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TWO X - 维基百科,自由的百科全书 ... 林昌淑 Im Chang-Sook Eun 崔恩美 Choi Eun-Mi ...

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内源尿氮(endogenous urinay nitrogen)

内源尿氮EUN):动物在维持生存过程中,必要的最低限度体蛋白质净分解代谢经尿中排出的氮。代谢粪氮(MFN):采食 …


郑恩彪 (Eun) [剧集] 《我的警官》 (2007) 全12集 [剧集] 《春,春春》 BomBom (2008) 别名:郑殷杓,郑恩表 职业:演员出生地…


历届奥林匹克运动会金牌排名_百度知道 ... 4 KOR 韩国 12 10 11 33 1 EUN 独联体 45 38 29 112 2 RUS 俄罗斯联邦26 21 16 6…


竞技体操_项目背景资料 ... ... 中国( CHN) 联合队( EUN) 苏联( URS) ...

Jong Eun sits in the front row of the group photo, with a military officer between him and his father. 金正云坐在第一排,和他父亲隔着一位军官。
The unveiling of a new uranium enrichment facility this month could also have been part of an attempt to build Kim Jong-eun's power base. 本月朝鲜公布了新的铀浓缩设施,这可能也是建立金正恩权力班底的一种努力。
He also stressed there was no sign of a detente from Pyongyang while Kim Jong-eun, the third son of Kim Jong-il, was being styled for power. 他还强调称,朝鲜确定金正日的三儿子金正恩(KimJong-eun)为接班人后,平壤方面没有任何缓和迹象。
Indeed, the official North Korea news agency has already referred to Jong Eun as 'the great successor to the revolutionary cause. ' 事实上,朝鲜官方通讯社已经将金正恩称为“革命事业的伟大接班人”。
Ms. Park said she used to look down on North Koreans. "I associated them with something poor, dark and negative, " she said. ParkSung-eun说,她以往看不起朝鲜人,“经常将他们和贫穷,黑暗及负面的东西联系在一起。”
Mom's birthday, Lee Eun-bed nets at the point where a few candles, placed next to the bright fruit, to the mother's letter. 妈妈过生日的时候,李银在床帐里点上几支蜡烛,旁边放着鲜艳的水果,给妈妈的信。
Lee Eun-remember, there is a ray of her mother's voice hoarse, spoke very slowly, like singing the same old songs. 李银记得,妈妈的嗓音有一丝嘶哑,说起话来很缓慢,就像唱着老歌一样。
Kim has accelerated efforts to prepare a succession plan for his third son, Kim Jong Eun, to take power upon his death. 在这一年期间,金正日为第三子金正恩(KimJongEun)在他死后继承权力加快制定接班计划。
Ga-eun is a sweet girl who grew up in a wealthy family. She dates Jung-woo in college and eventually marries him. 善良的富家千金佳恩与在大学时代相识的正宇结婚后,组成了幸福的家庭。
North Korea's state media continued to issue eulogies of Kim Jong Il and plaudits of the new leader Kim Jong Eun on Wednesday. 朝鲜官方媒体周三继续发表悼念金正日的文章,同时大力称颂新任领导人金正恩(KimJongEun)。
With Kim Jong Eun standing just a few feet away, Kim Yong Nam indicated what would change under the new leader: not much. 金永南讲话时金正恩就站在几英尺开外。金永南表示,在金正恩的领导下朝鲜不会有太大的变化。
For all of his life, Jong Eun has been a public enigma, yet another of the regime's closely guarded secrets. 金正云的一生对于大众来说都是个谜,他是朝鲜政府又一个严密保护的秘密。
Much of the day Friday, South Korean media reported that it was Kim Jong Eun aboard the armored train that entered China earlier in the day. 韩国媒体在上周五很长一段时间内报道,说当天早些时候乘坐装甲列车进入中国的人是金正恩。
As the bus was passing by, Hyun-soo runs in the rains and waves his hands to Eun-jun sitting beside the window. . . 讯修在雨中跑着,当列车从他身边驶过时,他向坐在窗边的银珠挥着手。
Jeong-eun came into power a years ago after the death of his father Kim Jong Il. 金正恩一年前在父亲金正日死后上台。
The evidence so far suggests Jong-eun, who reportedly was educated in Switzerland, is already being styled for leadership. 迄今为止的证据表明,据报道曾在瑞士留学的金正恩已在按照领袖的身份进行包装。
North Korean state media released a video on Tuesday showing new leader Kim Jong Eun sobbing as he viewed his father's body. 朝鲜国家媒体周二播放的一段视频中,新领导人金正恩面对着父亲的遗体流泪。
The son, Kim Jong Eun, has never been seen in public or in the media in North Korea. 金正日的儿子金正云从未出现在朝鲜公众或媒体面前。
And what all the descriptions have in common are eun hye, unlike Ji Hoon and Jong Hoon has her had lowered down and just passes the fans. 而且所有的描述都有一个共同点,就是恩惠不像智勋和正勋一样,她会把头低下然后就这样经过fans身边。
In the office hung portraits of Kim Il Sung, North Korea's founder, and Kim Jong Il -- no photos of Kim Jung Eun had yet been hung. 这个办公室里挂着朝鲜开国领袖金日成(KimIlSung)和金正日的几幅画像,不过还没有任何金正恩的照片。
Kim's health had obviously been poor for some time, and his regime has worked to ensure an orderly transition to his son, Kim Jong Eun. 金正日的健康状况欠佳显然已有一段时间,金氏王朝也一直在确保政权能平稳有序地过渡到金正日的儿子金正恩(KimJongEun)手中。
Kim Jong Eun, son of leader Kim Jong Il, has just taken his first position within the party, which rules North Korea. 领导人金正日的儿子金正恩已经首次在执政党内有了自己的地位。
In 1978, he ordered the abduction of a South Korean film director, Shin Sang-ok and his actress wife Choi Eun-hee. 1978年,他下令绑架韩国电影导演申相玉及其演员妻子崔银姬,两人在朝被关押五年之后才在一次晚宴中重聚。
Kim Jong-eun appeared on a balcony before a crowd of some 100, 000 in a Pyongyang square but did not address the people. 金正恩在平壤一个广场的主席台上现身,面对广场上聚集的10万人,但没有对人群发表讲话。
Kim Jong Eun has only the one military title and a relatively minor post in the political party. 金正恩目前只有一个军衔和一个在劳动党中相对较低的职位。
Ga Eul asks Eun Jae how things ended with her first love (before she left him). 佳乙问恩在,她的初恋是怎麼结束的。(为什麼要离开易正)
If an unravelling state were not challenge enough for Kim Jong-eun, succeeding his father may not be straightforward. 如果说一个分崩离析的国家对金正银还不够具有挑战性,继承父位或许并不是那么直截了当的一件事。
Seoul officials believe the G20 event could be a test of how it will interact with the new elite brought in to chaperone Kim Jong-eun. 首尔的官员相信,G20峰会可能成为一次考验,看韩国如何与受命为金正银保驾护航的朝鲜新精英班子打交道。
In an announcement issued early Wednesday, Kim Jong Eun became its vice chairman. 据周三早晨发布的一份公告,金正银被任命为该委员会的副委员长。
His artworks are collected at National Museum of Contemporary Art Korea, Seoul Museum of Arts and Song-Eun Cultural Foundation. 现在他的作品被韩国国家美术馆,首尔美术馆和Song-Eun文化基金会收藏。