each other

  • pron.彼此
  • 网络互相;相互;各自

each othereach other

each other

1.(用作动词或介词的宾语)互相,彼此used as the object of a verb or preposition to show that each member of a group does sth to or for the other members


大学英语四级常用词组 ... due to 由于,因为 each other 互相 ever so 非常,极其 ...


初中英语单词表 - 已解决 - 搜搜问问 ... 10. because conj. 因为 13. each other 彼此,互相 15. spend vt. 花费(钱、时间等);度 ...


初中英语短语大全 ... 6.make friends with sb 和某人交朋友 7.each other 相互 8.think of 认为 ...


gugou ... stockings 长袜 each other 互相, 各自 by sea 乘船, 由海路 ...


friends01-20译文-xlpang-ChinaUnix博客 ... care: 在意 each other: 对方 history: 历史 ...


小升初英语易错知识点 ... Exchange: 交换 Each other: 相互之间 Hear sb doing: 听见某人正在做某事。 ...


Sinograma « 交 » - Diccionario de Sinogramas ... 交合[ copulate] 交互[ each other] 交混[ mix] ...

It would be a speech in which he would ask both sides, he said, the US and the Muslims to listen to each other and to learn. 他透露,在演讲中他将号召美国和穆斯林国家听取对方意见并互相借鉴。
If things went wrong, there was no way to ask for a transfer. We all had to live with each other. 要是事情变糟了,可没有办法要求调离,我们只得继续和彼此生活在一起。
Mr. Wu and I did not know each other, and I had no idea why he invited me for lunch. 吴先生与我并不相识,我也全然不知他为何会邀请我。
The film features beautiful, as the Bush people are honest, they help each other and love each other, ready to help others. 影片中的景物很美,正如淳朴的布希族人,他们互相帮助,互相关爱,乐于助人。
Keep in mind you ought to have to call home with each other before you explore each of their routines and character. 记住,你应该要打电话与对方家里,然后再探讨他们的程序和性格每个。
I would like to introduce him to you and be very glad to get a chance to let you and him knowing each other. 我很想让你同鲍明互相认识。我很高兴有这次机会把你们介绍到一起。
If you think you are my boyfriend, then the definition should be ; "Unconditional love, understand each other and tolerate imperfection. '" 如果你认为你是我的男朋友,那麽定义就是需要彼此付出理解,迁就和容忍。
Do not pile up in drawers with diamond ornaments or jewelry box, diamond ring rubbing against each other would be a "kill each other. " 切勿将钻戒饰物一起堆放在抽屉或珠宝箱内,钻戒相互摩擦时会“自相残杀”。
See how they're trying to shove each other through the door? 看见他们怎么挤对方的吗
Only if people are ready to talk to each other and to care about each other's work will you be able to create more business value, faster. 只有当人们愿意相互交谈,关心相互的工作时,你才能更多更快的创造商业价值。
Love is not words, is each other; in lonely is not lonely, is knowing the long way, snowy, but still grateful to be with you . . . . . . 爱情应该是无所不言,是相依为命;是身处寂寥却不感寂寞,是明知路漫漫、雪茫茫,却仍感激能与你一同走过……
Germany and ourselves have great respect for each other and this was a thing in the heat of the moment. 德国和我们都非常的尊敬对方,而这只是激情的一刻。
This time next year will be a better time to judge them after they've had a bit of time to settle in and get to know each other better. 等到明年他们稳定搭配出场,并且彼此知根知底以后,我们就能对这对组合做一个完整的评价了。
John and his father stared at each other, struck dumb and still and with something come to life between them. 约翰和父亲面面相觑,都一动不动地楞在那儿,在他们之间有某种东西复苏了。
Sure, okay. I just wanted to ask if you're interested in carpooling to work. We only live a few blocks from each other. 当然,没关系。我只想问,你是否有兴趣拼车上班。我们彼此住所只有几个街区。
Do not hang the body slumped over the side, hands on each other's waist, or can be gently attached to each other's face. 千万别呆呆的挂在身体两边,手可以放在对方的腰上或者轻轻的贴在对方的脸上。
Alucard: I was hoping we would not see each other again. I can't allow you to leave here, Father. 我希望我们永远不会再见的。我不能让你离开这里,父亲。
There had been a plane crash. Two small planes collided into each other over a northern suburb of Chicago. 那是一场空难,两架小型飞机在芝加哥北部郊区上空相撞了。
A forum for members to be able to post in and talk to each other like any other forum. ONLY members have access to the forum not the public. 论坛的一个成员能够发布和搭腔像任何其他论坛的其他。只有会员可以访问该论坛不公开。
'Yes, and that's what upset him most, because he took the fact that our minds were made up as a sure sign of our love for each other. ' 讲过了,最惹他生气的正是这件事,因为他在我们这个主意里面看到了我们相爱的证据。
One competitor, spotting Thain and Mack in conversation, said that such a union would be like two drunks trying to prop each other up. 一位看到塞恩和麦晋桁交谈的竞争对手说,这样的联盟就像是两个酒鬼试图搀扶对方。
Ask God to help you and your spouse be completely honest with each other so that neither one of you hides anything from the other. 求神帮助你和你的爱人彼此完全的忠诚,谁对谁都不隐藏任何东西。
Galaxies are very close to each other, but still not close enough to their stars began to collide with each other. 星系彼此非常接近,但还没有近到可以让其恒星互相碰撞到。
Scientists do not know how lightning bugs are able to communicate with each other to do this. 科学家们不知道如何闪电错误是能够互相沟通,要做到这一点。
The result of this query (at the time of writing, at least) is two version texts printed directly after each other. 查询结果(至少在本文撰写之时)是两个版本的文字,直接显示在彼此之后。
Maple Leaf is always red, the sun will always Dongsheng West down, as long as we treasure each other, our friendship did not disappear. 枫叶永远是火红的,太阳永远东升西落,只要我们彼此珍重,友情不消失。
He said the six countries had a better understanding of each other's position. 他说,六国对彼此的立场都更加理解。
As you all know, our two countries broke from each other over what Thomas Jefferson referred to as "certain inalienable rights. " 我们都知道,我们两国在托马斯·杰弗逊提出的所谓“几个不可妥协的权利”上决裂。
She fails to let him understand how much she loves him in his mother tone when they apart from each other. 当他们彼此分开后,她无法用男孩的母语让对方明白自己的感觉。
Reclining in her new seat, she decided to ignore her family's demands, she said. The couple are seeing each other. 斜靠在她新椅子上的蒲小兰说,她决定无视家人的要求。这对儿目前正在谈恋爱。