
美 [ˈepɪk]英 ['epɪk]
  • n.史诗;叙事诗;史诗般的电影(或书);壮举
  • adj.具有史诗性质的;史诗般的;漫长而艰难的;艰苦卓绝的
  • 网络森林战士;史诗片


epic poem


1.[c][u]叙事诗;史诗a long poem about the actions of great men and women or about a nation's history; this style of poetry

3.[c]壮举;惊人之举a long and difficult job or activity that you think people should admire


史诗(ePic)等,现代诗人多有尝试。但是现代诗人在运用有些韵式时,又不拘于西方的定则,如西方的交韵中,双交乃是正则( …


森林战士EPIC)又名《绿国奇兵》,是一款由同名电影改编的游戏。在取材自3D 动画动作冒险电影的官方游戏中,探索前所 …


同义词与词根记忆_英语杂谈_天涯论坛 ... embarrass[ v]使困窘, 使局促不安 epic[ n]叙事诗,史诗 expansive[ n]可扩大的,可伸 …


电影词汇(中英文对照) ... editor 剪接师 epic 史诗片 epic documentary 史诗纪录片 ...


Athens Celebration _ 上海疯狂英语 ... ) ablaze 着火的 ) epic 史诗般的 ) hover 盘旋 ...

The epic scope that this innovation allows him to achieve comes at the cost of historical accuracy, both in the film and in the novel. 史诗的范围,这一创新使他实现是在历史成本的准确性,无论是在电影和小说中。
For this project, he has dug deep into Disney's epic history and has given the iconic mouse something of a make-over. 对于这个项目,他深入挖掘了迪斯尼的史诗历史并且给出了一个超越本身的经典老鼠。
Her reputation of reading a great deal hung about her like the cloudy envelope of a goddess in an epic. 她博览群书的名声,象云雾一样包围着她,使她变成了史诗中的女神。
Marco Polo, the legendary explorer famous for his epic journey into Asia, was just a "conman, " according to the report. 报道称,由于其亚洲之旅而而极富盛名的传奇探险家马可波罗不过是个骗子。
As an American, I would love nothing more than to see us repeat our epic 1950 World Cup upset of those smug inventors of the game. 作为一个美国人,我当然是最希望看到我们美国队重现1950年世界杯的雄风,让那些自大的比赛投资者不安。
At the start of this marine epic, almost no one believed that this was a mission that could be successfully completed. 这场海上史诗开始的时候,几乎没有人相信,这是一场可以圆满完成的使命。
It is, sadly and inevitably, the beginning of a new chapter in an epic saga of death, destruction, deception and degeneration in Pakistan. 而是令人悲哀、不可避免地成为巴基斯坦一场充满着死亡、毁灭、欺诈、堕落的史诗传奇新篇章的开始。
So this is what I can speculate, might have been going on had we been able to do a SPECT scan on Beck during this survival epic. 如果我们可以将Beck连接在电脑扫描仪上,我猜想这就是当时在他惊人的求生过程中所发生的一切。
Global warming, epic flooding, horrible snow storms, terrorism, collapsing economy, unemployment and the list seems to go on and on. 全球变暖,历史性的洪水,可怕的暴风雪,恐怖主义,经济的崩溃,失业,还有以后可能被列举出的发生的一切一切。
The last time we'd spoken, in September, he'd surprised me with an epic story of sneaking off by boat with his brother to fight in Tripoli. 我们上次在九月交谈时,他史诗般的故事让我吃惊,他和他的兄弟偷偷乘船前往的黎波里参加战斗。
These nightly gatherings are just a taste of what is to come as the Ganges embarks on the next stage of her epic journey to the sea. 每晚的集会只是对未来的体验,而恒河继续着其奔向大海的壮丽旅程。
In this Sci-Fi epic, Tom Cruise is trying to solve the case of a murder he's destined to commit. 在这部科幻史诗里,汤姆克鲁斯要阻止他命中注定要犯的一宗杀人案的发生。
In modern anti-imperialist struggle against the anti- closure fight against the enemy as a shield, killer, leaving a number of epic stories. 在近代反帝反封斗争中成为对敌斗争的护身符、杀手锏,留下了许多可歌可泣的故事。
