
美 [ɪɡˈzækt]英 [ɪɡ'zækt]
  • adj.精确的;准确的;严谨的;严格的
  • v.要求;索取;迫使;强迫
  • 网络确切的;精密的;真确

第三人称单数:exacts 现在分词:exacting 过去式:exacted

exact copy,exact amount,exact information,exact equivalent,exact value
exact revenge


1.精确的;准确的correct in every detail

3.精密的;严密的using accurate measurements and following set rules


英语词根词缀记忆大全 ... enact 实施,颁布 exact 强求;精确的 exacting 苛求的 ...


初中英语单词表 - 豆丁网 ... everywhere ad. 到处 exact a. 精确的;确切的 exam = examination n. 考试,测试;检查;审查 ...


大学英语精读单词表(第一册) - 豆丁网 ... exactly ad. 确切地;精确地 exact a. 准确的,精确的 amount n. 数量,数额 ...


普通英汉小词典_翻译家(Fanyijia.com) ... ewe 母羊 exact 精密的 exactly 刚好 ...


英语词汇-数学词汇_专业词汇 ... event 事件 exact 真确 exact differential form 恰当微分形式 ...

Since the goal of the article is to exemplify the consumption of a JMS message, we skip over the exact implementation of the workflow. 本文的目标是演示如何使用JMS消息,因此我们将跳过工作流的具体实现。
Yes, Sanders, in a few days (9 to be exact) things will suddenly change for you as if you were about to start from scratch. 是的,散沙,在几天(9是精确的)之内事物将会突然为你改变好像你正要从头开始。
I knew this bride who was absolutely exact on every detail of her wedding. I remember thinking "Calm down, its just a Wedding. " 我认识的这个新娘也是完全专注于婚礼上的每一个细节,我不禁会这样想“冷静点吧,只不过是个婚礼罢了。”
It is learned that the city's overall design seems to be the universe accurately calculate the exact position of celestial bodies. 据悉,城市的整体设计方案似乎可以精确地算出宇宙天体的准确方位。
Continuous Delivery can be applied to companies of any size, but the exact process is going to differ widely from company to company. 任何规模的公司都可以实施持续交付,但是具体流程会根据公司具体情况差异很大。
Then a few days after that, [production designer] Santo Loquasto was talking to me and he said the exact same thing. 接着几天之后,影片设计桑托·罗夸斯托找我谈话,他说了一模一样的话。
Though experts still quibble about the exact nature of how the ship broke up, a consensus does seem to be forming around how Titanic sank. 虽然专家们仍然在推测船体一分为二的确切原因,一种共识似乎可以解释泰坦尼克号的沉没。
They say we all lose 21 grams. . . at the exact moment of our death. Everyone. And how much fits into 21 grams? 他们说人死的那一刻会失去21克的重量每个人都一样21克有多重?
I'm not sure if that was the exact moment when I fell in love, but it was, at least, the start of my descent. 假如当本人谈恋爱的时分,那是准确的片刻,本人不肯定,但是它至少,是本人的降落的开端。
The exact figures aren't available, but see if you can get an idea of how much this will cost. 确切数字还不能提给你,但你可否有个概念大概要花多少钱?
This would place that person's age within a cycle of 12 years, and with a bit of common sense, we can deduce the exact age. 知道了他的属相在十二生肖中的位置,以及所具有的常识,就能推算出他的确切的年龄了。
Depending on the size and exact location of your G-spot, you may or may not be able to feel stimulation during intercourse. 在性交中你或许能够感受到它也可能感受不到,这取决于你的G点的大小和具体位置。
The IN operator may be used if you know the exact value you want to return for at least one of the columns. 当你知道某栏目的准确值并想要返回其数据行,你可以使用IN操作符。
They are the exact opposite of a loyal audience, the kind that you might expect, over time, to inculcate with your message. 他们和那些忠实受众完全不同,而后者是你期望通过长时间的信息灌输来培养的。
The name is the form of speech by which a person is singled out for personal love, particular intimacy , and exact responsibility. 名字是一种语言形式,借着个别地称呼一个人的名字,赋予他个人的爱,特殊的亲密感,以及确切的责任。
To identify model of your modem, note the name and number on the front. You may have to look for a label to discover the exact model. 确定你的调制解调器型号,注意前面的名字和号码,你也可以查找其标签找到更确切的型号信息。
It had been forced through the gallery's arched doorways on a track so many times that it was now the exact shape of the arches. 它已经被迫坐着滑轨在画廊的拱形门道里穿来穿去好多次,结果现在它都给弄的和拱门一个形儿了。
I can't find the exact article online, which I believe was an excerpt from his book Richistan, but the same material is covered on his blog. 在网上我找不到完全一样的原文,我想那是他的《Richistan》一书中的节选,可是在他的博客上也有一样的题材内容。
When you are developing your business plan, make your estimates as exact as possible and justify how much you need for each purchase. 在你做创业计划的时候,尽量估算精确,并将估算精确到每一笔款项的用途。
There is no rule that the exact object received by a message sink must be passed on to the next sink, though this will often be the case. 没有规定必须将消息接收器收到的对象原样传递给下一个接收器,尽管通常是这样的。
Business logic code is easy to read because XPath describes the exact nature of the data and its relationship to the business structure. 业务逻辑代码易读性高,因为XPath可准确地说明数据的本质及其与业务结构的关系。
It was at the exact moment he took a deep breath that he began to lift off the ground. He would begin soaring like an eagle. 就在他深深吸上一口气的瞬间,他开始从地面一跃而起,就像一头雄鹰那样开始翱翔。
You know what, I go through the exact same thing. Every time I put on a little weight, I start questioning everything. 我也经历过同样的事,每次我的体重增加那么一点,我就开始质疑一切。
The difficulty of it is to found a exact geological model which can be accord with the real pool underground. 其难点是建立能准确反映地下油藏特征的地质模型。
If I put my hand down your pants and play with your balls for 10 minutes, I will be able to tell you your exact age. 只要我把手放进你的内裤里,玩你的蛋蛋十分钟,我就会知道你的准确年龄。
Miss Havisham asked me to send, 'said Joe, as if trying to remember the exact words, 'her-best wishes, was it, Pip? to Mrs J. Gargery. . . ' “郝薇香小姐让我捎给她,”乔说着好像努力地去记住这句准确的话,“她最好的祝福,不是吗?匹普。对乔·葛吉瑞夫人说……。”
Now they want to know the exact formula for how much a particular commodity affects the price of a good. 如今他们想知道衡量特定商品对某种货物价格有多大影响的确切方法。
At least 24 men are thought to be trapped but the exact number underground at the time of the incident remains unclear, the agency said. 至少24人被困,但确切数字不明,该机构说。
What they found was that radiation was coming from everywhere in the sky (that they could measure) with the same exact energy! 他们发现,辐射从天空各个方向(他们可以测定)射来,具有相同的能量!
"We may argue over the exact definition, " says Kafka. "But I have no doubt in my mind that the condition exists. " “对于确切的定义我们仍在争论中”,Kafka说道,“但毫无疑问,这种症状是确实存在的。”