
美 [ˈizi]英 [ˈiːzi]
  • adv.轻点;小心;慢些
  • adj.容易的;轻易的;不费力的;舒适的
  • n.〈口〉暂时的休息;〈美口〉易受欺骗的人
  • 网络最简单的;最易;最容易的

比较级:easier 最高级:easiest

easy way,easy access,easy task,easy job,easy money


1.容易的;轻易的;不费力的not difficult; done or obtained without a lot of effort or problems

2.舒适的;安逸的;安心的comfortable, relaxed and not worried

3.[obn]易受攻击的;无自卫能力的;容易吃亏的open to attack; not able to defend yourself

4.[obn]随和的;平易近人的pleasant and friendly


as easy as anything/as pie/as ABC/as falling off a log

十分容易;极容易;轻而易举very easy or very easily

easy money

来得容易的钱money that you get without having to work very hard for it

easy on the ear/eye

好听╱好看的;悦耳╱悦目的pleasant to listen to or look at

have an easy time (of it)

日子好过;过得舒适;毫无困难to have no difficulties or problems

Im easy

我随便;我好办;我无所谓used to say that you do not have a strong opinion when sb has offered you a choice

of easy virtue

水性杨花;轻浮;放荡willing to have sex with anyone

on easy street

环境舒适;生活优裕;安定富足enjoying a comfortable way of life with plenty of money

take the easy way out

以最简单的方法解决难题;快刀斩乱麻to end a difficult situation by choosing the simplest solution even if it is not the best one


常用景观设计英汉对照专业术语_高钰_新浪博客 ... Drought 干旱,缺乏 Easiest 容易的;轻松的 Eave 屋檐,突出边缘 ...


英语学习_爱问知识人 ... 41.B. lonely 孤独 43.A. easiest 最简单的 42. C. encouraged 鼓励 ...


北美和中国 对滑雪场雪道难度的划分... ... Green circle 绿道 Easiest 最易 Blue square 兰道 ...


UNIT 2 Biggest, Longest,... ... fast,faster,fastest, 快的,更快的,最快的, easy,easier,easiest, 容易的,更容易的,最容易的, ...


常用景观设计英汉对照专业术语_高钰_新浪博客 ... Drought 干旱,缺乏 Easiest 容易的;轻松的 Eave 屋檐,突出边缘 ...


形容词、副词比较级、最高级变化小结表格-8A... ... (容易的) easier (忙的easiest (窄的) cleverest ...


上海佳克计算机软件有限公司 公司论坛 -... ... Advanced 先进性 Easiest 易用性 Management 管理角度 ...

