
美 [ˈikwəli]英 [ˈiːkwəli]
  • adv.平等地;同样地;相等地;平均地
  • 网络同等地;均等地;同样的



1.平等地;同样地to the same degree; in the same or in a similar way

2.平均地;相等地;均等地in equal parts, amounts, etc.

3.(引出同样重要的内容)同样,此外,也used to introduce another phrase or idea that adds to and is as important as what you have just said


普通英汉小词典_翻译家(Fanyijia.com) ... equality 平等 equally 相等地 equation 方程式 ...


9A_百度文库 ... envy n. 妒忌 羡慕 equally adv. 平等地 evidence n. 迹象 证据 ...


专业书写Email的常用句子 - Kiki - 博客园 ... obviously 明显地 equally 同样地 without doubt 毫无疑问 ...


诺丁山 部分对白_祺帆_新浪博客 ... by no means 到如今 equally 相等地,同等地 submarine 潜艇 ...


自考英语综合英语课文(1) ... resist v. 忍住,忍耐(诱惑等) equally adv. 均等地,平等地 sneeze v.&n. 打喷嚏 ...


Transformers 变形金刚-英语点津 ... cartoon 卡通 equally 同样的 a remake 重拍 ...


职称英语考试C级考试... ... equal a. 相等的;胜任的 n.同辈 equally ad. 同样地,相同程度地;平等地,均一地 equip vt. 装备, …

It has no memory of previous combinations, and is equally (un)likely to pick any of the 14 million. 它对之前开出的号码组合没有记忆,所以每次开奖,1400万种号码组合被选中(或未被选中)的几率都一样。
She was equally famous for her extraordinary beauty and her stormy personal life, including 8 marriages and a series of physical ailments. 她以出尘脱凡的美貌闻名于世,而她惊世骇俗的私生活更为人们津津乐道,其中包括8次婚姻和一系列的身体疾病。
violators of this anti - fraud policy will be treated equally regardless of their position , title or years of service with the company. 违反反欺诈政策的员工,无论其职位、头衔和工龄将受到同等处罚。
Parsing this syntax is equally ambiguous, and you must know the layout of an XML response ahead of time to be able to make sense of it. 语法解析同样含混,你必须先知道XML响应报文的布局,然后才能搞清楚它的含义。
The VTech got equally clear reception indoors, but I could stray only a few buildings down the block before buzzing set in. 伟易达电话的室内接收效果也同样清楚,但是我沿街区刚走了几幢楼它就开始有嗡嗡声了。
Well, Sherlock? Holmes asked Monday evening stables of what actually happened? Also, equally important is what did not happen? 那么,歇洛克?福尔摩斯问道,星期一晚上马厩里究竟发生了什么事?还有,同样重要的是,没有发生什么?。
None of those fishy little finger grips, but a good firm squeeze accompanied by an equally strong gaze into the other's eyes. 这可不是指那种冷冰冰的手指相握,而是一种非常坚定有力的紧握,同时同样坚定有力地注视对方的眼睛。
Once they work out the differences between them, Virgo man andPisces woman can be a great couple who are equally kind and modest. 一旦他们解决了他们之间的差异,他们将是一对和蔼谦虚的好夫妇。
Chao's job, however, had less to do with China, yet she was as equally well-known among the Chinese. 赵的工作和中国相关不大,但她同样为中国人所熟知。
As you know, in Hinduism you can be an atheist or a theist and yet be equally well a Hindu. 你知道,在印度教里,你可以是个无神论者,也可以是个有神论者,但都同样地还是印度教徒。
Duality is nothing more than a hologram, produced to enable you to equally experience the dark and Light in a freewill dimension. 二元世界无非是一个全息图像而已,被创造好让你们可以公平的体验光明与黑暗,在一个自由意志的维度中。
Undoubtedly the conceptual framework was useful to me personally but it did not seem to be considered equally valuable by others. 毫无疑问,概念框架是对我个人有益的,但似乎别人不认为它有这么大价值。
Shall not the children of God be equally faithful in seeking for the treasures hid in heaven, to bring them down in blessing on the world? 难道神的儿女不该同样地忠心寻求神所藏在天上的福气而将这些祝福带到地上来吗?
But it was equally unpalatable for the south that internal divisions in the north could provoke a sudden collapse, he said. 但他表示,如果朝鲜的内部分歧导致政权突然垮台,韩国也同样难以接受。
If I had been equally born in Britain as you, I would be 100 times better than you. 如果我和你一样出生在英国比你强100倍
But the protein does not seem to mind. It appears to work equally well, whether or not it has PCB passengers on board. 且蛋白质似乎并不介意,因为作用是相同的,无论PCB有没有在其中。
Having outlined all his research, Ong points out, in an equally cautious tone, that it could also be that early puberty triggers obesity. 王在总结了自己所有的研究后,以同样谨慎的语调指出,也有可能是青春发育期提前引起肥胖。
It will be interesting to see if such sceptics are willing to be equally sceptical about ancient data when they support their point of view. 十分有趣的是看那些持怀疑态度的人当他们支持他们的观点的时候是否愿意同样怀疑原始数据。
next, the user when you know to produce the demand that did not determine beforehand to change will be mixed you are equally surprised. 其次,你知道发生事先没有确定的需求变更时用户将和你一样感到吃惊。
Be uplifted by acknowledging you own place in the scheme of things, because each and every one of you is equally loved. 你们通过在已筹划好的事件中接受你们自身的位置而被提升,因为你们中的每个人都是“同等”的被爱着。
Just like the US and EU almost unashamedly prefer Medvedev to Putin, the Chinese equally unashamedly seem to prefer Putin to Medvedev. 就像美国和欧盟几乎厚颜无耻地喜欢梅德韦杰夫而不喜欢普京那样,中国同样厚颜无耻地喜欢普京而不喜欢梅德韦杰夫。
However, by using other controls or docking them differently, it is just as easy to create other user interfaces that are equally flexible. 但是,通过使用其他控件或使它们停靠在不同的位置,一样可以轻松创建同样灵活的其他用户界面。
For a minute the mind of this creature, equally of civilization and barbarism, was a sort of chaos as to feeling. 一时,这个又文明又野蛮的人,感情十分矛盾。
It might have been a horribly disturbing experience but for the equally profound sensation of being a part of everything. 因为深感自己成为万物的一部分,所以这并非一种可怕的体验。
I am especially glad of this opportunity to share my thoughts with you and I will be equally happy to field some questions afterwards . 我特别高兴能藉此机会,与各位分享我的一些想法,稍后如果各位有甚麽问题,我也很乐意逐一回答。
Equally, to think, "Oh well at least I tried, " would also be feeble, suggesting you were giving up. 同样,“好吧,至少我试过了”的想法也站不住脚,这说明你要放弃了。
The next step was to try it with the adults, and they were equally attracted to it - so I had found a safe lure. 接着就试探下那些成虫。同样,它们也被吸引了——就这样,我找到了一种安全的诱饵。
But I should not like to see another such performance of "All's Well" or any other play that is equally rooted in my deeper affections. 但是对于《终成眷属》或其他让我同样深深热爱的戏剧,我真是不想再次看到这样的演出。
In company with a virus-carrier, one is likely to carry the virus; equally, in company with a famous person, one is likely to be famous. 和一个携菌者在一起,你也会染上细菌;就像和一个名人在一起,你也会有名气一样。
One day, accompanied by an attendant on an outing to the Water and Moon Monastery, she encountered the warm and equally beautiful Lady Feng. 有一天,由上到水和月亮寺踏青服务员的陪同下,她遇到了同样的热情和美丽的夫人峰。