
美 [ɜr]英 [ɜː(r)]
  • int.
  • abbr.【化】元素铒的符号(=emergency room)急救室
  • 网络雌激素受体(estrogen receptor);急诊室的故事(Emergency Room);内质网(endoplasmic reticulum)




1.(思索接着说什么时发出的声音)哦,嗯the sound that people make when they are deciding what to say next

雌激素受体(estrogen receptor)

雌激素受体雌激素受体(ER)是雌激素发挥作用的关键,雌激素受体基因存在遗传多态性,目前已对雌激素受体基因多态性与乳腺癌 …

急诊室的故事(Emergency Room)

急诊室的故事ER)配音版下载资源~~~~~~~~~~~~~大家快来帮帮我啊!!! 2009-4-25 16:22 提问者: chocolate_sst | …

内质网(endoplasmic reticulum)

(3)内源性合成病毒抗原的MHCI 类限制性呈递需要抗原与内质网 (ER)中新合成MHC I类分子的结合。 其一,一种抑制蛋白质转 …


急诊室的春天ER)(第六季第十九集)饰演黛莉亚·夏德西(Delia)☆2007在亨利·达吉不真实的世界里/ 不真实的国度(In th…

Er, what I wanted to say was that my work load has increased, but my pay stayed the same. 呃,我的意思是,我的工作量比以前多,可是工资却没比以前多。
If processes improper, sends cures the sore in the cheek face, very easy to walk Huang Er to have life-threatening. 如果处理不当,发于颐面部的疗疮,很容易走黄而有生命危险。
The data on the domain page is automatically refreshed so that you are always viewing the up-to-date status and health of your ER system. 这个域页面上的数据自动刷新,以便您总是能够查看您的ER系统的最新状态和健康状况。
Lieutenant Colonel Frank Slade: Well, would you mind if we're waiting with you? You know, just, er, keep the womanizers from bothering you. 弗兰克·斯莱德上校:额,那么你介意我们跟你一起等吗?你知道,额,仅仅为了不让皮条客们来骚扰你。
This was what she had me to sign for her daughter, that was shock, that was taken moment after it was removed from er. 这就是我为她的女儿签的照片,令人震惊,它已经被移除。
The Actions button helps you to make the server and a new node in an existing ER domain or to create a new ER domain. Actions按钮帮助您让服务器成为现有的ER域中的新节点,或创建一个新的ER域。
The next day, his neighbor, Wang-Er saw the note. He thought that there must be silver here. Then he stole it. 第二天,邻居王二看到木牌,知道下面一定有银子,于是把银子偷走了。
"Interest rates, er, set by the Bank of Japan, are going up from zero to 0. 25%, " he said. “日本央行制定的利率,呃,从零利率涨到了0.25%。”他说。
"Yes, ma' am, " Homer said as if he were speaking to a school teach- er who had just corrected him. “是的,太太,”霍默说,好像他是在对一位刚刚纠正了他的错误的老师讲话一样。
He is said to have brought back life to the children who had been chopped into pieces by their butcher fath er. 据说,他恢复了被他们那屠夫父亲砍成碎片的孩子们的生命。
Chang Er was angry with him for his unfaithfulness and unhappiness came between the once "divine" couple. 嫦娥是他的不忠与他愤怒和不快之间的一次“神”对夫妻来到。
The rolling upgrade process starts with a check to see if the secondary server can be transformed into an ER server. 滚动升级流程的第一步是检查辅助服务器是否能够转换为ER服务器。
Tang Lu Er smiled at once and said the true, her lair so several daytime, oneself also felt to presently become mildewed. 唐芦儿马上笑了起来,说实在的,她窝了这么多天,自己也感觉快要发霉了。
Peter: Yes dark blue color is good for me too, but they'er a bit tight across the toes. I suppose they'll give a little. 彼得:行,深蓝色我也喜欢。可是,脚尖哪儿有点紧,我想也许串串会松些。
Miss Dillard was shaped something like a pear. H er head was small, and with her hair pulled back tightly, it looked even smaller. 迪拉德女士身材如梨,她的头很小,头发一丝不苟地梳向脑后,这使得她的头看起来更小。
The first one was an old man from the Chu State, with a family name of Li, given name Er, and a studio name of "Bo Yang" . 第一个老子是春秋末年楚国人,姓李名耳字伯阳,曾担任周王朝的“守藏室史”,相当于皇家档案馆或图书馆的馆长。
He wanted Er Dan to have patience and not to tell his wife about the secret deal they had made. 他要尔旦耐心地等待﹐同时也不要告诉他的妻子他们已经达成了这个秘密协议。
To overtake the sun, er lang shen haste makes waste, a mishap, the front of that mountain carrying-pole eye is shouldering the fork. 为追上太阳,二郎神忙中出错,一个闪失,前边那座山的扁担眼被担叉了。
One minute later, Judge Lu happily told Er Dan, "My work has been done. You may now stand up and try to walk to see if it is all right. " 一分钟后﹐陆法官高兴地告诉尔旦﹕“我的工作已经完成了﹐你现在可以站起来试著走走看是不是很好。”
If you'er brave enough to leave behind everything familiar and comforting, whic can be anything. 如果你有足夠的勇氣,放棄所有熟悉安心的事物,这些可以是任何事物。
If you'er brave enough to leave behind everything familiar and comforting, which can be anything. 如果你有足够的勇气,放弃所有熟悉安心的事物,这些可以是任何事物。
"Tang Lu Er's way a , then wear his way for the Piao: " You does this just want to come over to see me. 唐芦儿道了一句,然后就瞟着他道:“你这才想着过来看我呢。”
Er, I'm not sure. You see, I have monthly remittances sent to me from China and I'd like to have the money paid into an account. 哦,我也拿不定主意,你知道,中国每个月有电汇寄给我,我要把它存入帐户。
See, um, the point is that. . . Rachel and I should be, er, together. You know, and if you get in the. . . . um. 恩,呃,重点是……Rachel和我会,呃,在一起。你知道,而如果你跑上……恩……
The wind erosion landforms that people habit weighs to Xinjiang carat Ma depends on standing grain of city black Er is " devil city " . 人们习惯称新疆克拉玛依市乌尔禾的风蚀地貌为“魔鬼城”。
Floods of joy o'er my soul like the sea billows roll, Since Jesus came into my heart. 喜乐潮溢我魂如海涛浪滚滚,自耶稣来住在我心。
You're not gonna make a er, you know, nearly a billion-dollar investment unless you'd get a return on your investment. 你知道,除非你确信你的投资有收益,否则你不会进行数额高过十亿美元的投资。
You know not to know the material that you make, will let the amount that the infrequent Er agree family pays what kind? 你知不知道你所犯的事,会让希尔诺家族付出什么样的代价?
Thought of parting when, Magnolia, Feng ER, Moon seems to be pass human nature, and are silent, showing a sense of desolation. 想到离别之时,玉兰、风儿、月儿仿佛都通人性,都默不作声,显出凄凉之感。
It would be a tad embarrassing if Henry, age 11, and Hannah, 15, grew up to be financial ne'er -do-wells. 如果11岁的亨利和15岁的汉纳长大后对理财一窍不通,那多少是有些让我尴尬的。