
美 [ˈiv(ə)n]英 [ˈiːv(ə)n]
  • adv.即使;还;其实
  • adj.平滑的;平的;平坦的;(数量、速度等)变化不大的
  • v.使平均;使相等;把…弄平坦;变平坦
  • n.黄昏
  • 网络甚至;偶数;更

第三人称单数:evens 现在分词:evening 过去式:evened



1.(强调出乎意料)甚至,连,即使used to emphasize sth unexpected or surprising

2.(用以加强比较)甚至更,愈加,还used when you are comparing things, to make the comparison stronger

3.(引出更精确的说法)甚至可以说,其实,实际上used to introduce a more exact description of sb/sth


even as

正当;恰好在…时候just at the same time as sb does sth or as sth else happens

even if/though

即使;纵然;虽然despite the fact or belief that; no matter whether

even now/then

甚至到现在(或那时);即便是这样(或那样);尽管如此(或那样)despite what has/had happened

even so

尽管如此;即使那样despite that


人教版小学英语六年级上、下册单词表_百度文库 ... killer whale 虎鲸 even 甚至 Unit 2 have a fever 发烧 ...


字典中 阴 字的解释 ... (9) 阴湿;潮湿[ moist] (11) 偶数[ even] (1) 暗中,暗地里[ in secret;in private] ...


字典中 直 字的解释 ... (3) 工钱[ pay;salary] (1) 即使[ even;even if] 当…时候[ as;at that time] ...


大学英语精读单词表(第三册) - 豆丁网 ... evenly ad. 平静地, 平坦地 even a. 平的, 平静的 primarily ad. 主要地 ...

初中英语单词大全(不容错过)_中考英语_读书人 ... 1256 seem v 好像,似乎 1257 even adv 甚至, 1258 Italy n 意大利 ...


新目标八年级下册英语单词表 - 豆丁网 ... int. 哪个; even a. 平坦的,偶数的,相等的; myself pron. 我自己 38 ...


(D-F)英语四级词汇表下载 ... even ad. 甚至;甚至更,还 even a. 均匀的;平的 evening n. 傍晚,黄昏,晚上 ...


