
美 [aɪd]英 [aɪd]
  • n.眼睛;眼光;眼力;视力;目;注目;视力;观察力;眼睛;注目;视觉;眼光
  • v.观看;偷看;注视;在…打眼;观看;偷看;盯着看;在…打眼;注视;审视;细看
  • 网络目光呆滞的;善用左眼的;目光锐利的



n. v.

身体部位part of body

1.[c]眼睛either of the two organs on the face that you see with

2.有…眼睛的;有…只眼的having the type or number of eyes mentioned

视力ability to see

3.[sing]视力;眼力the ability to see

眼光way of seeing

4.[c][ususing]眼光;视角a particular way of seeing sth

衣服on clothes

6.[c]风纪扣扣眼;金属环眼a small thin piece of metal curved round, that a small hook fits into, used for fastening clothes


be all eyes

极注意地看;留神地看;全神贯注地看;目不转睛to be watching sb/sth carefully and with a lot of interest

before/in front of sbs (very) eyes

当着某人的面;就在某人的眼皮底下in sb's presence; in front of sb

be up to your eyes in sth

忙于;埋头于;深陷于to have a lot of sth to deal with

cast/run an eye/your eyes over sth

用眼光瞥(或扫);匆匆查看;粗略地看一看to look at or examine sth quickly

clap/lay/set eyes on sb/sth

看见;注意到to see sb/sth

an eye for an eye (and a tooth for a tooth)

以眼还眼;以牙还牙used to say that you should punish sb by doing to them what they have done to you or to sb else

sbs eyes are bigger than their stomach

(表示贪吃)眼大肚皮小,眼馋肚饱used to say that sb has been greedy by taking more food than they can eat

for sbs eyes only

只供某人读(或看)to be seen only by a particular person

get your eye in

能进行准确判断(球的速度和方向)to practise so that you are able to judge more clearly how fast and where the ball is going

have an eye for sth

对…有鉴赏力(或识别力、眼力)to be able to judge if things look attractive, valuable, etc.

have eyes in the back of your head

脑后长眼;眼光敏锐;什么都能觉察到to be aware of everything that is happening around you, even things that seem difficult or impossible to see

have (got) eyes like a hawk

洞察一切;眼尖to be able to notice or see everything

have one eye/half an eye on sth

做另一件事的同时(悄悄)注意to look at or watch sth while doing sth else, especially in a secret way so that other people do not notice

have your eye on sb

密切注视;盯住;监视to be watching sb carefully, especially to check that they do not do anything wrong

have your eye on sth

想得到;想买到to be thinking about buying sth

in the eyes of the law, world, etc.

从(法律、世人等)的观点看;就…而言according to the law, most people in the world, etc.

in sbs eyes

按某人的意见;在某人眼里;依某人看in sb's opinion or according to the way that they see the situation

keep an eye on sb/sth

照看;留神;留意to take care of sb/sth and make sure that they are not harmed, damaged, etc.

keep an eye open/out (for sb/sth)

密切注意;提防;警觉to look for sb/sth while you are doing other things

keep your eye on the ball

眼睛盯着大事;密切注意关键问题to continue to give your attention to what is most important

keep your eyes peeled/skinned (for sb/sth)

留心;注意;仔细查找to look carefully for sb/sth

look sb in the eye(s)/face

(坦然或问心无愧地)直视某人,正视某人to look straight at sb without feeling embarrassed or ashamed

make eyes at sb|give sb the eye

向某人送秋波;向某人抛媚眼to look at sb in a way that shows that you find them sexually attractive

my eye!

