
美 [ɪmˈbɑrk]英 [ɪmˈbɑː(r)k]
  • v.上船;从事;装货;装(货)

第三人称单数:embarks 现在分词:embarking 过去式:embarked




G6 - 芝麻街美语 凯仕兰分校 - Yahoo!奇摩部落格 ... promenade 散步 embarked 上船 preferences 偏爱 ...

They talk a good range of small water droplets are on the sun-baked into a the water vapor, embarked on a summer's journey to heaven. 不等他们商量好,小水滴们就被太阳烤得变成了水汽,踏上了到天上去避暑的征途。
Such scenes were repeated across the island as Mr Castro embarked on a week-long triumphal march to Havana. 卡斯特罗先生带领大军向哈瓦那进行长达一周的胜利行军的途中,这样的场景反复地在眼前重演。
To combat his agonizing sweats and trembling, Wynn embarked on a routine of climbing into the shower, then returning to bed. 为了抵抗痛苦淋漓的汗水及浑身颤抖,韦恩爬起来冲个澡,然后又回到床上。
Indeed, they embarked on this journey, even though they only had an inkling of where the destination was to be. 事实上,他们甚至在对这旅程的终点还十分模糊的情况下,就踏上旅程了!
China began its partnership with the Bank in 1980, just as it embarked on its reforms. 中国与世行的合作开始于1980年改革开放之初。
It's been a great journey as a family, and I'm glad we've embarked upon it. 对于一个家庭而言,这是一段很美好的时光,我很高兴我们开始了这段旅程。
Then, as now, goods did not sit around on the wharf for long, so the ship probably embarked not long afterward. 和今天一样,货物不可在码头停留过久,因此装船时间应该就在烧制时间过后不久。
Thus, Huo star and a half star family and embarked on a reconstruction of the wind on family trips. 于是,吙星和半月星踏上了重建风族和月族的旅程。
PM did not even eat rice, they embarked on a journey, the road just met a few students on the go with them. 下午连饭也没有吃,就踏上了旅途,在路上正好碰到了几位同学,就和他们一起走了。
Two years later she began to develop her own sound and style and embarked on a very fruitful solo career. 两年后,她开始发展自己的演唱风格,并且开展出硕果累累的独唱事业。
As most readers will no doubt be aware, the record companies have now embarked upon a campaign of suing individual file swappers in the USA. 大部分读者应察觉到,唱片公司现已开始在美国对个别档案交换者采取法律行动。
Within months he embarked on an extended victory tour to promote Farthest North, his haunting account of the odyssey. 随后数月,他展开了一场胜利之旅来推广他的著作《极北》,一本有关这次征程中难忘故事的书。
It was 16C the day before yesterday in Changsha. When I embarked from the train in Beijing yesterday, it was a few degrees below zero. 前天在长沙的温度还有16度,昨天下午到北京刚下火车,就是零下好几度。
In the early 1990s it embarked on a drive to retain and promote women, whose high turnover was costing the firm millions of dollars a year. 在20世纪90年代早期,德勤开始了一项旨在留住和提拔女员工的计划,当时女员工的高流动率让公司每年多花费数百万美元。
Japan and the EU are worried that the U. S. has embarked on a deliberate attempt to boost its exports at their expense. 日本和欧盟担心美国正在蓄意着手提升其出口,这将损害日本和欧盟的利益。
Finished all cargo work. Agent embarked with all ship's certificates. Port clearance has been issued for her. Awaited pilot to proceed. 货物工作已经全部告完毕,代理取回船舶证书、港方已经发放出港许可证,等待引航员上船。
Some traders were disappointed that the ECB had not embarked on US-style "quantitative easing" . 一些交易员对欧洲央行未能实施美国式的“定量宽松”感到失望。
Tesco, one of the world's largest retailers, has embarked on a significant roll out of sub-regional shopping centres within China. 乐购(Tesco)是全球最大零售企业之一,目前已开始在中国大力布局社区购物中心。
I immediately embarked on an experiment which, even though it failed to get rid of the ants, kept me fascinated for the twenty-four hours. 我当即动手做了一项试验,这项试验尽管没有使我摆脱这些蚂蚁,却使我着迷了。
Jaguar is not taking any chances at all with regards to the new radical design direction it has embarked on for the XJ luxury sedan. 捷豹不采取任何机会,在所有方面的新的激进的设计方向它已开始在新疆豪华轿车。
And when he was in his 20s he embarked upon a remarkable voyage on the ship the Beagle. 在二十多岁的时候,他踏上了小猎犬号,开始了一段不寻常的征程。
"I think perhaps it's become clear that the process they had embarked upon was not going to work to their benefit, " he said. 佩恩表示:“我想,也许是因为他们逐渐看清,之前那样做对自己不会有什么好处。”
Thus, G20 embarked on the front from behind the scenes to assume the heavy responsibility to save the economic crisis. 于是,G20从幕后走上了前台,承担起拯救经济危机的重任。
Before I embarked on my adventures I was as worried as anybody about being able to eat vegan. 在我开始我的冒险旅程之前,我也像其他人一样担心素食的问题。
It was at 11. 57% at the end of the third quarter before the bank embarked on its rights issue and bond sale. 去年三季度末,在工行开始配股及发行可转债之前,资本充足率仅为11.
Hillary Clinton embarked on her first tour abroad as America's secretary of state, visiting Japan, Indonesia, China and South Korea. 希拉里克林顿踏上她作为国务卿的国外之旅,访问日本,印尼,中国和韩国。
Since the first case of the disease was confirmed in November the country has embarked on a mass cull. 自去年十一月第一例口蹄疫确认后,韩国就开始了大规模屠宰。
Guangdong has embarked upon a study on this concept. Both sides will carry out more detailed planning on a scientific basis. 广东省已就此构思开展调研工作,双方并将在科学论证的基础上,进一步详细规划。
After graduation Agatha and her mother embarked on an exciting 3 month tour of Egypt. 毕业后,阿加莎和她的母亲踏上了激动人心的埃及之旅。
In rural areas, the government has embarked on an ambitious plan to seize land stolen by the mafias and return it to its original owners. 而在农村,政府已着手实施一项雄心勃勃的计划,收回黑手党夺取的土地,归还给土地原来的主人。