
美 [eɡ]英 [eɡ]
  • n.鸡蛋;卵;卵形物;家伙
  • v.鼓动;用蛋制作(食物);向人扔鸡蛋
  • 网络蛋类;个鸡蛋;就是鸡蛋

第三人称单数:eggs 现在分词:egging 过去式:egged

golden egg,raw egg,rotten egg,fresh egg,unfertilized egg
eat egg,lay egg,put egg,Cook egg,throw egg



每日每鲜网络超市 ... 新 鲜 蔬 菜 Fresh vegetables 鸡 蛋 Eggs 海 鲜 水 产 Seafoods ...


食品专业英语/汪洪涛-图书-亚马逊 ... Lesson 8 Fiber 膳食纤维 Lesson 9 Eggs 蛋类 Lesson 10 Cereals 谷类 ...


海鲜鸡蛋饼_百度百科 ... 适量烧烤酱 barbecue sauce 1-2个鸡蛋 eggs 3-5个虾仁 shelled raw prawns ...



Lesson 34 - put all his eggs in the... ... to put all his Eggs in one basket. Eggs 就是鸡蛋, to eat crow. Eat 就是吃, ...


学做上海菜:美味营养早餐 - 沪江口译频道 ... Method 方法 * 2 eggs 两个鸡蛋 * 2 cups milk 两杯牛奶 ...

