every day

  • na.每日
  • 网络每天;每一天;天天

every dayevery day

every day


初中英语短语大全 ... 6.on the playground 在操场上 7.every day 每天 8.the first class 第一节课 ...


八年级英语下册重点语法和短语 ... at the doctor's 在诊所 every day 每一天 everyday adj. 日常的 ...


天天(Every Day)‧斑马线(Pop Phone Singers)by TCMCFestival 2,764 views 3:15 草原上的格桑花 Gesang Flower on Prairieby …


每天都(Every day)可能出,不会拉下 枢纽说此外几位吧,要不是打不过你,早跟你翻脸了。


字典中 日 字的解释 ... (10) 时间,光阴[ time] (1) 每日,每天[ every day] (3) 他日,改天[ the other day] ...


中考英语介词复习... ... in the 20th century 在20世纪 I get up at 6:00 every day. 我每天6:00起床。 on April 1st 在四月一日 ...


...Marius起伏的情绪,两人共同歌咏出爱的二重唱「每一日」(Every Day),回忆起初见的那一夜,心中充满爱意。

In any case, like a person will not be changed , although not every day, but each time the school or to be able to look forward to see you. 不管怎么样,喜欢一个人是不会变的,虽然不能每天见面,但是每次去学校的时候还是期盼能够看见你。
One ought, every day at least, to hear a little song, read a good poem, see a fine picture and, if possible, speak a few reasonable words. 一个应该每天至少听到一点点的歌曲,读一首好诗,看到精细的画面,如果可能的话,说几句合理的话。
There's visitors coming and going every day, as you know, sir, ' he said; `and without the name of the house 'tis impossible to find 'em. ' “先生,你知道,观光的人每天有来的也有走的,”他说;“要是不知道他们的住址,你是不可能找到他们的。”
You'll start to see how much better it feels to be in control of what happens every day. 你会开始看到当每天发生的事情都处于控制之中时的感觉是多么美好。
Some companies set out maps that have places for you to stay at the end of every day of your journey. 有些公司提供的线路,在每天行程的终点都有可供住宿的地方。
Every day of my life Dad had told me how much he loved me by what he did and what he gave. 我生命中的每一天,我爸都在用行动和付出对我说着他爱我。
" President Obama replied " You may be sick of him, but I have to deal with him every day. 奥巴马的回复则是“你可能是烦了他了,但是我每天还得和他打交道。”
"It's not a good idea to bath baby every day. Two or three times a week is plenty, " she said. 她说:“每天给宝宝洗澡并不好。一周洗两至三次就足够了。”
'It has become a bit of an obsession and I now do a picture every day after the children have gone to bed. 渐渐地我就有点上瘾了,现在每天在孩子们上床睡觉后我都会画一幅画。
I watched helpless, she said: tea, I do not know how you think you know, every day I hope you will to. 我手足无措地看着她,说:红袖,你知道不知道我有多想你,天天盼你来。
He said he would watch the sea every day, but not make love with you every day. 老人说他天天都来看海,但没办法天天跟你做爱。
Every day he took a mysterious book out of his desk and absorbed himself in it at times when no classes were reciting. 他天天从讲台里拿出一本神秘的书,乘没课要讲的时候就潜心研读。
There was a girl named Jenny, she did lots of home work every day, and felt that life was very boring, so she decided to go on a travel. 有一个女孩叫杰妮、她每天都在做大量的作业、觉得生活很无聊、所以她准备出去玩。
Write the object of your desire on a piece of paper and pin it to the wall. Look at it every day for a week. 在一张纸上写下你想要的东西,把它固定在墙上,然后每天都看着它,持续一个星期。
You might be an "everything in moderation" sort of person, which means you decide to eat chocolate only once a week instead of every day. 也许你是一个“凡事尽节制”的人,也就是说,你决定不再每天吃一次巧克力,而是每周吃一次。
Present I, have many matters to have as if every day to think, pondered sometimes the matter presses me not to gasp for breath. 现在的我,仿佛每天都有好多事情要想,思考的事情有时候压得我喘不过气。
"I would be lying if I said that, you know, those aren't some weighty questions that I carry around on my shoulders every day, " he said. 他说:“如果我说,我每天面临的这些问题都没什么大不了的,那大家也不会相信。”
And as he placed the flower on her grave, he said, "I just wish I had picked her a fresh flower every day when she was alive. " 当他把鲜花放在母亲的坟前时,他说:“我多么希望在她在世的时候每天送一朵花给她。”
How much every day, the frequency of urine causes urine color changes, and represents a reaction of the body, it takes a lot of learning. 每天排尿多少,尿频的原因,尿液颜色的改变,都代表着身体的某种反应,里面大有学问。
She spends 12 hours a day in the office every day and work is all that she talks about when she meets her friends occasionally. 办公室是她一天花去二分之一时间的地方,偶尔和大伙儿聊天谈的都是工作。
His wife gave him a piece of her mind every day, which he had enough of. 他妻子每天都训斥他,而他对此忍无可忍。
Life does not seem to overwhelm me, or I would not be so leisurely's lives every day, I once had a problem, I really grew up in it? Maybe ! 生活好像没有压倒我,不然我也不会这么悠闲自在的过着每一天,我曾经有过一个问题,我真的长大了吗?也许吧!
The doctor told him to bathe his feet in warm water before going to bed every day. 医生叫他每天睡觉前用温水泡脚。
Every day I wake up and I start to calculate how much I should earn today to pay all the bills, I think it's better to die. 每天我一睁开眼就要开始计算今天我要挣多少钱,才能够付清账单,我认为还不如去死。
I wanted to see what would happen if I posted something, even if it was only a sentence, every day for a year. 我想借此发现:在一年中,如果我每天都发布一些东西,甚至仅仅是一句话究竟会发生什么?
Christmas is willing to shine the light of your every day, the sun is ready to flower Saman your life journey. 愿圣诞之光普照你的每壹个日子,愿阳光鲜花洒满你的人生旅程。
Listening to other people's problems every day, all day long, for years on end, has made an old man of me. 一年到头每天一天到晚听其他人的烦恼,让我变成了一个老人。
Every day for decades, engineer Phil Pressel would come home from work and be unable to tell his wife what he'd been doing all day. 十几年中的每一天,工程师PhilPressel下班回家后,却不能告诉他的妻子他整天在忙些什么。
Every day he calculated how much he would have lost or won if he'd had the money to lay. 他每天在计算假如手边有钱下注,他会输多少赢多少。
He worked every day as a cook, and then went on to do a second job in the evenings. Then one day it got to be a bit much for him. 他每天白天当厨师,晚上还得接着干另一份活。结果有一天他实在受不了了。