
美 [ɪr]英 [ɪə(r)]
  • n.耳;耳朵;有…耳朵的;耳朵…的
  • v.抽穗
  • 网络耳状物;听觉;听力


deaf ear,right ear,left ear,sympathetic ear
turn ear



1.[c]耳;耳朵either of the organs on the sides of the head that you hear with

2.有…耳朵的;耳朵…的having the type of ears mentioned

3.[sing]灵敏的听力;辨音力an ability to recognize and copy sounds well

4.[c](谷类植物的)穗the top part of a grain plant, such as wheat , that contains the seeds


日常生活中的英语单词_爱问知识人 ... eye 眼睛 ear 耳朵 arm 手臂 ...

高中英语单词表 ... earn vt. 博得,赢得;赚得,掐得 ear n. 耳,耳朵;听力,听觉; eagerly adv. 焦急地,渴望地 ...


初中英语单词表 - 豆丁网 ... duty n. 责任,义务 ear n. 耳朵;耳状物;听力,听觉 early a. 早的 ...


职称英语等级考试A - 原版英语_馆档网 ... eagle 鹰 ear 耳朵,听觉,听力 early 早(的),早期(的),在初期 ...


3个字母的英语单词_百度知道 ... dig v. 挖,掘 ear n. 耳朵;听力;穗 eve n. (节日等的)前夜,前夕 ...


手机电路图中英文对照|手机维修技术 - 数码之家 ... EQUALIZER 均衡器 EAR 耳机 EL 发光 ...