I believe the SimpleXML API, with its support for querying XML documents using XPath, is one of the easiest XML-parsing APIs to use. 我认为由于支持使用XPath查询XML文档,因此SimpleXMLAPI是最易于使用的XML解析API之一。
The easiest way for you to help us out is to join the overall project by registering. 最简单的方法可以让你帮助我们的是加入项目的全面登记。
The last one was the easiest. The easiest to crush my balls on, and twist my ankle up in the process. 最后一个本来是最容易过的,结果我磕到了蛋蛋,还扭了脚。
One of the easiest ways to arrange that pattern of possession is for Mali to lease the object to the British Museum for a few decades. 安排所有权形式的最简单方法之一,就是马里将文物租借给大英博物馆几十年。
Come to think of it, Nick wasn't known as the sweetest, easiest guy to work with when he was at the FT. 回想起来,当初尼克在英国《金融时报》工作时,也不是最温和、最容易相处的人。
The easiest thing for a tester to do when he first receives a specification for review is to pretend to be the customer. 当测试人员第一次收到《规格说明书》进行评审的时候,最简单的事情就是把自己当成是客户。
Every night before going to bed to hear you say good night, belongs to me, the easiest and lasting happiness. 每晚睡前听你说晚安,是属于我的,最简单而持久的幸福。
To understand the Expect source, it's easiest for the moment to neglect security considerations. 要了解Expect源代码,目前更简便的做法是忽略安全性考虑事项。
We have enough sense to realize that the easiest way to get out of being lost is to ask for directions. 我们拥有足够的常识知道摆脱迷路的办法就是开口问路。
To understand the relationship of these attributes, it is easiest to think of a variable as a box with a label attached to the outside. 要理解这三个属性之间的关系,可以把变量简单的想象成一个外面贴着标签的盒子。
It was the next easiest disease to eradicate, but it was so much more complicated than smallpox. 它是下一个最容易根除的疾病,但它比天花要复杂的多。
The easiest way to understand HADR is as a pair of servers that are kept in sync with each other at the database level. 理解HADR最容易的方法是设想两台服务器,它们在数据库级保持相互同步。
Unfortunately, the easiest of these -- using the front-panel LED menu -- doesn't fully restore the switch to its factory settings. 不幸的是,这些最简单的-使用前面板为首的菜单-并不完全恢复切换到其出厂设置。
the easiest way to the top, because the summit was the prize they sought, especially if it had never been attained before. . . 通往山顶的最方便的途径,因为顶峰特别是未曾到过的顶峰——才是他们寻求的目标。
One of the easiest and most dependable ways to get her in the mood is to place your mouth on the back of her neck. 最简单而又行之有效的一个方法就是吻她的后颈。
Contrary to what you might expect, fatigue may hit hardest during the easiest part of your breast cancer treatment. 可能和你预计的结果正好相反,最轻的治疗过程反而会是让你感到最疲劳的时候。
Amazingly, da Vinci wrote backward, so the easiest way to read his notes was to hold them up to a mirror. 令人惊奇的是达芬奇写下了反向,所以读他的笔记的最简单的方法便是在镜子前面举着笔记。
The bottom layer is made up of the shortest running tests, which, as you can imagine, are the easiest to write. 底层由运行时间最短的测试构成,可以想象的到,它们也最易于编写。
There are any number of ways to overstate a bit of pop culture, but overstating a show about nothing is perhaps the easiest. 夸大流行文化有很多方法,但夸大一个无关紧要的节目可能是最容易的。
The easiest choice is to put them out on a shared network drive somewhere. 最简单的选择是将它们取出放在一个共享的网络驱动空间。
Knew oneself is not easy, to deny the oneself similar difficulty, the human is easiest to think oneself infallible tenaciously with saw. 认识自己并不容易,否定自己同样困难,人最容易自以为是和固执已见。
But, probably the easiest to find, so our role is going to find formulas for a position of this moving point in terms of t. 不过,最简单的,我们的任务就是,找出对t而言,那条关于点所在位置的公式。
Since the table is "empty, " it is obviously easiest to read the entire table rather than trying to use an index. 由于表是“空”的,那么很显然读取空表比采用索引更简单。
The easiest method is to choose one of the system- provided bindings included with WCF and use it with its default settings . 最简单的方法就是选择WCF包含的系统提供绑定中的一个,并且通过该绑定的默认设置来使用它。
At this point, the one step that many fail at is often the easiest yet most important. 此时,在这个通常是最容易却是最重要的一步,很多人失败了。
It is often easiest to first explain the benefits of BPM, and then explain how BPM is best implemented on an SOA base. 最简单的方法是,首先解释BPM的好处,然后说明BPM为什么最好在SOA上实现。
A legacy from Mrs. Jennings, was the easiest means of atoning for his own neglect. 詹宁斯太太的遗赠,是弥补他自己的失职的最简单、最容易的方法。
Rest is often the easiest and most effective treatment for common running injuries. 休息对于普通跑步损伤常常是最简单和最有效的治疗。
I think you asked me that because you think the final club that's easiest to get into is the one where I'll have the best chance. 你刚那么问我,是不是觉得只蛹容易进的终极俱乐部我才最有希望啊?
The easiest way is to put tags in the XML file that will cause only the critical GUI controls and values to be considered. 最简单的方法是在XML文件中加入标志,使得只考虑临界的GUI控件和值。