even though

  • na.“even if”的变体
  • 网络即使;尽管;虽然

even thougheven though

even though


人教版九年级上册英语单词表 ... exactly 完全地 even though 即使 no longer 不再 ...


仁爱英语八年级下册单词_百度文库 ... though 虽然,可是 even though 即使,尽管 understand 懂;理解 ...


英语—医学 ... equivalent to[ 相当于] · even though[ 虽然] · every other[ 每隔一个] · ...


九年级英语单词MP3下载 人教版_百度知道 ... exactly 正;恰恰 even though 即使;纵然;尽管 no longer 不再;已不 ...


英语选词填空_爱问知识人 ... (None 没有一个) (Even though 即便) (as 作为) ...


纵是的意思_百度知道 ... 25. 纵声[ loudly;in a loud voice] 26. 纵使[ even if;even though] 27. 纵谈[ talk freely] ...


选择正确答案_百度知道 ... after all 终于,毕竟;虽然这样 even though 纵使;即使……也 as if 好像,似乎,仿佛 ...


字典中 纵 字的解释 ... (3) 释放;放走[ let go;set free] (1) 纵然,即使[ even though;even if] (2) 同本义[ loose] ...

Even though Wilson is just a volleyball, he becomes fond of him. 尽管威尔逊只是个排球,但他喜欢上了它。
Even though he'd had a bad time on the date, John told a white lie and said he'd had fun. 即使那次约会并不愉快,约翰还是撒了善意的谎言说他玩得很开心。
Emma realized that even though she thought she was in love with Charles, the rapture which should have come with marriage had not arrived. 爱玛认识到即使她认为她爱查尔斯,但结婚并没有带给她应有的欢乐。
Don't help until he's at least made a good attempt to clean it up -- even though it'll probably lead to lots of crying and whining. 在他没有做出要自己收拾的举动之前,我是不会过去帮他的——尽管这极有可能让他哭上好半天。
He was letting go and trusting what lay ahead for him, even though he did not know exactly what it was. 他正在放开自己,对前景充满了信心。尽管他并不能确切地知道前面究竟有些什么。
Such threats compel her to sometimes swing onto the sidewalk, even though that could get her a ticket. 这种忧虑迫使她有时冒着被开罚单的危险,在人行道上骑车。
Even though it doesn't mean anything on the outset, when you know how the image is generated you would marvel at the thought of it. 虽然咋一看它没有什么意思,但当你一知道图像的产生就会惊叹于它的想法。
But I continued to use it by only modifying themes via gnome-look, even though it wasn't able to play any of my media files. 但我仍继续使用它,即使只能通过gnome-look来改变主题,即使我不能用它播放我的媒体文件。
Surfing was such a fun experience even though most of the time I fell off the surfboard as soon as I stood up. 虽然大部分时候我一站起来就从浪板上跌倒,但冲浪真的是很有趣的经验。
And the balance sheet is still one of the strongest around, even though the company no longer carries a triple-A debt rating. 即使伯克希尔公司已经不再参加3A级信用评定,它依然拥有一张最强劲的资产负债表。
Even though it is not always the solution sometimes you just have to put your head down, take what comes, and plow ahead one-step at a time. 虽然这不总是有效的,但碰到困难时有时候你只需要低下头不管前方有多么艰难,脚踏实地的一步一步往前走就行了。
In school it is the A student who gets all the perks even though getting an A doesn't always measure how much a person really knows. 在学校里,优等生能够得到一切特殊待遇,虽然学习成绩优异并不总能说明一个人真正的学识。
The other morning, even though we had beach volleyball tickets, the entire family decided to stay in and watch the men's gymnastics finals. 13号早上,虽然我们已经买了沙滩排球的票,但全家人还是决定呆在住处观看男子体操决赛。
I thought the most encouraging thing was that he looked more aggressive offensively as the game went on even though his jumper was working. 我想最值得称赞的是虽然他不断跳投命中但随着比赛的进行他在进攻中看起来更有侵略性。
So they continue to see most of them as handsome, even though to the Westerner's eyes the attractiveness seems to be an illusion. 所以尽管西方人都认识到这种魅力对他们来说只是一种幻象的时候,中国女孩还是认为大部分西方男人都很帅。
Even though he left Korea without a word, Korea was the country that gave him love and made him into the person he is today. 尽管他离开韩国朝鲜一句话没说,这个国家向他爱,使他进了人,他是今天。
Yet in Britain music file-sharing seems to be in decline even though a graduated-response law has yet to be introduced. 在英国,虽然《网络制裁法》还没有出台,但是音乐非法共享现象似乎已经开始减少。
Even though Jesus told them that he would rise from the dead 3 days later, but this part did not seem to have registered in them. 即便耶稣多次告诉他们死后三天他会复活﹐这些预言好像并没有被众门徒所领会。
But one category is often overlooked: sources of energy, even though the plots and turning points of major movies have hinged on just that. 但是,有一种能够推动剧情发展甚至扭转剧情的学科门类常常被人们所忽视,那就是能源问题。
But even though I just started this presentation, this is not the first thing that I tried to do, and I was getting sort of desperate. 可是尽管我刚开始这么画,这却不是我尝试的首个方案,我有点急得饥不择食了
They were changed by the fact that I was able to persevere and win the silver medal even though almost everyone had counted me out. 他们的看法改变了,因为我坚持不懈并且得到了银牌,虽然赛前没人看好我。
And the secretary grew frustrated and finally decided to disturb the president, even though it was a chore she always regretted to do. 秘书越发感到丧气最后决定打扰校长,即使这是一件以后她总后悔的差事。
Even though they all had an empty tank, for a small car, they would not save the money for more than two or three lunch-box. 就算和我同事一样是用个空油箱去加油,一般的小车,最多也只省了两、三个便当的钱吧!
he must do something, even though the something is as simple an action as opening the book, closing the door and beginning to read. 他必须要做点什麽,即使仅仅是像打开书,关上门,开始阅读这麽简单的动作。
I love her, even though she's not always easy to handle. 我喜欢它,虽然它有时候不太听指挥。
brian: i guess so. even though i seem to be over the worst of it, i don't want to give the bug to anyone in the office. 布赖恩:我认为是这样。即使我好像要从最坏的病情恢复,我不想把病菌感染给办公室的任何人。
Yes, she can drink and dance just as well as you can, but won't, simply because you won't like it, even though you say otherwise. 是的,她的酒量和舞技和你一样好,但是她不喝酒也不跳舞,仅仅因为你不愿意她这样做,哪怕你嘴上不说;
I'm 74 years old and even though I may be a bit of a rascal . . . 33 girls in two months seems to me too much even for a 30 year old. 我今年74岁了,尽管我有些风流,但两个月找33个女人也太多了。即使对30岁的壮小夥儿来说也吃不消。
"People often experience the ball moving up in the air even though there is no ball present, " says Kuhn. “人们常常有这样的经历,尽管根本没有球,他们也看见球在空中移动。”Kuhn说。
Even though she was just a temporary employee, she was still required to sign a work agreement. 虽然她只是临时雇员她还是被要求签一份工作合约。