
美 [ɪˈreɪs]英 [ɪˈreɪz]
  • v.抹去;清除;消除;消灭
  • 网络删除;擦除;擦掉

第三人称单数:erases 现在分词:erasing 过去式:erased




1.清除;消除;消灭to remove sth completely

2.~ sth擦掉,抹掉(笔迹等)to make a mark or sth you have written disappear, for example by rubbing it, especially in order to correct it

3.~ sth抹去,清洗(磁带上的录音或存储器中的信息)to remove a recording from a tape or information from a computer's memory


CAD快捷命令大全 ... CO,*COPY 复制对象 E,*ERASE 删除 EX,*EXTEND 延伸 ...


CAD中有哪些命令 - 小飞鱼的日志 - 网易博客 ... circle 圆 Erase 擦除 Copy 拷贝 ...


英语词根词缀记忆大全 ... rapture 狂喜) erase v 擦掉(e出+ rode 咬→全部咬掉→腐蚀) ...


我背诵了40集老友记台词_英语杂谈_天涯论坛 ... adopt 领养 erase 擦掉 抹去 squirt gun 水枪 ...


SPI的问题-技术交流 - 21IC电子技术论坛 ... 读( READ) 清除( (ERASE) 写( WRITE) ...


专业音频术语中英文对照 ... Erasure 抹音 Erase 消除,消 Er early 早期的 ...


eol_百度百科 ... erasable storage 可 擦 储 存 器 erase 抹除 erase diskette 抹除磁盘 ...


PETS3_资料内容_资料下载_学习资料共享网 ... era 时代,年代,阶段,纪元 erase 擦掉,删去,抹掉 erect 树立,建立,使竖 …

They will never be able to erase the rambling-gambling nature of China's markets, he said. 他们将永远无法消除中国股市漫无边际的赌博性质,他说。
The time washed away the trace which you smiled actually not to be able to erase me to your recollection. 时间冲走了你微笑的痕迹却抹不掉我对你的回忆。
So, baby milk or other beverages, to head up some of his, and feel free to erase him out of the water or milk flow. 所以,宝宝喝奶或其他饮料时,要将他的头抬高一些,并随时给他擦掉流出来的水或奶。
This fact disturbed the boy and he asked his mother if she wanted him to erase the signal. 这个事情让小男孩很烦恼,他去问他母亲要不要他去擦掉这暗号。
"This was a process; it wasn't one moment or one day when you erase everything and begin again, " she said. “这是一个过程;要想抹掉一切重新开始不是一时一刻或一天两天的事,”她说。
It might be possible to make a convincing case for an air strike on Iran if you could somehow erase the memory of the disaster of Iraq. 如果你能以某种方式抹去伊拉克灾难的记忆,那么让空袭伊朗的主张变得令人信服或许是有可能的。
It has hung a long time in the court and to remove it would be to erase a bit of history. 它在法庭中悬挂已久,移除它则会清除一段历史。
And I've got to erase the trial software that came on my hard drive. . . -Sweet! -. . . and I've got a lot of manuals to read. 而且我需要删除硬盘上带的试用软件…-真棒!-…而且我要读很多手册。
A man who took pictures of the crash site using his mobile phone had to erase the photos at a police check point on his way home. 一个用他的手机拍到坠机地点的男人,回家的路上要在一个警察检查站抹去照片。
But at some point you erase each work? Yup. I leave it up for a few days. And then, That's that, and I wipe it all off. 不过到了某个时候,你不是又把所有作品都抹掉了吗?
Then there's my crowning glory, inelegantly referred to in the trade as "the plug, " the part man uses to erase the errors he makes with me. 然后就是我那至高无上的王冠,在该行业中被人很粗俗地称之“塞子”,就是人们用来擦除用我犯下的错误的那个东西。
yesterday, I tried to give up kobe, Tried to erase him from my heart, tried to forget him, Do not think he, do not like him. 昨天,我尝试着放弃科比,尝试着把他从我心中抹去,尝试着忘记他,不去想他,不再喜欢他。
When hurt by a friend, you should bury your feeling in a place easy to forget, where the wind will erase it. 当被一个朋友伤害时,要写在容易忘记的地方,风会负责抹去它;
Julie found that the next step, auditing, continued to erase the boundary between reality and fantasy. 朱莉发现,下一步,听析继续清除着现实和幻想之间的界线。
Nothing can erase from her mind the memory of the terrible experiences in her travel to Africa. 什么都无法从她记忆中抹去非洲之行的可怕经历。之行的可怕经历。
The Data Shredder allows you to erase files in such a way that it is impossible to recover them by software or hardware means . 数据粉碎机能够让您彻底删除文件,就算使用软件或者硬件都不能修复。
In fact, avoid the urge to use a pencil as it leaves too much room for you to ponder, erase, re-draw, second-guess. . . 事实上,避免冲动,用铅笔,因为它留下太多的地方让你去思考,删除,重新绘制,猜测。
He feared this portent and tried to banish it from his mind, mollify it erase it-but it kept returning. 他害怕这个不祥的预兆,想方设法把它从脑子里撵出去,平息它,消除它--但是它总是返回来。
This could reflect differences over whether to seek a compromise with the Dalai Lama or to try even harder to erase his influence. 从此反映出的不一致:是在寻求同达赖喇嘛的和解还是在更严酷的消除达赖的影响力。
There is a flaw in the design of the structure of the painting. Why don't you erase the vertical lines and simplify it a little bit? 这幅画的结构设计有一个缺点。你为什么不擦掉那几条垂线,把它简化一点呢?
Hey, come on. Let's erase all those memories. Maybe I'm feeling more blue than you, but I always have happiness to share with you. 嗨~一起来吧。把什么都忘记,也许我比你忧伤可我总有快乐与你分享。
In the above example the last line overshot a bit. The eraser tool can be used to erase the unwanted part. 在上面的范例中,最后一条线多画了一点。我们可以用像皮檫工具去擦走不想要的部分。
Disk Copy will ask you to confirm that you wish to erase the floppy and proceed to write the file image to it. DiskCopy会要求您确认您的确想要清空磁盘并写入磁盘映像。
Whenever I make a mistake, you are always there to erase it. But as you make my mistakes vanish, you lose a part of yourself. 我犯错的时候,你总是会帮我纠正,但在帮助我的同时,你消耗的却是自己的身体。
When recording your listing , select " registering your calendar " to enter or to erase the dates . 当您记录您的列表时,选择“注册您的日程”,可以输入或删除日期。
So Michael doing what he did, writing that note to coach, was a great way to break the ice and erase all the tension. 所以迈克尔那样做,他写了字条给教练,用一个很好的方式来打破沉默,清除所有的紧张。
It's a way to set new goals and to erase any little snags that might have gotten in the way of achieving our objectives. 这是设定新的目标和消除任何妨碍我们实现目标的小障碍的方式。
How about a sitting area with comfortable chairs, a few live plants, some inspirational artwork and a dry erase board? 一个有着舒服的椅子,一些有活力的植物,一些有灵感的艺术品和干的黑板擦的坐的地方怎么样?
Were you bit by bit erase, a woman's heart, you do not understand, especially my kind of damn woman. 是你的点点清除,一个女人的心一点,你不理解,尤其是该死的女人的一种。
Woods shot to notoriety for her inadequate explanations of how she came to erase part of the tape. 伍兹因为没有充分解释她抹掉那段带子的原因而落得声名狼藉。