Ostrich eggs offer the perfect opportunity to add a bit of fun and theatre to a dinner party. 而鸵鸟蛋为增加烹饪乐趣提供了难得的机会,也可以使用餐变得更加有趣。
she had some fresh eggs, thanks to her chickens, and he always used to say that she made omelets better than anyone else. 多亏了她那几只鸡,还有一些新鲜的鸡蛋。他过去总是说她做的煎蛋饼比谁做得都好。
How much are the eggs a kilo? 鸡蛋多少钱一公斤?
eggs, if placed in the refrigerator should be out in advance, do not put the eggs very cool in wok. 蛋,如果放置在冰箱中,应提前进行,不要把鸡蛋十分清凉镬。
"I realized early on this was the future, whether it was vision or luck we put all our eggs in that basket, " he said. 柯利说:“我早就意识到这里才是未来之所在。无论是高瞻远瞩也好,纯属幸运也罢,反正我们把所有的鸡蛋都放在这个篮子里了。”
Starting with a person's own skin would also mean the lab-grown sperm or eggs would not be rejected by the body. 利用某人自身的皮肤进行制备也就意味着,这种实验室培养的精子或卵子不会遭人体排斥。
IVF is a method of assisted reproduction in which a man's sperm and a woman's eggs are combined outside of the body in a laboratory dish. 体外受精是辅助生殖的一种方法,在体外的实验器皿里让男性精子和女性卵子结合。
If selected, a donor must undergo hormone injections until her eggs are ready to be retrieved. 卵子捐赠者必须接受激素注射,直到卵子成熟可被取出为止。
The hens lay many eggs, as artifical light is set up to run to the length of a spring day, and medicines are routinely added to their feed. 由于将人工光照的时间设定成春天白天的长度,并且定期地将药物加入饲料里,母鸡得以产下更多蛋。
It was said the brightly decorated eggs were left by the Easter rabbit for the country children, who made a game of finding the eggs. 据说,五彩缤纷的彩蛋是复活节兔子为乡村的孩子们留下的。孩子们把找蛋作为一种游戏。
Paste or dough made of wheat flour, eggs, and water, often formed into shapes and dried and used in a variety of recipes after being boiled. 食用面糊由小麦面、鸡蛋和水做成的面糊或面团,通常加工成一些形状并烘干,做熟后可用于种种烹饪
Worldwide, there have been fewer than 200 documented live births from frozen eggs, and most of those were in Italy, he said. 全世界只有少于200个活产儿有资料证明是来源于冷冻卵子,而且大部分是在意大利。
Once eggs are cool enough to handle, peel and cut in half lengthwise. Scoop yolks into a bowl; place whites on a serving platter. 鸡蛋凉到可以动手处理时,马上去皮,竖着切成两半。把蛋黄剜出来,放到碗里;把蛋白放到菜盘里。
F: "Not me. I don't like to see my eggs staring up at me with big yellow eyes. Miss, two fried eggs, over easy and not fried too hard. " 我不一样。我不想看到我的蛋用它那大大的黄眼睛看着我。小姐,我要两面煎的煎蛋,但不要煎太硬。
I was dealing with this sort of problem when you were still a baby, so don't teach your grandmother to suck eggs. 你还在吃奶时我就处理这类问题了,所以用不着你来教训我。
However, when eaten in moderation, eggs do not contain enough cholesterol to pose health risks, she said. 但是在一定量的范围内,鸡蛋含有的胆固醇不会对健康造成威胁。
So he open his pot, put eggs in pot to the stove for a while, then continued to do his experiments. 于是,他随手拿了一个小锅,把鸡蛋放在锅里,往炉子上一放,又开始做起实验来。
When the full grown turtle is ready to lay eggs, she returns to the land and the turtle's life cycle begins again. 当长大的龟到了生蛋年龄时,它回到陆地上,这样龟的生命周期又重新开始。
How much is the spinach? Jim: It's ninety-nine cents a pound. Customer: How much are the eggs? 菠菜怎么卖的?吉姆:一磅九角九分。顾客:鸡蛋多少钱?吉姆:一打一美元。
Eat plenty of vegetables, fruit, chicken, fish, cheese and eggs. You can eat as much of your favorite fruits and vegetables as you want. 多吃蔬菜,水果,鸡肉,鱼类,乳酪和蛋类。
Every hen is awarded with its own color and is called upon to lay the eggs of this color. 每母鸡是批出与自己的颜色和呼吁奠定了鸡蛋,这个颜色。
On average, he said, one out of every 20, 000 chicken eggs contains a small amount of salmonella that is deposited into the sac by the hen. 每2万个鸡蛋中会有一个鸡蛋带有少量沙门氏菌,这是由母鸡下蛋时分泌在液囊里。
The lost of the nests and eggs was one of the key factors which caused the Cabot's tragopan to be endangered. 孵卵期间巢和卵的损失是导致其濒危的重要因素之一。
However, scientists did not know how much melamine might accumulate in eggs from this process, until now. 然而,此前科学家并不知道这一过程中可能会积累多少含量的三聚氰胺。
Hatching chicken eggs were hatched by a large hen's body temperature to the, if I were to hatch, then break eggs easily squeezed. 孵小鸡的鸡蛋是靠年夜母鸡的体温孵出来的,我如果来孵的话,鸡蛋很容易被挤破。
Aid workers distributed brightly wrapped chocolate Easter eggs to cheer up the children and their distraught families. 救援工作者分发包装鲜艳的巧克力复活节彩色蛋,来鼓舞孩子们和他们心烦意乱的家长。
NARRATOR: His aides told him to concentrate on the price of eggs. If eggs appeared, if eggs got cheaper, the market would be working. 旁白:他的助手们告诉他要关注鸡蛋的价格,假如市面上有鸡蛋卖了,假如鸡蛋的价格便宜了,就说明市场在有效地运作了。
One night I hid half-dizen eggs under a bush in my garden , and next day I let him see that I gather them. I wan't bothered after that . 有一天晚上我把半打鸡蛋藏在我花园的灌木丛下,第二天我让它们看到我找他,我不会妨碍它们。
'Since you can't put your eggs in one basket, you move some of it elsewhere, ' he said. 他说,你不能把全部鸡蛋放在一个篮子里,你需要把一些鸡蛋放到别处。
After some time the girl realized the mother would not return to her eggs and she decided to take them home. 过了一会儿,女孩觉得它们的妈妈不会回来了,就决定把这些蛋带回家去。