
美 [ˈɜrli]英 [ˈɜː(r)li]
  • adv.提前;提早;在早期;在初期
  • adj.早期的;初期的;早先的;早到的
  • n.厄利
  • 网络早的;早早地

比较级:earlier 最高级:earliest

early stage,early century,early morning,early period,early age


1.早期的;初期的;早先的near the beginning of a period of time, an event etc.

2.早到的;提前的;提早的arriving, or done before the usual, expected or planned time


an early bird

早起者;早到者;赶早者;捷足先登者a person who gets up, arrives, etc. very early

at your earliest convenience

尽早;尽快as soon as possible

the early bird catches the worm

捷足先登;捷足先得the person who takes the opportunity to do sth before other people will have an advantage over them

its early days (yet)

为时尚早;言之过早used to say that it is too soon to be sure how a situation will develop

字典中 夙 字的解释 ... (6) 前,早年[ former] (2) [ early] 肃敬[ respect] ...


八年级上册英语单词 ... bicycle 自行车 early 早的 mile 英里 ...


一、早期(early)骑兵分析(按肉搏能力从高到低排名)1.Kataphractoi(铁甲骑兵)790元 主攻10 副攻10ap(破甲) 冲击6 甲8 …


新东方老师的734条高频词组笔记 - 豆丁网 ... but 连用) 256. (=early) 早早地(做完.到达等) 342. charge…for 因…索取(费用) , ...


大英语B级词汇表 - 豆丁网 ... ear n. 耳朵 early adj. 早的,早期的 earn v. 赚得,获得 ...


人教版八年级上册英语单词_百度文库 ... stress v. 加压力于,使紧张 early adv. 提早(地) problem n. 问题 ...

