
美 [ɪˈskeɪp]英 [ɪ'skeɪp]
  • n.逃脱;逃避;逃跑;溢出
  • v.逃避;逃走;避开;泄漏
  • 网络逃离;逃逸;逃亡

第三人称单数:escapes 现在分词:escaping 过去式:escaped

narrow escape,lucky escape,successful escape,prisoner escape
escape punishment,escape fate,make escape,escape attention,plan escape


v. n.

1.[i](从监禁或管制中)逃跑,逃走,逃出to get away from a place where you have been kept as a prisoner or not allowed to leave

2.[i][t](从不愉快或危险处境中)逃脱,摆脱,逃避to get away from an unpleasant or dangerous situation

3.[t][nopass]避开,避免(不愉快或危险的事物)to avoid sth unpleasant or dangerous

4.[i](没有受伤或只受了一点伤害而)逃脱,幸免于难to suffer no harm or less harm than you would expect

5.[t][nopass]~ sb/sth被忘掉;被忽视;未被注意to be forgotten or not noticed

6.[i]漏出;泄漏;渗出to get out of a container, especially through a hole or crack

7.[t][i]~ (sth)(不自觉地)由…发出to come out from your mouth without you intending it to


新概念英语2_百度百科 ... Lesson 80 The Crystal Palace 水晶宫 Lesson 81 Escape 逃脱 Lesson 82 Monster or fish? 是妖还是 …


人教版九年级上册英语单词表 ... monkey 猴子 escape 逃跑 bark 犬吠 ...


草莓网超低折扣女士香水 - 包邮 香港草莓网 ... 光韵清色 Eclat D'Arpege 逃避 Escape 埃德·哈迪 Ed Hardy ...


6.4.6 实例6-6守望者的逃离escape)——递推算法应用举例6.5 练习题第7章 函数与过程7.1 问题导引与分析7.1.1 问题导引7.…




字典中 出 字的解释 ... (13) 发出,发布[ issue] (17) 逃亡[ escape] (2) 同本义[ grow up] ...


人教版2010高中英语必修一单词表 - 豆丁网 ... release vt. 释放;发行 escape vi. 逃脱;逃走;泄露 blanket n. 毛毯;毯子 ...


脱字的解释---在线新华字典 ... 脱胎〖 bereborn〗 脱逃〖 runaway;escape;flee〗 脱套〖 press-off〗 ...

