
美 [ɪnˈdʒɔɪ]英 [ɪn'dʒɔɪ]
  • v.享受;欣赏;享有;喜爱
  • 网络喜欢;享受……的乐趣;享受…乐趣

第三人称单数:enjoys 现在分词:enjoying 过去式:enjoyed

enjoy life,enjoy meal,enjoy right,enjoy being,enjoy working
greatly enjoy,quietly enjoy



1.[t]享受…的乐趣;欣赏;喜爱to get pleasure from sth

2.[t]~ yourself过得快活;玩得痛快;得到乐趣to be happy and get pleasure from what you are doing

3.[t]~ sth享有;享受to have sth good that is an advantage to you

4.[i](informal)(祝愿时说)玩痛快些,过愉快些,好好欣赏used to say that you hope sb gets pleasure from sth that you are giving them or recommending to them


享受 (enJOY),是对Joy自我的盼望 茫茫大海中的一粒小沙, 努力的呼吸新鲜空气, 浪来浪走, 我,还是我。


七年级英语单词表 ... district 区域;地方 enjoy 享受---的乐趣;欣赏 walk 散步;步行 ...


四年级下册英语单词_百度文库 ... dance 跳舞 enjoy 享受----的乐趣;喜欢 fairy 仙女 ...


英语doing与to do的区别_爱问知识人 ... contemplate 细想 enjoy 享有,喜爱 defer 拖延 ...


英语doing与to do的区别_爱问知识人 ... contemplate 细想 enjoy 享有,喜爱 defer 拖延 ...


人教版七年级下册英语单词表 ... district 区域 enjoy 享受……的乐趣 walk 散步 ...


enjoy的用法_百度知道 ... A:Did you enjoy the film? 你喜欢这部电影吗? enjoy v. 欣赏,喜爱;享受…乐趣 enjoy 欣赏,喜爱 ...


