


When you want to go a bit of exploring, you just an old John, and he'll put up a snack for you to take along. 什么时候你想去寻幽探胜了,只要跟老约翰打个招呼,他就会为你配制一份快餐,让你随身带上。
This tool is extremely useful when exploring or trying to understand new (inherited) code. 该工具在探究或试图了解新(继承的)代码时极其有用。
I challenge you to go through a single day exploring every aspect, not from what is realistic, but instead from what is possible. 我建议不妨这样度过一天,不是从现实的角度,而是从可能性的角度去考虑所有问题。
They step through the hole in the wall, exploring what used to be a sealed-off storage room. 他们跨过墙洞,在这个曾被封闭的储藏室中搜寻。
The last section will conclude by exploring the concept of regional governance and its capacity to improve democratic European governance. 最后一部分探究了区域治理的概念以及它在改良民主欧洲治理方面的效能,并总结全文。
Zhang Tai-yan in learning the West, exploring the truth process. Have - degree of capitalism and democracy, said the aspirations and Zhuimu. 章太炎在学习西方,探索真理过程中.曾—度对资本主义和民主制度表示向往与追慕。
What I thought I would do is first give you a little bit of sense of some of the opportunities that we as a group have been exploring. 我想我先要做的是给你们,一点感觉,知道我们这个团队,是研究什么的。
One of the big potential winners is China, which has at least two shale pilot projects exploring for oil and gas. 潜在的最大赢家是中国。该国至少在进行两个探查页岩油气的试点项目。
Apple also is exploring a major revamp of its MobileMe online storage service, the people familiar with the matter said. 熟悉内幕的人还声称,苹果正在开发其MobileMe在线储存服务的重要更新。
She said: "We are exploring, we are stumbling, we are trying to identify what will be the right tools [and] legal principles. " 她说:“我们正在探索,我们会遇到绊脚石,我们正试图确定哪些是正确的工具[和]法律原则。”
This was more than we could bear, so we decided to spend our last day exploring the countryside. 人多的使我们难以忍受,于是我们决定利用最后一天去乡间一游。
The Home Office is now exploring how the craft can be used to give back-up to police, ambulance and fire services. 现在,英国内政部正在研究如何把这种飞机归还给警方、救护和消防系统使用。
The company is willing to work with business enterprises around the world to cooperate in good faith, exploring the market. 公司愿与世界各地的企业商家诚意合作,拓展市场。
Once you sign up for a free iCloud account, you're ready to start exploring the dozens of applications and widgets. 一旦你注册了一个免费的iCloud账户,你就准备开始探索许许多多的应用程序和小工具吧!
Additionally, we have been strong proponents of the company exploring multiple ways to enhance the value of its patent portfolio. 此外,我们一直强烈支持公司广开渠道,提升公司的专利价值。
By the time your kitten is six to eight weeks old, he is ready to begin exploring a bit further from home. 由您的小猫,时间是六至八个星期岁,他是准备开始探索位进一步从家里。
Also, be aware that if the class name of an object is preceded by the word class, that you are exploring the static instance of that class. 此外,一定要知道如果对象的类名之前加上关键词class,那么您浏览的是这个类的静态实例。
He said the train has brought in new customers, particularly families from the East Valley exploring the booming Central and Camelback area. 他说,列车在带来新客户,从东谷,特别是家庭,探索中央和驼背蓬勃发展的地区。
Think of this as if you were exploring a new land and enjoy the experience. 想想看,当你探索新大陆并享受游历其中的体验。
We spent a few days just exploring Islington and it reminded me a little bit of the the West Village in NYC. 我们花了几天的时间探测伊斯灵顿,它让我想起一些处于纽约市的西部村庄。
Google said the company was now exploring ways to make Chrome accessible to more people. 谷歌称该公司目前正寻找方法让更多人能够接触到Chrome浏览器。
This guide's Campaign walkthrough tends to be conservative and deliberate, with an emphasis on exploring fundamental aspects of the game. 本攻略旨在以保守稳妥和从容不迫的态度关注于游戏基本层面的探索。
We were exploring new data sources which none of our competitors were indexing and Amazon S3 was one of those. 为此,我们不断探索各类竞争对手尚未触及的数据来源,AmazonS3就是其中之一。
It had already been exploring ways to get a local foothold, and this week's events have only heightened the urgency. 这家美国公司已经在探索如何才能在中国落地,本周的事件更是加重了其紧迫性。
We will continue exploring space. There seems to be no doubt about that. 我们还会继续向太空探险,这似乎是无庸置疑的。
We have seen many cases of this, and often it was the result of the patterning we are exploring this year ahead. 我们已经看到许多这样的事例,而这经常是我们今年要探究之模式的结果。
"Prudential is among a wave of foreign companies exploring the possibility of listing in Shanghai, " said a person familiar with the matter. “一批外资公司正在研究在沪上市的可能性,保诚是其中之一,”一名知情人士表示。
The type of philosophy that we will be exploring in this book is often called analytic philosophy. 我们在本书中将要探讨的那类哲学,常常被叫作分析哲学。
Of course, there's an infinite number of things you could choose to make, and that's the point of exploring. 当然,你可以选择去做无限多的事情,而这正是探索的关键。
Combing through a large number of these files and directories in the Package Explorer can feel like exploring the deep abysses of a cave. 在PackageExplorer中梳理大量文件和目录就像是在洞穴深处探险。