
美 [drim]英 [driːm]
  • n.梦;梦想;理想;愿望;梦想;空想;理想;美景
  • v.梦想;做梦;梦见;想象;梦想;想像;做梦;梦见
  • 网络或;我把它梦出来的;曾经梦想

复数:dreams 过去式:dreamed 过去式:dreamt dreamed 过去式:dreamt 现在分词:dreaming

dream come,realize dream,fulfill dream,achieve dream,fulfil dream
bad dream,beautiful dream,strange dream,wonderful dream,rosy dream


n. v.

1.[c]梦;睡梦a series of images, events and feelings that happen in your mind while you are asleep

2.[c]梦想;理想;愿望a wish to have or be sth, especially one that seems difficult to achieve

3.[sing]梦幻状态;恍惚;出神a state of mind or a situation in which things do not seem real or part of normal life

4.[sing](informal)梦一般美妙的人(或事物);极美好的人(或事物)a beautiful or wonderful person or thing


go/work like a dream

性能极佳;十分有效to work very well

in your dreams

你妄想;你在做梦used to tell sb that sth they are hoping for is not likely to happen

like a bad dream

噩梦般令人难以置信so unpleasant that you cannot believe it is true


《Friends》词汇表B ... pillowcase n. 枕头套 dreamed v. 做梦, 梦见, 梦想, 想到n.梦, 梦想 customs customsn. 进口税, 海关 ...


英语过去式大全_百度知道 ... 能 could × 做梦 dreamed / dreamt dreamed / dreamt 禁止 forbade / forbad forbidden ...

2012高考英语大纲词汇全表 - 豆丁网 ... disturb 打扰 86. dreamed employ 雇用 ...


我把它梦出来的dreamed)。对我来说,那个“ed”——过去时态,永远是重要的,因为那样的话,我就不必陷入指责或罪疚 …


简单的初二英语_百度知道 ... 1.acting 上表演课 3.dreamed 曾经梦想 3.held 被举行 ...


《Friends》词汇表B ... pillowcase n. 枕头套 dreamed v. 做梦, 梦见, 梦想, 想到n.梦, 梦想 customs customsn. 进口税, 海关 ...