(表示不相信)used to show that you do not believe sb/sth

not see eye to eye with sb (on sth)

与某人看法不一致(或意见不尽相同);与…不敢苟同to not share the same views as sb about sth

not (be able to) take your eyes off sb/sth

目不转睛地盯着;始终注视着to find sb/sth so interesting, attractive, etc. that you watch them all the time

one in the eye (for sb/sth)

失败;挫折;失望a result, action, etc. that represents a defeat or disappointment for sb/sth

only have eyes for/have eyes only for sb

只钟情于某人;只爱某人to be in love with only one particular person

see, look at, etc. sth through sbs eyes

从别人的角度看to think about or see sth the way that another person sees it

shut/close your eyes to sth

(对…)视而不见,熟视无睹,置若罔闻to pretend that you have not noticed sth so that you do not have to deal with it

take your eye off the ball

不再关注重要问题to stop giving your attention to what is most important

under the (watchful) eye of sb

在某人的密切注视下;在某人的监视下being watched carefully by sb

what the eye doesnt see (the heart doesnt grieve over)

眼不见(心不烦);眼不见为净if a person does not know about sth that they would normally disapprove of, then it cannot hurt them

with an eye for/on/to the main chance

瞅机会捞一把with the hope of using a particular situation in order to gain some advantage for yourself

with an eye to sth/to doing sth

着眼于;目的在于;试图with the intention of doing sth

with your eyes open

明知后果如何;明知有问题;心中有数fully aware of the possible problems or results of a particular course of action

with your eyes shut/closed

轻车熟路;毫不费力having enough experience to be able to do sth easily


希高翻译-心理学词汇中英对照十 ... glass sensation 玻璃感觉 eyed 目光呆滞的 glaucoma 青光眼 ...


社会工作专业英语词汇(L) ... lefteared 善用左耳的 lefteyed 善用左眼的 lefthand dominance 左手优势 ...


心理学专业英语词汇(C1) ... cleanliving 生活严谨的 cleareyed 目光锐利的 clearheaded 头脑清楚的 ...


心理学专业英语词汇(E1) ... enzyme specificity 酶的特异性 eagleeyed 视力好的 earlyteen age 少年 ...


oh feat brown eyed girls这首歌的中文意思... ... brown 褐色 eyed 眼睛的 girls 女孩 ...


《Friends》词汇表A ... mary n. 玛丽(女子名) eyed adj. 有眼的 cross n. 十字, 交叉, 十字架, 十字形物 ...

