
美 [dʌk]英 [dʌk]
  • n.【动】鸭子;鸭肉;雌鸭;〈非正式〉亲爱的
  • v.一头钻进;低下;弯腰;躲闪
  • 网络帆布;小鸭;躲避

复数:ducks 现在分词:ducking 过去式:ducked



n. v.

1.[c]鸭a common bird that lives on or near water and has short legs, webbed feet (= feet with thin pieces of skin between the toes) and a wide beak. There are many types of duck , some of which are kept for their meat or eggs.

3.[u]鸭肉meat from a duck

4.[c][ususing](informal)(表示友好的称呼)乖乖,宝贝儿a friendly way of addressing sb

5.[sing]零分a batsman's score of zero


get/have (all) your ducks in a row

为某事做充分准备;把事情安排得井井有条to have made all the preparations needed to do sth; to be well organized

(take to sth) like a duck to water

像鸭子入水般容易,轻而易举,毫不困难,毫无畏惧(习惯于某事)(to become used to sth) very easily, without any problems or fears


小学英语单词表总汇_百度文库 ... rabbit 兔子 duck 鸭子 pig 猪 ...


牛津小学英语单词表 - 豆丁网 ... driver 司机;驾驶员 duck 鸭子;鸭肉 dumpling 粽子,团子;饺子 ...


服装英语 _ 上海疯狂英语 ... DRY-CLEANED 干洗 DUCK 帆布 DYING 染色 ...


水晶之恋 ... 3.drop a line 写信 躲闪,突然低下头 5.go with the flow 随从大家的意见 ...


各种动物英语单词_百度文库 ... chick 鸭子 duck 小鸭—— duckling 鹅—— ...


纳威语_百度百科 ... Sky 天空 . Duck 躲避 . Dive 俯冲 ...


托福听力分类词汇 - 豆丁网 ... 家/野 鸭 domestic/wild duck 母鸭 duck 小鸭 duckling ...