I got to bed early due to my tummy was sick, may be the tropical fruit mango cause me painful? 我很早上床睡觉,由于我肚子病了,可能是热带水果芒果,引起了我的痛苦吗?
Held in London in 1851, the Great Exhibition introduced new inventions like an early form of the fax machine and the voting machine. 在那次万国博览会上引介了早期的传真机和计票机等新发明。
In the early morning the sun threw my shadow westward as I hurried down the white chasms of lower New York to the Probity Trust. 每天清早太阳把我的影子投向西边时,我沿着纽约南部摩天大楼之间的白色裂口匆匆走向正诚信托公司。
The look got a boost from a hot TV show based in the early 1960s, which was one of the last periods for innovative tailored styles. 这部讲述上世纪60年代早期广告人生活的热门电视剧推动了这种装束的流行,而在服装剪裁风格得以创新的各个时代中,60年代是距离我们最近的年代之一。
It might have been that the early translators thought of love in terms of lovemaking, but over time the meaning became more vague. 早期的译者应该还是以“男女性爱”去理解“爱”这一词语,时光荏苒,这一意义渐渐变得模糊。
He told me that he often illusions themselves from an early age to encounter such a windfall uncle, however, has not encountered before. 他告诉我,他从小就经常幻想自己能遇到这样一个从天而降的叔叔,然而一直没有遇到过。
In the beginning you may see some huge oscillations, staying awake too late one night and going to bed too early another night. 起初,你会看到一些巨大的反差---一个晚上很晚睡觉而另一个晚上却很早就去睡觉。
Skeptics asked whether it was an early sign of a more activist administration or an isolated example. 怀疑论者称,这到底是一个较为激进政府的早期征兆,还是仅仅是个案特例。
He will have intensive treatment over the next couple of weeks but it is too early to say if he will be fit for the game against Everton. 未来两周他将接受集中治疗,但现在就断言他是否能在对埃弗顿的比赛前康复还为时过早。
He recalls Dury going "extremely weird" after his first album and as a manager in his early 20s trying to deal with it. 他回想起杜里在首张专辑发行后变得“非常奇怪”,而作为经理人、20岁出头的詹纳设法解决这个问题。
But most of the photos depict a woman who seems to be in her early twenties - which definitely is not the average age of any nationality. 但大多数照片都描绘的是20岁出头的女性,这绝非某个国家民众的平均年龄。
The scale of Mr Obama's victory gives him considerable scope to force through any policies he wants in the early years of his term. 奥巴马的获胜优势给予了他很大的空间,让他在任期头几年可以强行通过任何自己想实施的政策。
He added: "If you could prevent behavioural problems with an early intervention, in a public health-sense it could be very important. " 他补充道:“如果能够通过早期干预而预防行为问题的发生,从公共健康意义上来讲,是非常重要的。”
Watery diarrhoea is often present in the early stages of illness, and may precede respiratory symptoms by up to one week. 发病初期,往往会有水样腹泻,然后呼吸道症状可能持续一个星期。
Scientists stressed good diet was vital in a child's early life as the brain grows at its fastest rate during the first three years of life. 科学家强调说在儿童的早期生活中良好的饮食结构极其重要,因为在生命的头三年中,孩子的大脑发育得最快。
To the early Qing Dynasty, the distribution of irrigation channels in Ningxia Plain had been a dense web and almost perfect. 至清初,宁夏平原的灌溉渠道渐趋完善,其分布密如蛛网。
Residents of South Waziristan said the early morning missile strike hit the home of a Taliban commander outside the main town, Wana. 南瓦济里斯坦的居民说,清晨发射的导弹击中了主要城镇瓦纳郊外一名塔利班指挥官的房屋。
Because this fact was no recognized, the early magnetic prospecting for iron deposits was spectacularly unsuccessful. 由于不了解这个事实,因此早期为寻找铁矿进行磁法勘深,遭到了惊人的失败。
Symptomatic of this was the Ford Taurus, once America's bestselling car. By early 2000 it had been reduced to a little-loved rental vehicle. 其中一个标志性的事件就是曾经的公司销售之王福特金牛到了2000年初已然只能当没人爱的租赁车了。
Bill Koch had a long-standing feud with his brothers after his failed attempt to take over the company in the early 1980s. 20世纪80年代因为能争夺科赫公司管理权失败之后,比尔科赫与其兄长期不和。
Planning as early as you can for your future, and making all finance ready is just the beginning of a happiness life. 早早为将来做打算,为未来生活提前作好财务安排才是幸福人生的开始。
This was to be hei last evening alone as Jeff, her former mater, would be returning Zac to her early in the moring. 这是她在家独处的最后一个晚上,因为她的前夫杰夫会在早上把扎克送回来。
Let early education be a sort of a amusement; you will then be better able to find out the natural bent. 初期教育应是一种娱乐,这样才更容易发现一个人天生的爱好。
A daughter agrees to go to bed early if her mother lets her dress up in her old gowns. 女儿答应早早上床,只要她能穿穿母亲的旧日华服。
He was an early proponent of the theory that life on Earth may have come from Mars in rocks ejected by asteroid and comet impacts. 他是这项理论早期的支持者:地球生命也许来自火星,通过小行星和彗星冲撞而由岩石喷射而出。
The children must be taught at an early age that this is South Africa's game. 孩子们必须在早年接受教育,让他们知道这是南非的运动。
To tell the truth, it was not the best time to come, and best times the end of June or early September. 说实话现在并不是来布拉格最好的时候,六月底和九月初才是这里气候最为宜人的季节。
So I shall try to make it a habit of swallowing my frogs early in the day. 这样看来,我应该试着把早点吞掉我的青蛙养成一种习惯。
The man, who appeared to be in his early twenties, then took off his heavy shoe and threw it at the stage missing the Premier by a few feet. 这位看上去大约二十多岁的男子随后脱下他有些重的鞋朝台上扔去,砸在了离温总理约数尺远的地上。
Opponents of the state's governor, Scott Walker, are hoping to put him to a recall vote early next year. 该州州长斯科特•沃克的竞争对手都希望把他的罢免投票放在明年的早些时候。