中考英语必背单词_百度知道 ... English n 英国的,英国人的,英语的 enjoy v 欣赏;享受……之乐趣;喜欢 enough a 足够的, …

Well, there's no reason not to enjoy 40, because truly, if you look at it the way I've tried to, it's just the beginning. Really. 好的,没有理由不享受40岁,因为真的,如果你用我曾经尝试过的方式去看,这只是一个开始。真的。
If you ask him to enjoy with you, he'll be happy to hear that and willingly lead you. 如果你向他发出邀请,他会很高兴并很乐意带著你玩。
Don't rush before you're absolutely ready to commit; enjoy this single time, now or for as long as you intend it to last. 在彻底准备好作出承诺之前,不要着急;享受单身生活,直到你愿意结束它时为止。
Afterwards, I shall pity myself because such an injustice can only happen to me, and enjoy once more psychic masochistic pleasure. (第三)后来,我将自怜自艾,因为这样的不公正只会发生到位身上。我将再一次享受到心理的受虐狂的快乐。
The rubber rope tied to the jumper's ankle is long enough to ensure that he or she will enjoy the "free fall" in the air for a few seconds. 绑在跳跃者踝部的橡皮条很长,足以使跳跃者在空中享受几秒钟的“自由落体”。
I enjoy listening to the songs he writes and, although the lyrics are sort of immature, they come straight from the heart. 我喜欢听他写的歌,虽然歌词有点不成熟,但那是直接发自内心的情感。
He said the research shows we place the most value on the least materialistic options and want to enjoy life's simple pleasures. 他也表示,调查显示人们将最不物质的选项看得最为重要,而且想要享受生活中的简单乐趣。
You may be surprised how much you enjoy living in the land of enough. 也许你会惊讶于自己如此享受于“知足”生活中。
I always enjoy watching him in a movie or in one of his rare TV appearances. 我经常很享受的观看他在电影里面的表演和一些少有的电视节目。
It therefore follows that an individual should enjoy unrestrained personal liberty up to the point where his activities may harm others. 因此,只要他的行为不伤及他人个人的自由就不应受到限制。
What Friends Say: Friends seem to enjoy our space. We like to entertain and we get compliments on how well the house is set up for that. 朋友都说些啥:朋友似乎都很喜欢这里,我们在这里玩乐,也会听到一些抱怨,说这里怎么能这么适合玩啊。
I hadn't realized how much I would enjoy writing. I knew I loved to read, but writing was just that little bit better. 在此之前我并没发现自己如此喜欢写作。只知道我爱阅读,写作也只是好一点而已。
Planning the next day before you leave reduces stress and allows you to enjoy your time away from the office. 在离开之前规划好第二天的事情可以减轻你的压力使得你可以在离开办公室后更好的享受你的自由时间。
Enjoy the stars at night, drunk and not deep, propose a toast to the stars, enjoy the virtual time of day, laugh, bitter lover when to ask? 赏星之夜,醉而不深,举杯邀星辰,安享虚年华,对天笑,苦问良人何时归?
People need slow down, he said: "The smell of coffee, " to enjoy life a little more. 他认为喝咖啡的人需要慢下来,:“闻咖啡”,享受生活多一点。
Having been a philanthropic individual, Mr. A has done so much to improve the quality of life we enjoy in this community. 先生是位慈善家,他在这个社区做了许多好事,改善了我们生活的品质。
It is often when we have the least free time or energy to devote to joy that we need to unwind and enjoy ourselves the most. 我们的确需要快乐的心境来放松自己,然而很多时候我们只肯花费最少的时间和精力去体会快乐。
He and his wife Michal and their cats and dogs enjoy singing, walking the trails within the Wastach Mountains and singing whenever possible. 他和他的妻子Michal以及小猫小狗喜欢歌唱,一边在Wastach山上散步一边唱歌。
If the sun with a good phase, there will be many friends, and I also enjoy a high honor, and to have the assistance of a heavyweight. 如果太阳相位配合的好,将会有许多朋友,而本人也享有很高的尊荣,并拥有重量级人物的协助。
Many of the best sushi-ya have no menus; the meal is closer to a degustation parade of what's best on the day -- so sit back and enjoy. 很多顶级的寿司屋是没有菜单的,因为上桌的食物更像是一列承载着当日最佳食材的味觉大游行的队伍——所以只管坐回去好好享受吧。
As long as you enjoy your hobby, you don't have to feel ashamed of being so-so . It doesn't matter what others think of your. 只要你喜欢你的业余爱好,那么你不必因为自己的水平一般而感到羞愧。别人怎么看你无关紧要。
It is a mental illness beyond just a depressed mood or situational sadness, in which a person is able to still enjoy life. 这种病不是一时一地的情绪低迷压抑,如果仅仅是这样,那么你还是能够享受生活的。
Do you think you would enjoy looking after business visitors for a few days? 你是否喜欢花上几天时间照顾来访的客户?(为什么?)
Passengers will be able to enjoy comfort equal to that of a luxury limousine or private jet. 乘客可享受到与豪华轿车或私家飞机一样的舒适。
Eg. He seemed to enjoy making thing difficult for himself, in fact he would cut off his nose to spite his face. 他好像喜欢把事情搞复杂,而实际上他这是在害己。
In uncertain economic times business schools often enjoy something of a popularity boom. 在不确定的经济时期,商学院通常会大受追捧。
That's like an extra day and a half each time for you to do something that you will really enjoy or something that's really important. 这就像是额外的一天可以让你做一些你真正想做的或是一些重要的事情。
It's not how much we have but how much we enjoy that makes us happy. 不是我们拥有多少,而是我们想收多少,使我们觉得幸福。
New toys always make me happy, and one of the things I enjoy a lot about this project was the fact to try something new. 新事物总是让我快乐,而我喜欢这个项目是因为可以尝试新的东西。
Amanda: That's not true! You're always reluctant to try something new. Give it a chance-you might enjoy it. 阿曼达:不是这样的!你总是不愿意尝试新的东西。试一下吧——你会喜欢的。