
美 [i'e]
  • abbr.(=enemy aircraft)敌机
  • 网络美国艺电(Electronic Arts);美商艺电;电子艺界



美国艺电(Electronic Arts)

美国艺电 (ea),总部设在美国加利福尼亚州红木城,是全球著名的互动娱乐软件公司.由1982年创立至今,公司在全球为视频游 …


美商艺电 ( ea ) nba 大满灌 ( nbaso ) 美商艺电 ( ea )IP Location Ping Traceroute Website Speed Test Traceroute Website I...


电子艺界EA)在今年年初通过Gaikai发布了4款游戏的试玩版之后,卡普空是第二家使用这一服务的游戏发行商。而就在上 …

企业架构(Enterprise Architecture)

企业架构 8 面向业务变更和转型的企业架构EA)能够将组织的业务和技术动态关联在一起,帮助公司实现目标,顺9 企业产 …

丙烯酸乙酯(Ethyl acrylate)

...化学化工系袁江西 南昌 330013) 摘 要院以丙烯酸乙酯(EA)尧甲基丙烯酸甲酯(MMA)为单体袁N,N忆- 亚甲基双丙烯酰胺为交 …

To do so, common EA models used in this organization have been used, i. e. , business process models and entity-relationship models. 为了实现这些,我们使用了公用EA模型,例如业务过程模型以及实体-关系模型。
During the last twenty years, environmental assessment(EA)has developed into a comprehensive and multi discipline frontier science. 环境评价经过二十年的发展已成为一门综合的、多学科天又的边缘科学。
For most of you this would be the e-mail tied to your Master EA account (ie the account in which all of your EA games are registered under). 大部分你这将是电子邮件联系您的主环境帐户(即帐户中,您所有的东亚运动会是下注册的)。
With the 2010 World Cup in South Africa just a few months from now, an official World Cup game from EA Sports was a virtual certainty. 随着2010年世界杯在南非,从现在只需数月,世界杯足球赛的正式从EA体育游戏是一个虚拟的确定性。
Specify encryption algorithm (-ea) This option allows you to choose a strong encryption algorithm to encrypt your new database. 指定加密算法(-ea)此选项允许您选择用于加密您新数据库的高度加密算法。
It is, then, up to the enterprise PM (or an architect) to come up with an optimal set of solution projects to implement the EA. 然后由企业PM(或架构师)提出一个最佳的解决方案项目集合来实现EA。
And how much EA SPORTS marketing choices and the few time to develop the game have influenced your first intention? 另外,EASPORTS的市场策略以及开发时间的短缺对你的最初设想有多大的影响?
To counteract radar signal interception system effectively and baffle the sort of radar signal, the key is collocation of EA emitters. 为了阻碍雷达截获系统对雷达信号的有效分选,电子攻击信号源的布站是一个关键。
Woods posted two tweets Tuesday of photos from his EA Sports shoot at Isleworth, referring to one as a "tough day at the office. " 伍兹周二发布了两张他在艾尔沃斯EA体育比赛中拍摄的照片,称这是一个“在办公室艰难的一天。”
EA freight train crashed into a stationary passenger train in central India early Monday, killing at least 21 people. 星期一早上,印度中部一列货运火车与停靠在车站里的一列客车相撞,造成至少21人死亡。
With your average EA team running $1m+ in just salaries, most SMB companies just won't be able to find the money. 一般的EA团队仅在工资上就需要一百多万美元,大部分中小企业都筹集不到资金。
The magistrates gave credit to Barrett for an early guilty plea and accepted its mitigation that the company had co-operated with the EA. 裁判给信贷巴雷特早日认罪,并接受其缓解该公司的共同运作的EA。
As an intelligent search and optimization method, Evolutionary Algorithm (EA) has a good future with a very variety of applications. 进化算法作为一种模拟生物优胜劣汰过程的智能搜索和优化算法有着非常广泛的应用前景。
Created by members of the Open Group consortium, TOGAF has not always embodied a holistic EA focus. TOGAF是由OpenGroupconsortium成员创建的,TOGAF不是一开始就体现整体的EA焦点。
Ana what was it like to see yourself digitally in EA's Grand Slam Tennis? 安娜,你在EA网球大满贯里见到数字化的自己是什么感觉?
Finally, the expert group decided to abandon the idea of a single binding framework runtime like that found in the original EA release. 最后,专家组决定放弃单个绑定框架运行时(就象在原来EA发行版中所看的)的想法。
Prior to that, Steve was the Vice President for Strategic Marketing and Education at EA, bridging academia and Electronic Arts. 在那之前,史蒂夫是艺电公司的战略行销和教育副总裁,与学术界沟通。
I believe this concept of alignment with business is old school EA, we don't say Sales needs to align with the business. 我认为与业务契合的概念是旧的EA概念,我们一定不会说“销售应与业务对齐”。
Brown, the EA spokesman, said he thinks opinions about the game's original design were largely generational. EA的发言人Brown说他认为对于游戏的原版设计的观点在很大程度上是有代沟的。
An Organizational Decomposition Model is an EA model that describes how the enterprises are structured for administrative purposes. 组织分解模型是一种描述了企业是如何为管理目的而构建的EA模型。
In the case of Enterprise Architecture, there is a traditional view (EA-as-IT-planning) and an emerging view (EA-as-business-strategy). 关于企业架构,有传统的观点(EA即IT规划),也有新兴的观点(EA即企业战略)。
In terms of standards, the EA group should focus on which Web 2. 0 tools to use as well as how and where to deploy them. 就标准而言,EA团队应该重点关注要使用哪些Web2.0工具,以及如何和在何处部署它们。
On cylinder seals one sees Ea sitting on a thrown with water streams out of his shoulders. 在圆柱体的图章里,可以看到伊亚坐在宝座上,水从他的肩部涌出来。
Then in October, Sun provided a new beta version of the JAXB reference implementation, finally replacing the long outdated EA version. 接着在10月,Sun提供了JAXB参考实现新的beta测试版,最终它会替代过时已久的EA版本。
The first edition sold over nine million copies and is seen as one of the defining games of the genre, along with EA's Command &Conquer. 第一个版本的发售数量超过九百万张,被认为是同类游戏中的经典大作之一,与EA的《命令与征服》齐名。
The sun and fun that lure tourists also help high-tech firms woo talent, says Phil Holt of EA Tiburon, a video-game developer near Orlando. 拿就职于奥兰多附近一家视频游戏开发公司EA蒂伯龙的菲力霍特的话来说,曾经吸引游客的阳光和欢乐同样有助于高科技公司钓到贤才。
Electronic Arts has a really good internship program, probably the largest of any game company. EA有着很好的实习安排,这可能是所有游戏公司里最大的实习基地了。
Report your crash in the Official EA Forums and be prepared to provide the dump file if requested. 如果被请求,报告在正式的EA论坛里的你的碰撞事故并且准备提供垃圾堆档案。
Ea Remember, the idea is that you've got reactants and products, and there's some barrier you've got to get over. 是活化能,Ea,is,what,is,an,activation,energy。,记住,活化能的含义是,如果你有反应物和产物,你必须越过一个势垒。
Nothing last and that i a hame. But today there will ea end of a ig era! 没有什么是永恒的,这没有什么可让我们羞愧的,但是今天,会是一个大时代的结束。