5)校验:可以为偶校验EVEN)、可以是奇校验(ODD)或无校验(NONE)6)握手信号:可以为XON/XOFF、CTS/RTS …

At this point, labor could be one or two days, or even weeks, away, with your cervix continuing to open gradually over that time. 在这个时候,临产可能会在一到两天后,甚至几个星期以后,一直到你的宫颈继续逐渐扩张完全。
A man, as well as a woman, when excited, will definitely find a glass or even a fork to stroke it or to touch it with his fingers. 一位男士,同样地或者是一位女士,在兴奋地时候,就一定会找来一个玻璃杯或者甚至一把叉子来敲击或者用他的手指触摸。
Some of you could actually get a chance for a do-over, and you might even get it right this time. 你们中的一些实际上可以得到一个机会重新开始,甚至在这个时候你可以得到这场爱情。
And even though you won't need maternity clothes for at least several weeks, some of your shirts may become a little too tight. 虽然至少几周之内你还不需要孕妇装,你的一些衬衫可能会变得有点紧了。
It is possible that you prefer some of these partnership types over others, or that you would like a few or even all of them. 有可能您喜欢某些类型的合作关系胜过其他的;或是您可能想要某几种的,甚至是全部的,合作关系类型。
She was certain she could not even come close to what I had predicted, but at least she would learn something. 她肯定她不能达到、哪怕是接近我的预计目标,但她至少愿意学习一些东西。
He wanted to tell her that he loved her and would always love her, even if she did not love him, and he was willing to wait her. 他很想告诉她:他爱她,永远爱她,即使她不爱自己他依然爱她,他愿意等她。
the queer behavior of the child was an enigma , even to its parents. 那个孩子古怪的行为,甚至对其父母亲来说都是个谜。
There's no minimum quantity, so you can order just a few or even just one machine. The price depends on quantity. 我们没有最低起订量的限制,你可以订几台甚至可以只订一台机器。
"Even if I'm not picked in the squad I always want to be available while I'm still playing, " he said. “即便我不能进入大名单,但只要我还在踢球就希望自己能被选入国家队,”他说。
For an even better Torvalds flame, check out this post he made calling GNOME developers "interface nazis. " 一个更加男人的攻击,点开他所作的邮件,在里面他竟给GNOME的开发者做了一个“纳粹界面”。
So even Germans rich enough to opt out of the statutory health system would help to pay for it. 因此即使那些富得不必参加法定医疗体系的德国人也会为之出一份力。
Even the weasel "helps" did not prevent the FTC from demanding that this ad be with-drawn. 即使使用了“帮助”这个“鼬鼠”型的广告词也无法阻止联邦贸易委员会下令取缔这个广告。
"They have the quality, " he stated. "But there is no more room for false moves, because Inter do not seem to drop even a point. " “他们拥有夺冠的能力,”他强调。“但他们不能再犯错了,因为现在这支国米看起来不会轻易丢分。”
Even when the railway finally consented to take my money, officials explained that there was no mechanism for buying a return ticket. 当我总算被允许付钱后,工作人员又告诉我没有返程票一说。
Doug: See, that's what I'm saying. This is just a warm-up before your next big interview. Even if you mess up you'll have learned something. 道格:看吧,这就是我的意思。这只是为你的下一个重要面试热热身。就算你搞砸了,你也会学到一些东西。
But even if I could have suspected it, I wonder if I would have shared my concern with him. 但是即使我当时有疑虑,我想我会犹豫是否与他分享这份担忧。
"We definitely recognize stopping the bottle at a year of age is not easy, and stopping it at 2 years of age may be even harder, " she said. 我们完全承认,停止一岁龄婴幼儿的奶瓶喂养是不容易的,停两岁的则会更难。
Of course, only the most reliable mule men were taken on such trips, but even they did not know what cargo they were carrying. 不用说,只有最可靠的骡夫才让担负这种运输任务,不过他们也不知道驮运的是什么货。
It's hard to wait around for something you know won't happen, but it's even harder to stop waiting when you know it's everything you want. 等待那些不可能发生的事,太难;但如果那是你全部的希望,要放弃,会更难。
moreover, that the terms which he uses, even if to be found in idealistic aesthetics, do not carry in his usage the same signification. 另外,他用的那些术语,即便会在唯心主义的美学中发现,但他的用法含义不同。
Even as a temporary measure any elitist designs are out of place in a truly progressive movement. 即使讨论当下的现实选择,在一个真正的渐进运动前,也没有任何精英构想的一席之地。
Jonas moved his hands together, clapping, but it was an automatic, meaningless gesture that he wasn't even aware of. 乔纳斯把双手靠在一起,轻轻拍著手,但是这是机械性的动作,没有意义的手势,甚至他自己根本没有察觉。
As strange as it may seem, even Australian Federal Parliament members do not know. 奇怪的是,即使澳大利亚联邦议会的成员不知道。
Even in the straitened years of post-war reconstruction, he was soon selling millions of books a year. 即便是在战后重建的贫困时期,《丁丁历险记》依然可以每年很快售出数百万册书。
He did not expect, from the basketball program he created even spread in the market with over two hundred countries, and so far the U. 他未曾料到,由他创建的篮球项目竟然在二百多个国家流传市面着,而且至今美国篮球还誉满全球。
Even if every method in your entity bean changed just once a year, the bean would acquire double the methods by the end of that year. 即使您实体bean中的每个方法每年只更改一次,但bean会在那年结束时将拥有双倍数量的方法。
One of their mothers said to us, "You know, we can't survive here, but but we can't even seem to die either. " It's a horrible situation. 有一位男孩的母亲告诉我们,“你看,我们在这里根本就活不下去,不过我们又死不了。”这可真是一个可怕的情形。
He said: "The overseas race glory for the country was going to be performing in his hometown, the pressure even greater. " 他说:「出国比赛,为国争光,马上要在家乡表演,压力更大」。
And if you were to be dramatic, you might even add to the chain a small napkin with which to do your wiping of both. 如果想再要夸张点,甚至可以在链子上搭一块小餐巾纸,既可以擦眼镜,也可以擦酒杯,两全其美。