He said there are some members of the Taliban who joined simply out of ignorance, or to escape poverty. 贾瓦德说,一些人加入塔利班组织是出于无知,或者是为了摆脱贫穷。
And even those who are slower than I am to call out the names or write down the signs cannot escape that the new season is here. 即使不能像我这么快说出他们的名字,或者记录下这些音符的人,也不可能注意不到新的季节来了。
Couple the fear of what others might do to me with a fear of what I might do to myself when depressed, and it feels like there is no escape. 抑郁之时,既恐慌着他人可能如何对我,又夹杂着我将如何对自己的恐慌,那感觉上去就像无处可逃。
If he could only escape the shackles of his religious beliefs, he would be able to fully express the person he really is. 如果他可以挣脱自己宗教信仰的枷锁,他将可以彻底地活出真正的自我。
The outcome of every fight would be the same as before, and each bull would be far better able to escape from wolves. 每场战斗的结果一如从前,获胜的公麋鹿越能更好地逃离狼群。
So if I fasten the rope to here, here is a little trick that it doesn't have anything to do with you escape the belay like this. 好,如果我把绳子这样收着(将绳子从铁索中掏过来),这是一个小技巧,可并不代表你不认真打保护。
I would not change my present situation for that of my accusers, to escape all that torture can inflict upon me. 我不会将我目前的立场改变成我的告发者的,去逃避加之于我的种种苦刑。
Then, behind the board, I saw the tail of another snake, perhaps trying to help its buddy escape. 我还看见另一只蛇的尾巴露出板子外来,也许是要来帮忙的。
When the giant panda to hear abnormal noise, it is often an immediate escape. 当大熊猫听到异常响声时,常常是立即逃避。
He made for the door and tried to escape. 他向门口走去,企图逃跑。
Big fish to the boat pulled San Diego do not see the shore of the Sea, did not yield to the elderly hook, think about the escape. 大鱼把圣地亚哥的小船拉到看不到岸的海域,丝毫没有向老人的鱼钩屈服,总想着逃生。
As they watch the childish behaviour of Edgar and Isabella Linton, the children of the Grange, they are spotted and try to escape. 埃德加和伊莎贝拉是画眉山庄的孩子,当他们窥探这两个人孩子气的举动的时候,被发现了,他们试图逃走。
There was no escape from the enemy. 逃不出敌人之手。
My hands were tied and I knew that they had orders to kill me if I tried to escape. 我知道我的双手被捆绑,并命令他们杀死我,你试图逃跑。
"Even if a woman is able to escape to her embassy, she will still have to negotiate with employers to get an exit visa, " Varia said. 维莉亚说:「即使外佣可以逃到大使馆,她仍需与雇主谈判以取得出境签证。」
Only a few young men were able to crawl out of the back of the burning bus and escape, one survivor told a local TV station. 只有少数几名年轻人能爬出燃烧的公共汽车后部逃脱,一名幸存者告诉一家当地的电视台。
I also love to dance - it's an escape from reality for me. . . I can turn away from all that is bothering me and feel as if I were flying! 我也喜欢跳舞-这是一个对我来说,从现实的逃避…我可以置之不理,一切正在打扰我的感觉好像我是飞!
only , as she dreaded a scene , she crossed the kitchen and made her escape by the back stairs. 不过,她怕遇到他们会吵起来,便穿过厨房,从便梯那边溜走了。
and while I saw certainly that I could spin it out for long, I saw no hope of any ultimate escape. 尽管我看出我可以长时间地与他周旋,但我也看不到任何最终可以逃生的希望。
He fled to Brazil trying to escape the long arm of the law. 他逃到巴西,企图逃避恢恢法网。
Then I guess you wanna escape. Tunnel under the wall maybe? (Andy laughs politely) I miss something of you. What's the funny? 那我猜你是想逃狱,也许会在墙底挖地道?(安迪轻轻地笑了笑)我不明白,有什么好笑的?
For many people, there seems to be no escape from poverty; in other words, they are poor, and they have no hope that this will ever change. 对许多人来说,贫穷似乎无法逃避,换句话说,他们是是穷人,并且不指望这种情况会有所改变。
It might be easy to try to escape in one of many ways, but eventually reality has to be faced. 你也许非常容易尝试着用各种方法逃离现实,但最后旳结果仍然要面对现实。
Such a widespread view is becoming the "escape goat" and one of the main self-excuses to such failures of their work. 广泛传播的这种看法已经成为气象学家对自己工作失误自我原谅的借口与“替罪羊”。
There is a red lady, Locked up in a room, Whose door is often opened, Yet she can never escape. 红衣女士,被锁在一个房间里,房间门总是开着,但是她从来都不逃脱。
The escape function algorithm is one of the most practical global optimization algorithm for optical design published so far. 逃逸函数法是目前最为实用的光学系统全局优化算法之一。
Just then, the sea water started to get into the ship, and a lot of people were unable to escape. 就在大家都去睡觉的时候,船因为颠簸而进水了,很多人淹在水里跑也跑不出来。
Another way of dealing with enemies is either to have a very good protection or to be able to escape quickly. 还有一种对付敌人的方式是,要么防卫可靠要么能够迅速逃逸。
In recovery, I realized that although I had looked to Colorado as an escape, it also provided me with an experience of life that I loved. 在康复过程当中,我认识到尽管科罗拉多对我来说是一种逃避,但它也提供了我所挚爱的生活体验。
Police coning in all directions, he knew that he was trapped and there was no escape this time. 警察四面涌来,(所以)他意识到自己被困住了,而这一次可是无路可逃了。