
美 [ɪnˈɡeɪdʒ]英 [ɪn'ɡeɪdʒ]
  • v.从事;保证;约定;雇

第三人称单数:engages 现在分词:engaging 过去式:engaged

engage enemy,engage attention



台风天 - Movie poster 4960M017 吕奕纬 @... ... 4. relationships: 关系 5. engages从事 6. mistress: 情妇 ...

For the next 45 minutes, she engages the curious creatures in a game of keep-away, using a piece of Sargassum seaweed like a dog's chew toy. 在接下来的45分钟里,她忙着与这群好奇的生物做游戏。在这个游戏里,她用一片马尾藻当做狗的磨牙玩具一样,扔出去让海豚用嘴接住,再送回来。
One evening a week, a group of CEOs meets in a Manhattan psychiatrist's office and engages in an ancient ritual. 个星期都有一天晚上,一群首席执行长要在曼哈顿的一个精神科专家的办公室里碰头,参加一种古老的仪式。
He engages, through his imagination, in a shared activity. It is not easy to get the full meaning of words. 他通过想象从事一个共同的活动,并不容易掌握这些词的全部意义。
If he engages in controversy of any kind, his disciplined intellect preserves him from the blunder. 即使他陷入任何争议之中,他训练有素的智力也使他不至于做错事情。
It's just a simple timing circuit made of discreet elements that engages a reed relay ever 25 sec. 这只不过是一个简单的、由许多精密零件构成的小型电路。
Almost 40 percent of the male population engages in a form of homosexual activity and a small percentage don't ever copulate with females. 大约40%的雄性会参与某种形式的同性行为,而少数从不与雌性有性行为。
There can be no defense of a government that engages in compulsory sterilization and forced abortions in the name of population control. ' 对于一个以控制人口为名实施强制绝育和强制堕胎的政府,丝毫不应为其辩护。
If he engages in controversy of any kind, his disciplined intellect preserves him form the blunder. 他训练有素,满腹经纶,假如他参与任何争论,不至于失策犯错。
Each of the cutting edges of a milling cutter acts as an individual single-point cutter when it engages with the workpiece metal. 在铣刀切削工件金属时,铣刀的每条切削刃都象一单独的单刃刀具一样作用。
Repairing the global system in a way that engages China as an equal is likely to be more productive, and the downside risk is smaller. 让中国平等地参与进来,共同修复全球体系,可能会更加富有成效,且不利的风险也更小。
During combat, when a rogue engages their opponent, the enemy target indicator will have 5 unlit bubbles. 在战斗时,盗贼的敌人目标指示会出现5个蓄力灯。
I should go on, but I must note that the only thing correct in the above quote is that music indeed engages both hemispheres of the brain. 我本应该继续说,但我必须在此指出的是,上述所述之中,仅有一点是正确的:音乐的确需要大脑的两个半球共同参与。
Mark: Erm, just a way that engages the audience more, because everything's very very similar. 呃,只是一种让更多的观众参与进来的方法,因为所有东西看起来好像都差不多。
But it has also recently branded with some Sony businesses , and the company also engages in businesses with SMBC . 但是,最近银行还代理一些索尼公司的业务,也与三井住友银行有合作。
Conversely, every librarian who engages in tool creation to any degree improves the state of librarianship for all of us. 相反,每一个不管以何种程度参与创造工具的图书馆员都为我们所有人提升了图书馆事业的状态。
It will be film that engages us by showing much that separate our cultures and yet speaks also to the basic humanity we all share. 这将是一个吸引人的电影,因为它为我们展现了不同的文化,但同样也讲述了我们应该共同分享的人道主义。
A good English student engages in literary analysis of every book they read. 一名优秀的英语系学生会乐于分析他们读的每一本书。
Engages in any other course of alarming conduct or of repeatedly committed acts with purpose to alarm or seriously annoy such other person. 以任何其他方式涉及使人惊吓的行为,或者反复从事以惊吓或严重骚扰别人为目的活动。
Since its establishment, the Company mainly engages in market research, design, production, sales and service of cloth-sofa. 自创业以来,一直致力于以布艺沙发为主,集市场调研、设计、制造、销售、服务于一体的经营模式。
Engages in the typical responsibilities of a manager requiring planning, evaluating, organizing, integrating, and controlling. 履行作为一个经理的典型职责,包括计划,评估,组织,融合和控制。
A detailed introduction shall be made to a company which engages in business operations related to the concentration transaction. 对于从事与所申报集中相关业务的公司,应做更详细的介绍。
A high concentration engages you in what you do to a point where, you no longer feel separated from your immediate activity. 高度的专注使我们忙于从事自己正在做的事情,与当前的活动不会再有隔离感。
Cash flows from operating activities report cash receipts and payments from the primary business the company engages in. 公司金流(现金流动)可以通过在经营活动中收取现金收据,也可以从公司从事的基础事务中获得。
The company also engages in property sales and management, interior design and food & beverage operations. 兼营房屋销售代理、室内装饰装潢以及餐饮服务管理。
It is above all this quest for a harmonious (we would probably say fair or just) society that engages the Chinese leadership with religion. 正是这种出于对和谐社会(我们称之为公平社会或公正社会)的追求,让中国领导人致力于宗教事务。
Britney Spears has never been shy about her love for junk food and engages in all kinds of behaviour to counteract her taste for Taco Bell. 布兰妮从未掩饰过她对垃圾食品的喜爱以及用各种办法来消耗掉她吃的塔克贝尔(墨西哥煎玉米卷)。
a subversive group that supports the enemy and engages in espionage or sabotage; an enemy in your midst. 支持敌人、从事间谍或破坏活动的一队危险分子;藏在你们中间的敌人。
Meaning is here entirely unstable and can be created only in the mind of the viewer, different each time he or she engages with the work. 作品含义不定,只能在观众心中创造,且每次效果都不一样。
There, she enjoys economic independence and engages in worthwhile and useful work, teaching the poor; yet she lacks emotional sustenance. 在那里,她享有经济独立和从事有意义的和有益的工作,教学穷人,但她缺乏情感寄托。
The trim receiver includes an anti-rattle member that engages the door trim connector to reduce noise. 护板接收器包括防震部件,防震部件与门护板连接器相接合从而降低噪声。