
美 [ɪnˈdʊr]英 [ɪnˈdjʊə(r)]
  • v.忍受;忍耐;容忍;支持
  • 网络耐久的

第三人称单数:endures 现在分词:enduring 过去式:endured

endure pain,endure hardship,endure humiliation



英语求助!!!!_百度知道 ... D、vacant 空虚的;空缺的 B、endured 忍受 C、spent 花费时间 ...


W要坚持!!... ... stave off: 挡开 | 避开 | 延缓 endured: 忍耐 Golden State: 黄金州 | 金州勇士 | 黄金之州 ...


GRE反义大全3_Gibbs_Hu_新浪博客 ... mumble<> 喃喃而语 endured<> 耐久的 eternal<> 永恒的 ...

When he saw her, he was shocked, because his lovely wife was no longer lovely due to the sufferings she endured. 见到她时,他很惊讶,因为他当年婀娜多姿的太太被人糟蹋得不在迷人了。
The regular entrance of thirty-five dollars a week to one who has endured scant allowances for several years is a demoralising thing. 每星期35块钱的固定收入,对一个几年来一直忍受着靠几个零花钱过日子的人,是会产生消极影响的。
Rodin endured several years of laboring for others by day and trying to fulfill his personal artistic aspirations by night. 罗丹经历了几年的劳动为他人一天,试图实现他的个人艺术风格的夜晚。
Yet he could have endured living with her if it had not been for just one thing -- sex. 然而,若不是为了那件事,他还可以忍住跟她过下去——那事情便是性生活。
Thank God! We turned out to wind up the bargain with success. All that we endured was worthwhile. 谢天谢地!我们竟然顺利地谈拢价钱,我们所忍受的一切都值得了。
As a consequence, China endured a few years of relatively anemic growth in exports and GDP, and persistent deflation. 结果,中国承受了好几年相对乏力的出口增长和经济增长以及居高不下的通货膨胀。
Has he never been given a chance to voice the unfair treatment he endured? 他是否如其所控,被剥夺了上告其所遭受虐待的机会?
After all, eighty was a special birthday, another decade lived or endured, just as you choose to look at it. 八十大寿,毕竟非同一般,不管怎么说你又活了十年,或者说熬了十年,
IT TAKES only a brief visit to the Bank of Estonia's small basement museum to grasp what turbulent decades the Baltic states have endured. 要想体会波罗的海国家过去几十年的动荡历史,只需到爱沙尼亚银行小型地下博物馆里走一遭。
The persecutions which he endured and witnessed at school gave him a lifelong detestation of tyranny and violence. 他在学校亲身遭受和亲眼目睹的种种迫害使他终生厌恶专制和暴力。
Of course, she is not the only one in the family to battle with her shape - her mother has endured a life-long struggle to manage weight. 当然,她不是家族中唯一一个决心重塑身材的人-她的母亲坚持毕生的精力努力保持体形。
Each one of you has been where many others would not wish to go, and endured tough and often wretched lives to experience duality. 你们每个人坚守在那些许多其他人都不愿意去的地方。并且忍耐着艰难,经常的体验二元世界中的不幸生活。
Though they endured harsh conditions and repeated interrogations, the CIA said the men had never been tortured. 虽然他们身处恶劣的环境,还要忍受再三的审讯,CIA称他们从没遭到虐待。
And while it may have been fate that brought them together, they shared a strong bond that endured to the end of her life. 也许是命运把他们两人拴到了一起,他们之间彼此分享一切,直到她生命的终结。
In Malaysia, the word was that the Maranello team had endured its worst start to a season since 1992. 在马来西亚,这个词是,法拉利车队经历了最糟糕的一个赛季开始自1992年以来。
Before he took office in 2002, the country had endured over half the world's kidnappings and its highest murder rate. ÁlvaroUribe在2002年就职之前,哥伦比亚忍受全球一半以上的绑架案和最高的谋杀率。
And then there is "all that stress" endured by those at the top. 然后,就是高层人士承受的“所有那些压力”。
The immense suffering caused by these diseases is often endured in silence, accepted as an inevitable consequence of being poor. 这些疾病造成的巨大痛苦,人们往往在无声无息地忍受着,将其认定为贫困带来的必然结果。
The cause is part genetic and part environmental, but researchers trying to identify the relevant genes have endured repeated frustration. 原因是遗传和环境的一部分,但研究人员试图找出相关的基因经历了多次挫折。
While I can't even begin to imagine the trauma that Pena endured, I hope that running gave him a little bit of daily solace. 我诚然无法想象Pena所经历的那些创伤,但我相信每天的跑步总都能给他带来那么一些慰藉。
Then he took his bundle on his back and soon forgot the pain of heart he had endured, and went on his way singing and whistling. 他背起包袱,很快就忘却了以前心里的创伤,唱着小曲吹着口哨,又继续赶路了。
One news report says some of the children who have endured this Mozart authoritarianism now find classical music unbearable. 一则新闻报道说,一些孩子被命令耐着性子听完莫扎特的音乐后,发现古典音乐也并非难以忍受。
Jesus endured in His pain because He knew that His Father is a God of love who can be trusted regardless of how things appear to be. 耶稣忍受痛苦,因为他知道无论情况如何,都可以信靠这位慈爱的天父。「上帝在乎吗?」
Over the years, the ideals at the heart of that document have endured as subsequent generations have expanded those blessings. 随着岁月的流逝,这份文件的中心思想已经随着后辈对这些权利的扩大而永存。
Paul never could have been bread for Caesar's household if he had not endured the bruising, whippings and stonings. 保罗如果没有受过鞭打和石击,也决不会成为该撒家的粮食。
I do not envy the heart of him who can realize the possibility of such a conflict without emotions too painful to be endured. 如果一个人能意识到这种冲突的可能性,而又不至于被痛苦的感情所折服,那麽,我决不会羡幕这种人的心灵。
Only now, at the age of 33 and with new goals in his life, is Lamptey prepared to talk about the pain and sorrow he has endured. 直到现在,33岁的兰普提获得了人生的新目标,他也终于准备讲出他曾经遭受的痛苦和悲伤了。
Knowledge is a well-of-the- wisp , fluttering ever out of the traveler's reach, and a weary journey must be endured before it is even seen . 知识是团鬼火,永远飘荡在行人伸手莫及的地方;甚至为了看它一眼,必须作一次使人劳顿不堪的旅行。
GJ often wore Mrs. Blouse on special occasions; this was an encouragement for Mrs. Blouse in light of all the ridicule she endured. 约翰逊奶奶常在一些特殊场合穿衬衫夫人,衬衫夫人则把这当作是遭人嘲笑的回报。
We had endured quite enough noise for that day, and I was glad that it did not occur again. 我们曾经历已经足够了当天的噪音,我很高兴,它没有再出现。