Pappy's friend eyed him for a moment and said, "How about Cal? You want him don't you? " There was a touch of amusement in his voice. 帕皮的朋友看了他一阵儿说,“那卡尔怎么办你要抓他,对吗?”他的声音中带有兴奋的语调。
A bag was opened and eyed, and if it held something of promise, was tossed at the feet of the woman. 打开每个垃圾袋并迅速翻看,如果发现有可回收的衣物就扔到女士脚下。
But there was no teary-eyed goodbye when Smith returned to England, as the Disney film depicts. 但是,当史密斯船长重返英国时,他们告别时也非迪斯尼电影里的泪涟涟。
"He's not the only one able to do it. " I eyed Carlisle speculatively. “他不是唯一一个有能力做这件事的人。”我饶有深意地看着卡莱尔。
In the Southern United States, people traditionally prepare a meal of collard greens, black-eyed peas and pork for a year of good luck. 在美国南方,人们会煮一餐由猪肉、甘蓝菜和黑豆组成的新年餐来祝家人来年好运。
He's always been a green-eyed monster, every time he sees his wife talking to the opposite sex, he throws a fit. 他的嫉妒心十分重,每次太太和异性谈话,他会立即做出失常的行为。
It had meant that at his Naming, he had been already standing and bright-eyed, soon to walk and talk. 那意味著到他的命名仪式时,他已经会站并看得很清楚,而且很快就要会走并说话了。
In a cinema, a cross-eyed lady turned round and said to the giggling schoolgirls behind her: "Do you mind, I'm trying to watch the film. " 在电影院,一个对眼的女士转过身对她身后咯咯笑的女学生说:“请注意,我正在看电影呢。”
I eyed him, trying to get a read for what was in the basket. 我眼睛的他,想读的是什么东西的篮子里。
"You were really brave to go to a state school, " coos the doe-eyed darling across the table, "I presume it was a grammar? " “你居然上州立大学,实在太勇敢了,”有着小鹿般双眸的女朋友坐在桌对面温柔说道,“我猜都很正经吧?”
It was a little much, even for people who hoped that beneath all that ecstasy was a clear-eyed pragmatist. 这是一个有点多,即使人谁希望所有的狂喜之下是一个头脑清晰实用主义者。
"They're getting slack, I'm afraid, " said the little deep-eyed man, "Our principle is to amuse everyone. " “我怕他们都有点不上劲了,”凹眼睛的矮个子说,“我们的原则是要使得人人都有兴趣。”
The people eyed him curiously as he trudged down the main street, and there were many guesses as to who he might be. 当他疲惫不堪地走过大街时,人们都用好奇的目光看他,许多人猜测他究竟是谁。
(in Muslim belief) one of the dark-eyed virgins of perfect beauty believed to live with the blessed in Paradise. (穆斯林信仰中)在天国中,和幸福的人住在一起的黑眼睛童贞美女。
"Like the gun, " he said, lowering his arm and fixing his gaze on the boys who now looked at him wide-eyed. “这名儿像枪。”说完放下胳膊,盯着已看得目瞪口呆的男孩子们。
And she looked at me wide-eyed as if to say: do you understand, does the world understand our desperation? 然后她瞪大眼睛看看我,仿佛在说:你明白吗,这个世界了解我们的绝望吗?
Ben: No! I've made peace with being a four-eyed geek, whose butt was kicked by his mother. 本:不,我现在想要平静的做个四眼儿,尤其是妈妈踢了屁股以后。
I had come to Kirkkojarvi to see how the Finnish approach works with students who are not stereotypically blond, blue-eyed and Lutheran. 我来到基可加维大学,想了解芬兰是如何处理与没有成见的金发碧眼的学生以及非路德教会学生之间的工作。
"Just a one-eyed monkey" , said the Brahmin. “只有独眼猴一只”,婆罗门答道。
A second picture, that of the bedraggled guerrilla's corpse, staring wide-eyed at the camera, provides another clue. 第二幅图片,是被拖脏的游击队员格瓦拉的尸体,睁大眼睛盯着相机,提供了另一条线索。
The king is fond of hunting, but is unfortunately cross-eyed - not that anyone would dare acknowledge this in front of him. 国王酷爱狩猎,可惜他是斗鸡眼——没人敢在他面前提起这点。
I got to sit next to his mother. She evil eyed me the whole time. 我只能跟他妈妈一起坐,他妈妈一直凶巴巴地盯着我。
The boy's mouth dropped open, but he made no response, sitting there with his mouth hanging open, wide-eyed. 男孩张开嘴却没有回答,就只是张大嘴巴,睁大眼睛坐在那儿。
The waitress turned to me, eyed my saw and commented, "And I see that. you, sir, have come for our T-bone special. " 女招待转向我,看了看我的锯,说道:“我能看出,先生,你是来吃我们的T形骨特色菜的。”
On Monday, I returned to work as a journalist, sooner than I would have liked but dry-eyed and efficient. 周一,我回到我的记者工作岗位中,这比我期望的要早一些,我没有哭并效率很高。
Beady-eyed Zedekiah Smith, the bank robber, still hung there, but even he had been pushed aside for something more important. 而现在就连“鹰眼”史密斯,那个银行劫匪,都被挪到一边,好给它腾出地方。
The break-up left me puffy-eyed, but it was that letter, written before he left to go Inter-Railing, that made my heart ache. 分手使我哭得双眼红肿,但却是那封在他去因特雷利之前写给我的信让我心痛。
I remember a moving advertisement: a big-eyed little boy carrying his struggling with a basin of water, naive said to his mother: Mom, foot! 我记得一篇感人的广告:一个大眼睛的小男孩,吃力的端着一盆水,天真的对妈妈说:妈妈,洗脚!
But sharp-eyed fans have noticed that the series seems to be uncomfortably close to some specific American hits. 但眼尖的粉丝马上注意到这部电视剧似乎有诸多模仿某些火爆的美剧的痕迹。
And when he did remember, she got a bit teary-eyed, and said: "We are so happy together, what difference does it make? " 当约翰想起来问时,简却泪眼汪汪:“我们在一起多开心啊,黄丝带有那么重要吗?”