This clash is often depicted as an epic struggle for supremacy between Linux and Microsoft's proprietary Windows operating system. 这个冲突往往被描述成Linux与微软所属Windows操作系统之间为市场领先地位所进行的了不起的斗争。
It comes as something of a surprise to hear that Peter Weir has made a historical naval epic. 当我知道彼德威尔执导了一齣有关海军的史诗式电影,实在有点惊讶。
Kenyan-born Chadha said the Jane Austen novel had all the elements of a Bollywood epic. 出生于肯尼亚的查达说,简·奥斯丁的小说具备所有宝莱坞史诗的要素。
Bah humbug! I love Christmas, but the shopping has got to go. Here's why. Warning: This will be a rant of near-epic proportions . 去你的,都是骗子!我喜欢圣诞节,但购物可就免了吧。我来说说原因。事先声明:我这文章长度可快和史诗差不多了。
When I think of the play of force and matter, and all the tremendous struggle of it, I feel as if I could write an epic on the grass. 我想到力与物质之间的相互作用,其中的浩瀚巨大的斗争,便觉得自己似乎可以写一首小旱史诗。
An epic narrative in their heads. You know my theory about this? 她们脑子里有个剧本,懂我意思吗?
DevOps is all about trying to avoid that epic failure and working smarter and more efficiently at the same time. DevOps就是想方设法的避免这种“终极失败”,同时让大家用更聪明更有效的方式去工作。
Whatever you jot down on your itinerary, a voyage through Indonesia's 17, 508 islands is an epic experience, never just a journey. 无论你在游记中匆匆写下的是什么样的内容,游遍印尼17,508个岛屿都将是一场如史诗般波澜壮阔的人生探险之旅,而这绝不会是一次简单的旅行。
My goal was to tell an epic story with visual power and to impress the crap out of the audience, like my goal is every time I make a movie. 我的目标是通过非凡的视觉效果讲述一个史诗故事而使观众印象深刻就像我拍每一部电影的目标一样。
After one epic night he went home alone, and failed to turn up for work the next day, or the next week. 在一个具有历史纪念意义的夜晚之后,他一个人回了家,第二天没有来工作。
Yet it is only in the last three years that the epic scale of China's energy needs has begun to be fully appreciated. 不过,只是在过去三年间,人们才开始充分意识到中国能源需求的空前规模。
No doubt about it, the Romans built monuments on a more epic scale than any previous Europeans, wowing their "barbarian" neighbors. 毫无疑问,罗马人超越了先前所有的欧洲人,创造了一个更为壮丽史诗般的纪念碑,让他们“野蛮的”邻居们拍手叫绝,惊叹不已。
Would be great to see the storyline continue. I wish Blizzard did more of these multi-zone epic quests. 很想看到这个故事继续发展。我希望玻璃渣可以多做些涉及多个区域的精英任务。
Sheena Wagstaff, chief curator at Tate Modern, said the work combined "an epic sense of scale with an exquisite level of craftsmanship" . 泰特现代美术馆馆长希娜•瓦格斯塔夫(SheenaWagstaff)表示,这件作品将“精湛的工艺水平与史诗般的规模”结合起来。
In contrast, the previous nine months in her mother's womb were a neurodevelopmental drama of epic proportions. 相反,在她出生之前的九个月里,在她母亲子宫里的戏剧化的神经发育才是一场史诗。
And he stared at Marius intently with his epic effrontery. His eyes grew larger with the proud light within them. 他那勇敢而调皮的眼睛直盯着马吕斯。他内心骄傲的光芒使他的眼睛大而有神。
We've accompanied the young wizard on many missions in preparation for his inevitable epic battle against the dark lord Voldemort. 我们陪伴着年轻的魔法师为他与黑魔王伏地魔史诗般的宿命之战做着各种准备。如今,结局就要到来了。