
美 [ɪkˈsaɪtəd]英 [ɪkˈsaɪtɪd]
  • adj.激动的;兴奋的;受刺激的;紧张不安的
  • v.“excite”的过去式和过去分词
  • 网络感到激动的;感到兴奋的;激昂的

highly excited


1.激动的;兴奋的feeling or showing happiness and enthusiasm

2.受刺激的;紧张不安的nervous or upset and unable to relax


从A到Y开头的英语单词大全_百度文库 ... evening 夜晚;晚上 excited 兴奋的 F fall 秋天 ...


四年级下册英语单词_百度文库 ... dessert 甜品 excited 激动的 grandpa 爷爷 ...


不定式和动名词做主语宾语的区别 - 豆丁网 ... exciting 令人激动的-- excited 感到激动的 interesting 令人感到高兴-- ...


《新概念英语》第一册词汇表 - 豆丁网 ... = examination 考试, 检查 excited 感到兴奋的 excuse 原谅 / ...


高中英语单词表(第二册) - 豆丁网 ... sergeant n. 警士;军士 excited adj. 兴奋的;激昂的 belong vi. 属,附属 ...


英语单词分类_百度知道 ... spend 度过 excited 激动的,兴奋地 video 录像 ...

It was time for me to be off work yesterday afternoon and I was a little excited because an easy weekend would be start soon! 昨天下午下班的时候,想到轻松的周末马上就要开始,心里都有点儿激动了!
We just have to see how it goes and like I said everybody's excited for the new season and we have to fight for every competition. 我们只是来看看它究竟怎样,就像我说的每个人都为新赛季感到兴奋,我们要争取每一场胜利。
When he extended his arms in front of him in the heavy rain, I was excited, AT that moment, I saw the faith win the darkness. 当他伸出了在大雨中张开双臂,我激动极了,那一刻,我看到了信心战胜黑暗。
He's very good in the air and he's got a lot of good attributes we could use. we're quite excited about him. 他空中能力很强,对我们会有很大作用。我们得到他很激动。
Aggregates is one of those architectural topics that I get really excited about, so make sure to turn down your speakers. 汇总会是我兴奋真的有关,请确定已开启关闭您的喇叭这些架构的主题之一。
She was, to be sure, a girl who excited the emotions, but I was not one to let my heart rule my head. 她确实是一个动情的姑娘,不过我不是一个让感情支配理智的人。
When Pastor Wang asked me if I would like to preach on this Sunday, I was excited and I said yes. 当王牧师问我是否愿意主日来讲道,我很兴奋的答应了,但接著感到自己的不足和无助。
Today, I called my boyfriend to tell him how excited I was to drive 12 hours to see him and his new house. His girlfriend answered. FML. 今天我给男朋友打电话说我开车12个小时来看望他和他的新家有多么兴奋。接电话的是他女朋友。FML。
"I'm not happy about this, boys, " he said, lisping like he did when he was excited. “伙计们,我对这次的活儿很不满意。”他口齿不清地说着,他一激动就这样。
I watched a Japanese tourist bite into a chorizo and get so excited he insisted his wife snap his picture in front of the sausages. 我看到一位日本游客吃了一口西班牙辣香肠之后,兴奋到坚持要他太太帮他在香肠前照张相片。
Actions which would have excited his horror in the life about him, in the reading passed through his mind without any comment. 故事中这些行径使他对周围的生活惶恐不安,但在阅读中他只是生吞活剥地读,不敢妄加评论。
The painter was consumed by his own painting, and so excited with it that he unconsciously took a few steps backward while admiring it. 画家被自己的画所吸引,他非常兴奋,一边欣赏一边不经意地向后退。
" On hearing that, I became so excited that I hurried to test how much I had taught him, " Then you tell me, what do you remember? 听闻我兴奋得一塌糊涂,急忙验证自己的家教结果:“那你都记得什么?”
"Sorry, doctor! I may be a bit excited. " He let go my hand and put his hands into the pocket seemingly searching for cigarettes. “对不起,大姐,我有点激动。”那男人松开了我的手,两手在口袋里翻找着,像是在找烟。
She looked at him with an excited expression. 她面带激动的表情望着他。
Well I'm already hitched, but I was pretty excited in the run-up to my wedding and I have to say it was a brilliant day. 好吧,我已经结婚了,但是我在准备婚礼的时候很兴奋,并且我不得不说那是一个灿烂的日子。
Sean Cummings spent time personally in India analyzing the market, and after hearing the results of his trip we were all very excited. 肖恩卡明斯花时间亲自在印度分析市场,并经过听证会的结果,他此行我们都感到非常兴奋。
Gradually increasing the fire hot, soft-shelled turtle watching the suffering of the pot rolling, give the chopsticks were all excited. 渐渐火越来越热,看着锅中甲鱼痛苦的翻滚,举箸之人无不兴奋异常。
She was too excited to do (any) housework. Because (for the evening)she would be going to attend a fancy-party with her husband. 她兴奋的不想做家务(什么家务活都不想做),因为她晚上要与丈夫一起去参加一个化妆舞会。
And what I remembered best was that he was as excited to be on the cusp of a big story as I was. 而我对他最深刻的记忆,便是他对于自己能够站在这样一个大事件的尖端,表现得和我一般兴奋。
Carol was very excited that I was interested in our family's history, even if it was just because a former sitcom actress told me to be. 卡萝尔见到我开始对我们家的历史感兴趣,当然非常兴奋。即使这只是因为我被前情景喜剧里的女演员逼着做的。
He was very excited about my speech and asked if I would like a tour of the facilities before I picked up the puppy. 他对我的演讲非常激动,并且问我,是否愿意在接狗之前参观这个地方。
Much to my surprise, David was very excited about the product ideas and asked if I could send him evaluation copies of our products. 很多我吃惊的是,大卫是非常激动的产品的想法,并询问我是否可以给他的评价复制我们的产品。
Everyone was very excited. They believed that he was able to produce a painting that would make his time and country famous. 每一个人都为之激动兴奋,人们相信他能够完成这一力作,为其时代和国家争光。
Single out a few people you know well, have worked with before, and who would be excited about this project. 选出几个你熟知的、曾经共过事、并可能对此项目感兴趣的几个人。
He was excited like a child might be excited before being told that his parents had decided to go out and buy him a brand new bicycle. 那时的他很兴奋,就像一个小孩从父母那里收到自己期望已久的全新自行车一样兴奋。
If you set your own schedule and are able to work on or learn about what you're interested in and excited about, it can be play. 如果你可以掌握自己的时间,做自己真正感兴趣的东西,那工作就变成一种娱乐了。
We were excited that the company was more than willing to offer us what we needed. 那家公司很乐意提供我们所需要的,我们很激动。
When the children presented flowers to him, he was so excited that tears came into his eyes. 当孩子们向他献花时,他激动得热泪盈眶。
Excited by his new skill, Micky quickly dashes home, anxious to get back to his hole before the tide comes in and covers it. 米奇对于他的新技能大感兴奋,米奇飞奔回家,急著在他的洞在被涨潮淹没前到达。