Even if you've only got a minute or two, duck into the bathroom to make sure you're looking your best. 即使你只有一两分钟,躲进洗手间确保自己衣冠整齐。
I've made it clear going back over the summer that stopping all of the tax hikes was one of our main priorities for this lame-duck session. 今年夏季的时候我已经说的很清楚,要停止所有赋税增加,这是我们在这次跛脚鸭会议上要优先考虑的事情。
" Ugly small soft duck smiled and said: " the appearance of beauty and ugliness is not important, the spiritual beauty of real. 丑小软鸭笑着说:“外表的美和丑并不重要,心灵的美才是真正的美。”
The next day another visitor arrived, and said he was the friend of the friend of the man who had brought the duck. 第三天,又来了个人说道:“我是买给你鸭子的那个人的朋友的朋友。”
Before humans were sent up in the balloon, a test flight was made using three animals: a sheep, a duck, and a rooster. 在热气球载人飞行之前,首先进行飞行试验的是三只动物:一只羊,一只鸭子和一只公鸡。
Even after years of using a mechanical typewriter, my secretary has taken to her new word processor like a duck to water. 即使我的秘书使用了数年的机械打字机,但她对新的文字处理机也一学就会。
Place a few slices of duck , pieces of scallion and a teaspoon of jam on the pancakes, and roll it up to eat. 在煎饼上放几块烤鸭,几段大葱,一匙酱,把饼卷起即可食用。
Be like a duck. Calm on the surface, but always paddling like the dickens underneath. 做只鸭子吧!表面上安静镇定,而水底却不停地打着脚掌。
He did the animations for the queen the way that he felt would be best, with one addition: he gave the queen a pet duck. 他用他认为最好的方式完成女王动画,就是补充一点:他赋予了女王一只鸭子宠物。
The tang of wood fires stings the nostrils of men and women as they duck through low doorways into the cheery, bright world of a home. 火刺木的汤,因为他们的男子和妇女通过低门口鸭鼻孔进入,热情的,一个家庭更美好的世界。
Again, she acted as though the duck had simply disappeared, making no attempt to search for it under the sheet. 再一次地,好像鸭子已经不见了一样,她没有尝试着在被褥中找它。
His search ended when he found a dog that could actually walk on water to retrieve a duck. 他找来找去,真给他找到了一条能在水面上行走捡野鸭的。
Luis opened it. In the box there was a band that looked like a duck. The duck had a hat on its head. 路易斯打开它。在方块里面有一个乐队,仿佛变了一个鸭子。鸭子头上有一顶帽子。
"Now fire away, " he said, when he had got his guest into a shirt and a pair of duck trousers. 他给客人穿好衬衫和帆布裤,说:“现在,请你开诚布公地讲吧!”
Sam is really a natural programmer. He took to programming like a duck to water even before he graduated from elementary school. 萨姆真是天生程序员的料,他甚至在小学没毕业以前编起程序来就如鱼得水。
Mr Bezos decided there was no point trying to duck this and in 2000 invited other retailers to sell their goods on his website. 贝佐斯先生决定让这一想法付诸实践,于是在2000年邀请了其他零售商在自己的网站上卖东西。
After a moment, the vet shook his head sadly and said, "I'm so sorry, your pet duck has passed away. " 过了一小会,兽医难过地摇摇头说,“我很遗憾,你的宠物鸭已经死了。”
The dwarf's sudden silence went unnoticed, as Duck had begun to regale him with his own life story. 侏儒突然的沉寂没被注意,同时鸭子开始了他自己生活经历的吹擂。
We would like a few different animals, one of each: bird, bee, rabbit, bear, monkey, chick, duck. 我们希望一些不同的动物,每一个:鸟,蜂,兔,熊,猴,鸡,鸭。
The Fat Duck is owned by chef Heston Blumenthal whose style of cooking is often described by foodies as 'molecular gastronomy'. 肥鸭(餐厅)是由HestonBlumenthal厨师拥有的,其烹饪作风经常被美食家们描述为“美食分子”。
I couldn't help it! When a fist comes at your face, you duck! Look! -What is the matter with you? 我不由自主地!当一个拳头向你脸上打来时,你也会闪开!看!-你怎么回事?
pushing herb in , she held the door handle to make sure he did not duck out again. 她把赫伯推进门去,反身拉住门上的把手,使赫伯不会再溜出去。
But for now, he says, 'it walks like a duck, it quacks like a duck, so we'll call it a duck until proven otherwise. ' 但对于目前,他说,既然它走起来像只鸭子,叫起来也像只鸭子,那么在证明它不是鸭子之前,我们就把它当作鸭子好了。
In the depths of a forest a duck was sitting in her nest. Her little ducklings were about to be hatched. 在森林的深处有一只母鸭子坐在她的巢中,她的小鸭子们即将孵出来。
The servant at once seized her by the neck, carried her to the kitchen, and said to the cook, here is a fine duck, pray, kill her. 仆人立即抓住了这只鸭子的脖子,把她提到厨房,告诉厨子:“我抓到一只很不错的鸭子,快宰了她。”
Unfortunately fell into a rabbit one day, a box, the results came out into a duck, you know why? Stood because the box is the transformer. 有一天一只兔子不幸掉进一个箱子,结果出来的时候变成了一只鸭子,你知道什么原因吗?因为箱子里放着是变压器…
Nick: Hey, buddy, he said he likes Peking Duck. 嘿!伙计,他说他喜欢北京烤鸭。
The next day the duck was to be transported to California by plane to amaze them either. 次日,这只“大鸭子”将被飞机运往加州。加州人准备接受视觉挑战吧!
With his formidable connections, negotiating skills and charm, he took to it like a duck to water. 凭借强大的人脉关系、谈判技巧和迷人的风采,罗摩弗萨在商界如鱼得水。
How much Beijing Duck can you eat? 你能吃多少北京烤鸭?