With the ocean outside our window and a fireplace in the room, my holiday was just as cozy as I dreamed it would be. 有了窗外的海洋和屋内的火炉相伴,我的假期和我想象中的一样温馨惬意。
I stayed four years, worked harder than I had ever dreamed of working before and enjoyed every minute of it. 我在欧洲呆了四年,比以前想象中更努力学习小提琴的同时,时时刻刻都感觉很快乐。
A: You know, I've dreamed a thousand times that I could lie down on Miami beach to relax myself. 要知道,我曾千百次地梦想着自己能在迈阿密海滩上放松放松呢。
Never was there such a bed, the luxury of a princess, such a bed as she had dreamed about her whole life. 从来没有过这种床,这种奢侈品只配给公主享受,她一辈子就巴望有这样一张床呀。
XiaoZhuang dreamed, with only a few men of them in a certain sense, it changed the war process. 小庄做梦也没想到,仅凭他们几个人,便在一定意义上改变了战争的进程。
He said to himself, " I never dreamed that I could be so happy when I was the ugly duckling! " 他对着自己说:“当我是那只丑小鸭的时候,我从来也没梦想过我能够这么快乐!”
"We would have never dreamed you would find a rocky planet so close, " he said. "Its year is less than one of our days. " “我们从未想过能在这么近的地方找到一颗岩态行星,”他说道,“它的寿命还没我们中随便哪个的长”。
Right from the beginning, Pixar, officially a computer-hardware business, secretly dreamed of a more creative life making feature films. 成立伊始的皮克斯公司的正式业务是电脑硬件,然而却暗暗怀着制做长篇电影的梦想。
Once upon a time, there was a poor fisherman who always dreamed of becoming rich. He wished to become a millionaire, and so did his wife. 很久以前,有个贫穷的渔夫,总是梦想发财,他希望自己成为百万富翁,他妻子更是如此。
Pure greed, Lei had said, shaking his head mockingly when she had told him that this was what she had dreamed of for their marriage. 当她告诉雷,这就是她对婚姻的理想时,雷摇着头嘲笑她说,“索要无度。”
For decades, researchers have dreamed of building hypersonic aircraft that could whip around the world in just a few hours. 几十年来,研究人员一直梦想着制造出在几个小时内就能绕地球飞行一圈的超高音速飞行器。
She also dreamed of the day she would be old enough to leave home and get away from her controlling father. 她还梦想有一天她长大成人好离开家,脱离她专横的父亲。
Europa often dreamed that a strange woman said to her, "Let me take you to meet Zeus. You are doomed to be his lover. " 欧罗巴常常会梦到一个陌生的女人对自己说:“让我带你去见宙斯吧,因为命运女神指定你做他的情人。”
It ached her to know that she was not one of them -- that, alas, she had dreamed a dream and it had not come true. 让她感到痛心的是,她现在知道自己不是她们中的一员--天哪,她做了一个梦却未成真。
She dreamed of a different life but ended up living in a country far away from the city where she believed her dreams would have come true. 她梦想有一个不同的生活,可惜这个梦想却只能在远离城市的乡村中破碎得无影无踪,而城市才是她坚信可以让她实现梦想的所在。
HO HSIEN - KU - Immortal Maiden - A Cantonese girl who dreamed that she could become immortal by eating a powder made of mother-of-pearl . 荷仙姑——一位女仙人——一位梦见自己吃了珍珠母粉末而变成仙人的广东女孩。
then he dreamed of how after the attack he would go up to him as he lay wounded , and magnanimously hold out his hand in reconciliation. 他时而又想,在大举进攻之后,他将要走到他跟前,向他这个负伤的人故作慷慨地伸出和事之手。
My grandmother did not live a happy life. After she passed away, I dreamed of her a few times. 祖母生前并不快乐,往生后,我曾几次梦见她。
Mr Houben said: 'All that time I just literally dreamed of a better life. Frustration is too small a word to describe what I felt. ' 胡本说:“那段时间我一直梦想着更好的生活,挫败两个字无法说尽我的感受。”
As a child growing up in the jungle-soaked Malaysian state of Sarawak, Lai Fui Fin dreamed of a life among the rich and famous. 现年37岁的赖辉峰(音)在丛林密布的马来西亚沙捞越州(Sarawak)长大,从小就梦想能身处富豪名流之中。
Before he was born, I used to be the only child and always dreamed that I would have a younger sister or brother one day. 他出生之前,我一直是家里的独生子,那时我一直希望自己能有个弟弟或妹妹。
Nan: I also dreamed that my heart was gone. For real, the only thing left was just a blank hole. 南:我还梦到我的心没有了,真的,它只剩下了一个空洞!
Two years ago, in the drizzling misery that enveloped Croatia's previous visit to Wembley, who could have dreamed of such a thing? 两年前克罗地亚造访温布利时,一切都笼罩在悲情之中,谁会想到能有今天?
He felt a sudden impulse to take this vision into his arms and tell her she was the kind of woman he had dreamed of all his life. 他感受到突发的一种冲动去将这番景象搂进臂弯并告诉她她就是那种他梦想了一辈子的女人。
I always learned to know when you will come. i found it is regular, If I dreamed of you, then you will appear the next day. 我总在学习什么时候才能见到你。我发现那是有规律可循的。如果我梦见你,那么第二天你就一定会出现。
I have dreamed of a shallow etage with a few lotus shattered around, and the pond remains gentle with laughter when the wind do not blow. 一弯浅浅的池塘,几株荷花亭亭玉立,无风的时候,那一团积水带着温柔,带着笑语。
"My wife had a funny dream last night, " confided a man to his companion. "She dreamed she had married a multimillionaire. " “我太太昨天晚上做了个可笑的梦”,一个男人对他的同伴透露说:“她梦到她嫁了个亿万富翁。”
Kiki went to bed. She dreamed that she was a bookworm. Kiki上床睡觉。她梦见自己是条虫。
He was the most exciting man-beyond anyone she had even dreamed of knowing, at least in that way. 他是个最能令人感到兴奋的人,她做梦都想不到有谁会比他更令人兴奋,至少在那方面是这样。
Set aside some money each month, even if it's only a little, to pay for that vacation, or for that house you've dreamed of buying. 每个月存点钱,即使数额相对于一次旅行或者你想要买的房子很少。