
美 [ɪˈmɪt]英 [ɪ'mɪt]
  • v.发射;吐露(意见等);颁布(命令等);发行(纸币等)
  • 网络散发;发出;许克

过去式:emitted 第三人称单数:emits 现在分词:emitting

emit radiation,emit sound,emit odor,emit heat



欢迎来到“脚下那边的土地”_新浪教育_新浪网 ... 7. platypi 鸭嘴兽 8. emits 发出,散发 9. uncanny 离奇的 ...


欢迎来到“脚下那边的土地”_新浪教育_新浪网 ... 7. platypi 鸭嘴兽 8. emits 发出,散发 9. uncanny 离奇的 ...


江湖险恶,老衲出没诡异,带给大家一些客户资料... ... scarlettfy 付钰 Emits 许克 liulei8278 刘磊 ...

A fuel cell emits water vapor, so it would have to be isolated from the phone's electronic components, which do not take kindly to water. 燃料电池会散发水蒸气,所以它必须和手机的电子元件隔离开来,因为电子元件不能接触水。
The camera and flash essentially work together to decide how much light the flash emits in order to properly expose the subject. 相机与闪光灯在测量正确的曝光后,共同决定闪光灯的输出。
The Dark Twin looks purple or violet as the blue light it normally emits is mixing with the red dust in the atmosphere. 黑暗双星看起来是紫色或是紫罗兰色,因为它通常发出的蓝光与大气中的红尘相混合。
The light emitter emits visible light of a first color through the light conversion element in a direction away from the light source. 发光器在远离光源的方向上通过光转换元件发射第一颜色的可见光。
Fortunately, the team that won the Nobel prize was able to provide Dr Maitland with a version of the protein that emits red light. 幸运的是,荣获诺贝尔奖的团队能够为梅特兰博士提供发出红光的蛋白质。
"China emits most carbon in the world. We don't want this hat, but we may have to wear it for many more years, " he said. 我们不想戴’中国是世界上最大的碳排放国‘这顶帽子,可是我们还可能要戴着它走很多年。
The camera is equipped with a laser that emits extremely short bursts of light every femtosecond -- one-quadrillionth of a second. 摄像机装备了一个每飞秒发射超短激光脉冲(光猝发)的激光发射器。
When an event occurs, the object associated with that event emits a signal to inform the main loop that it has occurred. 当事件发生时,与这个事件对应的对象发出信号,通知主循环事件已经发生。
In a Network Deployment environment, the "parent" server emits certain notifications on behalf of the "child" server. 在NetworkDeployment环境下,“父”服务器会代表“子”服务器发出某些通知。
In other words, the light used to observe the electron emits so much energy that its impact alters the electron's behavior. 换句话说,用于观察电子的光发出的能量大到其冲撞足以改变电子的运行方式。
A large whip scorpion(Mastigoproctus giganteus) of the southern United States and Mexico that emits a strong odor of vinegar when disturbed. 巨鞭蝎一种大型鞭蝎(鞭蝎),产于美国南部和墨西哥,在受骚扰时发出一种强烈的醋酸味
During the procedure, the physician uses a device which emits pressurized crystals onto the surface of the skin. 治疗过程过程中,医生使用一种发出加压晶体的装置在皮肤表面。
The RASS emits sound waves into the air and determines the temperature by tracking the propagation of these waves using radio. 声波雷达向空中发出声波,然后以无线电追踪声波的传送速度,从而确定上空的温度。
His body jerks uncontrollably as he emits a series of deep, braying laughs that end with a little nasal honk. 他的身体不由自主地晃动起来,还接连发出低沉还带有鼻音的笑声。
Of these, more than 500 million use a type that emits electromagnetic fields known as Global System for Mobile communications. {3}在这些人当中,有超过5亿人使用能发射电磁场的全球移动通讯系统(GSM)手机。
Flat sheet of white plastic which emits even light over the surface when lighted by a CFL tube on one or two edges. 发出即使的白色塑胶的褥单越过什麽时候以一CFL点燃的表面轻管关于一或者两边缘。
But even the brightest city in America, Las Vegas, emits only about a ten-thousandth as much light as the sun shines upon the same area. 但即使是美国最亮的城市拉斯维加斯,其发出的亮度也仅只及太阳光在这块区域反射亮度的万分之一。
A flashbulb located in one end of the box emits a burst of light of energy E. 箱内的一端有一盏闪光灯,它射出一个能量为E的闪光。
Tritium emits a weak form of radiation that does not travel very far in the air and cannot penetrate the skin. 氚会产生微弱的放射,但空气中的放射距离并不远,也不会穿透皮肤。
This soup of electrical current and ions is called "Plasma, " and emits light (photons) at different wavelengths (colors). 电子和离子的混合物就叫“等离子”,并会发出不同波长(色彩)的光(光子)。
Experts have pointed out, "Radiation rat" is not difficult to identify, because in the night, it emits bright fluorescence of the body. 有专家指出,“放射鼠”其实并不难识别,因为在黑夜里,它的全身会发出闪亮的荧光。
The Emit Trail at Surface Intersection compound emits particles from the point at which the emitter intersects with another object. 相交轨迹发射粒子复合节点是从发射器和其他物体相交处的点发射粒子。
Some interpersonal meet like the meteor, instantly emits an enviable sparks, but doomed just in a hurry but. 有的人与人之间的相遇就像是流星,霎时收回令人倾慕的火花,却注定只是急忙而过。
The charging station emits infrared signal, the robot knows the position of it through the ray and thereby completes the docking. 充电站发出红外信号,机器人通过红外接收管感知充电站的方位从而完成对接的。
Testing device emits a standard signal like the ground equipment, and tests the amplitude of the standard signal. 检测装置模拟地面设备发出测试需要的制式信号,同时对发出的制式信号大小进行检测。
The transducer emits ultrasonic waves into the fluid that are not parallel to the primary flow of fluid through the tank. 该换能器发射不平行于穿过该容器的主要流体流的超声波进入流体。
She writes on her site: 'Swallowable Perfume is a digestible scented capsule that emits a unique odor through your own perspiration. 她自己写道,“香水胶囊可以被人体消化吸收,并通过排汗来释放出独特的气味。”
If the maximum length is exceeded, the system emits a beep and the text box does not accept any more characters. 如果超过了最大长度,系统会发出声响,且文本框不再接受任何字符。
India currently emits about 4 percent of the world's greenhouse gases, he said, making it the fifth largest global emitter. 他说,印度目前排放的温室气体占世界温室气体排放总量的4%,是全世界第五大排放国。
When gas spirals inward toward the black hole, it heats up to millions of degrees and emits X-rays. 当气体旋转着流向黑洞时被加热到几百万度并发射出X射线。