
美 [ɪkˈsid]英 [ɪkˈsiːd]
  • v.胜过;超过(限度,范围);越出;领先
  • 网络超过其他

第三人称单数:exceeds 现在分词:exceeding 过去式:exceeded

exceed limit,exceed value,exceed expectation,exceed target,exceed range
far exceed
probably exceed



发/ts//dz/音的单词各50个_百度知道 ... errands 差使 exceeds 超过 expands 扩大 ...


EN 2009.4.10-20 ... 3.reach n. 到达, 达到, 伸出, 延伸, 影响 4.exceeds vt. 超过其他 enforced v. 强制的 ...

The setting was one of those country-like Ivy League campuses where the tuition exceeds the average American annual income. 那是一所常春藤联盟大学,那儿的学费高于美国人的人均年收入。
It's unnecessary for me to point out that supply exceeds demand at present and that this situation is apt to continue for a long time yet. 用不着我来指出,目前的情况是供过于求,而且这种情况还要延续很长一段时间。
Each time an entry is inserted, if the length of that chain exceeds some threshold, that chain is marked as needing to be resized. 中,每次一个条目插入的时候,如果链的长度超过了某个阈值,链就被标记为需要调整大小。
Exceeds the end of the underlying value in the column, the deletion occurs up to the last character of the value. 超出了列中基础值的限度,则将删除到值的最后一个字符。
Its total GDP already exceeds that of Germany. In terms of fiscal management, it has outperformed both the US and Europe. 现在其GDP总量已经超过德国;在财政管理方面,它的表现优于美国和欧洲。
Overweight is brought from the accumulation of surplus fat in the body, as a result of that the intake exceeds the consumption of energy. 超重是能量的摄入超过消耗,体重超过正常而未达肥胖,但发生相关疾病危险增加的一种状态。
For that purpose, Colortrac is also expanding its position as market leader, Colortrac growth exceeds that of its competitors. 由此,卡莱泰克公司为市场领先者正不断地发展壮大,其成长超越竞争者。
The length of the body (from the point of the shoulder to the point of the buttock) exceeds the height at the withers by 10%. 身体(从臀部到肩点点)的长度超过了10%,在肩的高度。
One cause of bit slippage is overflow of a receive buffer that occurs when the transmitter's clock rate exceeds that of the receiver. 比特损失的一个原因是当发送机的时钟速率超过接收机的时钟速率时,出现了接收缓冲器的数据溢出。
The name derives from the fact that the technology incorporated to create the note exceeds that of the original. 这种假币的名字得自这样的事实:即所使用的多种伪造技术甚至超过了真币。
Banknotes in circulation in circulation exceeds the amount of money actually needed, is one of the main causes of inflation. 纸币发行量超越流通中实践需求的货币量,是招致通货收缩的主要缘由之一。
The gravimetric hydrogen production rate exceeds that of other solar-driven thermochemical processes by more than an order of magnitude. 而分解出氢的效率以重量计算可比其它太阳能热制程的效率高出一个数量级。
This, however, need not always be the case if the pace of increase in the production of goods exceeds the rate of increase in money supply. 但是,如果商品生产的增长速度超过了货币供应量增长速度,通货膨胀不一定会发生。
similar products in which the weight of the aromatic constituents exceeds that of the non-aromatic constituents. 芳族成分重量超过非芳族成分的类似产品。
A dumping margin represents how much the fair-value price exceeds the dumped price. 倾销幅度指倾销价格与公平价格之差。
The energy behind a person with strong will well exceeds that of 99 people who have nothing but mere interest. 一个有信念者所开发出的力量,大于99个只有兴趣者。
World Bank research shows that the marginal productivity of infrastructure in most emerging markets exceeds that of other physical capital. 世界银行(WorldBank)研究显示,多数新兴市场中基建业的边际生产率超过了其他物资资本的边际生产率。
A kiss exceeds thousands of words. A light kiss can represent your care and love for her, so your red lips shouldn't be stinted any more. 一吻胜过千言万语,轻轻的一吻已能代表你惜她、爱护她,所以请不要吝啬你的红唇。
In 30. 7 percent of all marriages with a wife working outside of the home, her income exceeds that of her husband. 妻子在外工作的所有家庭中,妻子收入高于丈夫的占到了30.
If the air exceeds the stoichiometric requirement of coal, the combustor is in an overall excess air mode as in a conventional operation. 如果蒸汽量超过煤的化学计量要求,那么燃烧炉与传统操作一样处于整体空气过量状态。
The value of bonds issued in euros since the beginning of 2006 exceeds that of bonds denominated in dollars. 自2006年初以来,以欧元发行的债券超过了美元计价债券。
End-of-life is generally considered to be the time when the total channel resistance exceeds the specifications for the switch card. 当总通道电阻超过了开关卡的指标时,则认为使用寿命终了。
The amount of space to be allocATed AT the end of a file each time a sequential write exceeds the allocATed length of the file. 当顺序写操作超出文件原长度时,在文件末端另分配给该文件的空间量。
In general the accuracy of geoidal heights, as given by spirit leveling, much exceeds that of any other system. 一般说来,水准测量测出的大地水准面高程的精度,远远超过任何其它方法的精度。
However, I think the World Cup is an event that exceeds all that, and for that I'll try to follow it. 但是,世界杯是一件超越所有事情的大事,我将尽量去关注它。
If the time between coats exceeds the recommended maximum, the surface shall be abraded prior to applying an additional coat. 如果在相邻涂层操作的间隔时间超过推荐的最小值,则表面应在补涂之前进行打磨。
The destructive power of fusion bombs, also known as thermonuclear devices and hydrogen bombs, vastly exceeds that of fission bombs. 聚变核弹也被称为热核武器和氢弹,其破坏力大大超过了裂变核弹。
No matter how hot a business opportunity may be, if it exceeds your startup and seed money, it's not a great business for you. 不管一个商机有多火热,如果超过了你的创业预算,对你来说,这份事业对你来说就是不好的。
You might get a partial rebate. It depends on how much your income exceeds the caps. 你依然可能享受到部分的退税,这取决于你的收入超过上限的多少。
The duration of validity for this certificate exceeds that of its certification authority. 该证书的有效期超过了其证书颁发机构的有效期。