With a light touch and keen ear, she had spent decades chronicling the ambivalent desires of her self-absorbed cohort. 靠着灵巧的处事能力和擅于倾听,她曾花了几十年的时间来记载她那专顾自己的同辈人的矛盾欲望。
And behold, one of those with Jesus stretched out his hand and drew his sword, and struck the slave of the high priest and took off his ear. 看哪,同耶稣在一起的人中,有一个伸手拔出刀来,将大祭司的奴仆砍了一刀,削掉了他一个耳朵。
Right ear is flat against his head, which shows that he is proper, respectful and does what is expected of him. 右耳几乎于脸平行,说明他有礼貌,懂得尊重别人,愿意像别人希望的那样做。
Today is the birthday of the Peas, I do not know who transmitted ran the likelihood of this ear. 今天是豆豆的生日,不知是谁把这话传到然然的耳边。
All that could be seen of him were his green eyes and one white- furred ear. 只能看到两只绿眼睛和一只白绒绒的耳朵。
This determination is based entirely on response to initial treatment, especially how much the external ear canals have opened. 这个决定完全基于对首次治疗的反应,尤其是外耳道开放了多少。
And yet, if you had a discriminating ear, there were in it the elements of a concord such as these plains never saw nor heard. 然而,如果你有一个审音的耳朵,其中却又有一种和谐的因素,在这一带原野上可以说是从没有看见过,也从没有听到过的。
When she pulled it out, she told me that I had an ear infection, and that she'd popped a pimple in there by mistake. 把耳镜取出来之后,她说我耳朵里感染了,而她刚刚不小心挤破了里面的一个脓包。
Under that was what felt like "an ear of a cow, " she said. 再往下,她摸到了好像“牛耳朵”的东西。
No one else can be met on the road. The wind by the ear, the throbbing bosom and the singing of birds are all encased in a sunny sunshine. 路上往往看不到一个人,只有耳旁的风声、自己的心跳声、小鸟的欢叫声包裹在明媚的阳光里。
People also prefer to use the right foot, ear and eye by about two-to-one, suggesting those behavioral biases may be related, he said. 他说,人们也更喜欢用右脚、右耳和右眼,使用它们的机会差不多比用左耳和左眼多一倍。这说明上述行为偏好可能也与此相关。
Do not permit thy ear to hear anything to which it is not able to listen. 不要让你的耳朵去听任何不可听的事。
What you said just now seems to put a bug in my ear. 你刚才说的话好像是给我的警告。
Jack: No, sir, but you said yesterday that everything you told me went in one ear and out of the other, so I'm trying to stop it! 杰克:不是,老师。您昨天曾说过您告诉我的一切事情总是一耳进一耳出,所以我在试着堵上它。
He brought his face near my ear. I glanced at him and said, "What a shame! " ; but he did not move. 他把脸靠近我的耳朵。我瞥了他一眼说:“多羞啊!”可他没有动。
Customer: Your dog seems very fond of watching you cutting hair. Barber: It isn't that. Sometimes I snip off a bit of a customer's ear. 顾客:你的狗似乎很喜欢看你给别人理发嘛。理发师:不是这么会事,而是因为我常常会剪掉客人们一点耳朵什么的。
But I think a personal side can listen carefully to my ear, can clap my shoulder to encourage me, and that I did not come with me. 可是我多想身边有个人能认真的听我唠叨,能拍拍我的肩鼓励我,而那个人不是我叫过来陪我的。
If you were, I would whisper in your ear, tell you how much I love you. 如果梦想真的实现了,我会在你的耳边轻言细语,告诉你我是多么的爱你。
As he lands, he grins from ear to ear, a naughty, impish grin, as if having an audience is just the thing he thrives on. 当他落地站稳后,他咧着嘴笑起来,那淘气顽皮的样子仿佛拥有一个观众就是他成长的动力。
If the iPad had come first, we wouldn't think of the iPhone as a phone; we'd think of it as a tablet small enough to hold up to your ear. 如果iPad先发布的话,我们很可能不会把iPhone想成是一部手机;我们会想它是个小到可以放在耳旁当电话使的平板。
Him to ear listening to, hear the sound of beautiful music, respectively, canary, nightingale, blackbird, Dove, partridge and song voice. 他再侧耳细听,听见那美丽的音乐声中,分别有金丝雀、夜莺、山鸟、斑鸠、鹧鸪的鸣唱声。
No response, just a flutter of flanks and a few ear twitches. 驴群没有回应,只有一阵侧腹部的抖动,还有少数几只的耳朵抽搐了几下。
Waller: I mean it was hard to watch you bite off a piece of the guy's ear and spit it out on the ring floor . 沃勒:我是说你咬掉对手(霍利霏尔德)耳朵上的一块肉,把它吐在地板上,这让人们很难接受。
Ear hairs, ear wax, dry skin and build-up in and around the ears should all be taken care of as a part of your grooming regimen. 在装扮准则中,耳毛、耳垢、干皮以及耳朵边缘的沉积物必须要注意。
Jin Yong once said, he walked behind the ear, the word can be heard, not the hear hear No. 金庸也曾经说过,他年迈耳背后,该听见的话就能听见,不该听见的话就听不见。
Along with a slow developing brain, and legal blindness, it was also determined that she was legally deaf in her right ear. 她大脑发育缓慢,左眼失明,右耳失聪也已确诊。
At this time, Helen came down and said curiously, "I saw the bear put his mouth to your ear and whisper to you. " 此时,海伦从树上下来并好奇地说,我看到熊将它的嘴放在你的耳朵旁耳语。
and yet no secret, such as the physician fancied must exist there, ever stole out of the minister's consciousness into his companion's ear. 然而医生想象中肯定存在的那种隐私,却始终没有溜出牧师的意识传进他的同伴的耳中。
The mediation handler is then ready to be assembled into a deployable artifact (an EAR file). 中介处理程序准备好组装到一个可以部署的工件(EAR文件)中。
"Quickly, then, child! " said the minister, bending his ear close to her lips. "Quickly! - and as low as thou canst whisper. " “那就快说吧,孩子!”牧师说着,弯腰把耳朵凑近她的嘴唇。“快说吧!——悄悄地,尽量小声点。”