
美 [ˈizi]英 [ˈiːzi]
  • adv.轻点;小心;慢些
  • adj.容易的;轻易的;不费力的;舒适的
  • n.〈口〉暂时的休息;〈美口〉易受欺骗的人
  • 网络更容易的;更舒松的;较容易

比较级:easier 最高级:easiest

easy way,easy access,easy task,easy job,easy money


1.容易的;轻易的;不费力的not difficult; done or obtained without a lot of effort or problems

2.舒适的;安逸的;安心的comfortable, relaxed and not worried

3.[obn]易受攻击的;无自卫能力的;容易吃亏的open to attack; not able to defend yourself

4.[obn]随和的;平易近人的pleasant and friendly


as easy as anything/as pie/as ABC/as falling off a log

十分容易;极容易;轻而易举very easy or very easily

easy money

来得容易的钱money that you get without having to work very hard for it

easy on the ear/eye

好听╱好看的;悦耳╱悦目的pleasant to listen to or look at

have an easy time (of it)

日子好过;过得舒适;毫无困难to have no difficulties or problems

Im easy

我随便;我好办;我无所谓used to say that you do not have a strong opinion when sb has offered you a choice

of easy virtue

水性杨花;轻浮;放荡willing to have sex with anyone

on easy street

环境舒适;生活优裕;安定富足enjoying a comfortable way of life with plenty of money

take the easy way out

以最简单的方法解决难题;快刀斩乱麻to end a difficult situation by choosing the simplest solution even if it is not the best one


新概念英语第二册单词总汇_英语网 ... earth n. 地球,地,地面 easier a. 更容易的,更舒松的 serious a. 严重的,严肃的 ...


新概念英语第二册单词总汇_英语网 ... earth n. 地球,地,地面 easier a. 更容易的,更舒松的 serious a. 严重的,严肃的 ...


2007年考研英语试题答案解析 ... B.faster 较快; C.easier 较容易; A.created 创建; ...


4.《交友常用词汇》_百度文库 ... earring◇◇◇ 耳环 easier◇◇◇ 容易些 edge◇◇◇ 边缘 ...


Gossip Girl 绯闻女友 第四季 第二集... ... inside: 里面 easier: 更简单 come back: 回来 ...

He said he'd help me with my project. Friends like you make it a lot easier to get along in a new place. 他说他愿意在我的项目方面帮我一把。有你这样的朋友就更容易融入新环境了。
Pages written using the single-file model are slightly easier to deploy or to send to another programmer because there is only one file. 因为只有一个文件,所以使用单文件模型编写的页更容易部署或发送给其他程序员。
I've been a line guy all my life, which might have made it easier. 我一辈子都是个业务人员,所以觉得这种事比较容易。
That role is often nebulous to many in the organization, and agile does not make things easier with its new product owner role. 在许多组织中,该角色往往是模糊的,而敏捷新的产品负责人角色,并没有让事情变得更加简单。
Securing a licence to clear rainforest is often easier than buying up and consolidating smallholdings. 通常,弄到一张铲平雨林的许可证,要比费力买下并修整小片农地容易得多。
If you were to write a second book in an area you have already published in, it would be similarly easier. 如果你正在写第二本书,涉及的内容你已经出版过,类似地更加容易。
School districts in South Carolina are trying to make that transition a little bit easier for the teachers. 南卡罗来纳州的学校们正在尝试让这种过度变的更加轻松,更易于被教师们接受。
Nowadays, getting out of a committed relationship and getting into a new one is much easier. 时下,抛弃老相好,投进新怀抱更是易如反掌。
Life on the road for this frequent traveler would be so much easier if these five simple things were in every hotel room. 每个旅馆房间里都有五样物品的话,那么每个经常出差人士的生活就要轻松。
They make it a bit easier to keep your inbox clean and distraction-free while you tend to actual work. 它能使你的收件箱保持干净,并且在实际工作的时候能够自动分类。
It was another good choice: the easier league suited his waning legs, and the US was the new market he and his wife wanted to exploit. 这又是一次不错的选择:一个踢球更容易的联盟更适合他日渐老迈的双腿,同时美国也是他们夫妇俩想要开发的新市场。
"We're a lot easier to deal with than a bank, " he said from his office on the third floor of a Bank of America building near Rodeo Drive. “我们比银行好打交道多了,”他在他的办公室说,办公室位于RodeoDrive附近的一栋美国银行大厦的三楼。
After several weeks of accidents, Earle began thinking about ways to make it easier to bandage his wife's injuries. 在这些事故后的数周埃尔开始思考,如何更容易的处理她妻子的伤口。
He made it easy to observe that it would be easier to remain in the nature of mind, which is pure from the beginning than to try to deny it. 他用简单的容易的方法来让我们观察到安住在心的本性中也就是清净的本性中是更加容易的,而不是试图拒绝它。
This can be confusing because a Reader Names or Author field displays canonical data in an abbreviated format to make it easier to read. 这可能会造成混淆,因为ReaderNames或Author字段以缩写格式来显示规范数据,以便于阅读。
I find it easier to pick something up if I can do it at my own speed. 我发现我比较喜欢能按照自己速度来的运动。
Whether is easier, to say, Thy sins be forgiven thee; or to say, Rise up and walk? 或说,你的罪赦了,或说,你起来行走,那一样容易呢。
It was easy to understand why a woman would feel it was easier to do away with the problem, it was certainly easy to understand. 很容易理解为什么女人会觉得这这个问题比较容易处理,这当然很容易理解。
Tough it out in the early weeks, and keep reminding yourself that it will get easier. 在最初的几周要咬牙坚持,不断提醒自己以后会变得轻松的。
Yeah! Yeah, yeah, yeah. Well, maybe it's because, you know. . . men are. . . easier to. . . you know. . . to please. 没错!没错,是啊,是啊。嗯,也许这是因为,你知道的…男人……更容易…你知道的…获得满足。
If I hadn't have been sent off we almost certainly would have won the match and my life would be much easier now. 如果我没有被罚下的话,那么我们几乎肯定能赢下比赛。
Fanny: Now he's gone, I shall find it easier to talk. Can you say something of the craft of poetry? 范妮:他走了,我觉得讲起话更方便些。能说说写诗技巧吗?。
It is much easier to call the functions directly instead of trying to decode the data structures from outside the process. 直接调用函数(而不是从进程外尝试对数据结构进行解码)要容易得多。
Throw yourself into life as it happens around you and you'll find that it becomes easier to maintain your internal sense of peace. 把自己置身于周围的环境中,你会发现维持内心的平和变得越来越容易。
China's leadership has suggested it is now ready to tackle that anomaly by making it easier for peasant farmers to trade their land titles. 中国领导层表示,现在已准备好解决这种不正常现象,使农民更容易买卖自己的土地使用权。
Chris disagrees that all's fair in love and war. He never changes his rules even if it would make life easier. 克里斯并不认同所谓权宜之计。就算这样会使他的生活更容易些,他也不改变他的原则。
Along with bringing it a higher valuation, the move will make it easier for Vanke to raise financing for foreign acquisitions. 除了借此得到较高的估值外,此举还将使万科更易于为海外收购进行融资。
Then, it was easier to go into her room and get her a fresh pair of gloves myself, than to sit and watch her fret. 于是我便会走进她的房间给她换一副新手套,这样比坐在那里看着她皱眉头要容易得多。
It was not my fate to become a woman, so it was easier for me to see the graces. 上帝没有把我造成女的,这使我更容易看到她们优雅的一面。
You see, if I get a commission, it would be easier for me to sell your tea. 假如我能得到佣金,这会更便于我推销你们的茶叶。