和政治很相像:情绪很激昂,而且从同一组事实中可以得出截然不同的结论。
Events like The Head of the Charles and Henley draw powers from all over the world. 诸如查尔斯和亨利划船活动吸引着来自世界各地的赛艇运动员。
Can be modified by make-up to the next, to draw the moderate point, seem better, as far as possible the colors with soft colors. 可以靠化装来修饰下,要画的温和点,看起来会好点,尽量用柔颜色的颜色。
The White House also is ordering government agencies to draw up a communications plan to explain their operations in a time of crisis. 白宫还下令政府机构制定联络计划,以便在危机时期能传递工作信息。
What lessons, if any , does Stalin seem to draw from his war experience ? 无论如何,史达林从他的战争经验中学到什么样的教训?。
An announcement Friday carried by state-media said the North would draw up new regulations for the Kaesong industrial complex on its own. 北韩星期五通过国营媒体发表声明说,北韩将自行制定开城工业园区的新规章制度。
stalling a stepping motor will not hurt it . a stepping motor doesn ' t draw any increased current while being in a stalled position. 步进电机堵转是不会烧坏的,因为步进电机在堵转时是不会引起电流增加的。
You, whether consciously or not, will draw what you see in the light of your things experience with those similar things on earth. 你不论是否意识到,都会根据你对世上那些相似事物的感受来画你所见到的东西。
He just waits, stares. MACON (the words burst out of him) If I draw on you you'll kill me. (他脱口而出)如果我瞄准你,你会杀了我。
And so, my response to this was to paint, to draw alien creatures, alien worlds, robots, spaceships, all that stuff. 而我对此的回应则是描绘外星生物、外星世界、机器人、宇宙飞船、等等。
Any matter, anybody, can become, do not not be able to pass with it. Regardless of difficult, we must learn to leave to draw back. 任何事,任何人,都会成为过去、不要跟它过不去。无论多难,我们都要学会抽身而退。
Introduce something about your hometown, if it is possible please draw a picture of it. 介绍一下你的家乡,如果可能,请画一幅你家乡的图画。
Apparently he was able to picture things in his mind and draw accurately at a very early age. 显然,很小的时候,他就能够构思并且将物体精确地画出来。
He cast his net a second time , and draw in an old basket full of sand . He cast it a third time, and draw in a lot of stones . 他又撒了第二网,收回来的是一个塞满沙子的破篮子。他再撒了第三网,收回来好多石头。
It sings its sweetest, most insistent song, like the Sirens trying to draw Odysseus and his crew onto the rocks. 她唱着最甜蜜最坚持不懈的歌曲,正如塞壬试图令奥德修斯和他的手下迷惑,让航船触礁沉没。
the bath towel folded behind the knee, his hands to " relieve the fist" to draw a circle along the knee bone contour massage method. 将浴巾折叠放在膝盖后方,双手握成“舒解拳”以画圆方法沿著膝盖骨的轮廓按摩。
Drawing out heart draw out inner land to say everything for her, she is to be hearing silently still. 掏心掏腹地对她倾诉,她依然是沉默地听着。
Having set it to draw, he took off the kettle and crushed the pan flat on the live coals and watched the lump of butter slide and melt. 沏好了,他就把开水壶挪开,将锅平放在煤火上,望着那团黄油滑溜并融化。
God will draw you to where he wants you, unless you step in his way. 上帝对每个人的道路自有安排,除非你违背他的意愿。
A water: What to when you think to did not draw the stationmaster friend of artistic base does a page to design, need to notice so? 一滴水:那么你认为没有绘画艺术基底的站长朋友做页面设计的时候需要注意些什么?。