
美 [fɑ]英 [fɑː]
  • abbr.同“fine arts”
  • n.【乐】全音阶的长音阶第四音
  • 网络工厂自动化(Factory Automation);叶酸(folic acid);黄腐酸(Fulvic Acid)




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工厂自动化(Factory Automation)

工厂自动化(FA)到机电一体化,三菱电机自动化已成为中国半导体电子、汽车、纺机制造等重要领域的主要供应商。自2004 …

叶酸(folic acid)

叶酸fa)测定试剂盒  全部参数 叶酸(fa)测定试剂盒(化学发光法)yzb/粤0528-2007   112 c-反应蛋白(crp)测定试剂盒  

黄腐酸(Fulvic Acid)

目前黄腐酸FA)类产品种类繁多,有煤炭直接提取的,有生物质发酵生产的,工艺过程不同,产品纯度和组分也差异很大, …

光纤阵列(Fiber Array)

批发光纤阵列(FA)(图) 深圳市畅翔光科技有限公司 广东 深圳 主营:光纤通信 光纤跳线 光纤尾纤 光纤跳线生产设备 批发光纤阵 …

脂肪酸(fatty acid)

亚油酸和EPA、DHA可抑制血小板凝集 (4)反式FA (trans-fatty acid) ? ? 顺式脂肪酸的异构体 主要来源人造黄油和起酥油 ? ? …

The FA had a crowd control adviser present at the match and will consider his report and that of the referee, Howard Webb. 足总派出了一位球迷控制顾问在现场,将考虑他以及主裁魏布的报告。
"No, I would love to agree but I believe they [the Dutch FA] are a bit optimistic in that, " said the manager. “不,我当然会很乐意认同,但是我认为他们(荷兰足协)有点过于乐观了,”这位主帅说。
Poll was smug and came out with a load of rubbish, but he was the FA's star ref and I knew I'd get done. 波尔是得意非凡随后又爆出更多屁话,但谁让他是FA的明星,我知道我栽了。
The Fa-Wu has character of promoting wind and provoking qi, thus easy to cause disorder of QI-blood which has side effects against disease. 发物因具有动风发气、助火热毒邪之性,并容易致使机体气血失常而对疾病产生不良影响。
They may have come undone against Manchester United in the FA Cup but in the league it has been a different story for O'Neill's men. 他们也许无法在足总杯中对阵曼联,但是在联赛中却是另外一番景象。
An FA spokesman said the association was in "constant" touch with the relevant authorities as it monitored the situation. 英足总发言人表示,英足总正在对监测情况的相关部门进行“定期”接触。
And with a return FA Cup match to Luton Town Xabi might try scoring from his own half again. 而下个月与卢顿城的足总杯比赛,哈维或许可以试试再从后场来个惊世吊射。
After the eras of Mark Palios, Adam Crozier and Graham Kelly, Barwick will at least leave the FA free of any stigma of controversy. 在马克。帕里奥斯,亚当克罗希尔和格雷厄姆。凯利时代之后,巴维克至少让足总没挨什么骂。
The Champions League, FA Cup, league - it's not easy to keep this level if you do not have the money that maybe other teams have. 冠军杯、足总杯、联赛,如果你没有像其他球队足够的资金话,你根本保持不了竞技水平。
Yellow humic acid(or fulvic acid FA) was an active constituents of humic acid. Its national resources was more amendment. 黄腐酸是腐植酸中最具活力的组成部分,蕴藏量丰富,萃取方法简便。
The 18-year-old came out on top of the coaches' vote for the award after playing a key role in helping United reach the FA Youth Cup final. 这位18岁的球员在教练组投票中力拔头筹,在球队征战青年足总杯决赛中也发挥了重要作用。
With the FA yet to receive any paperwork on the matter from their Dutch counterparts, Scholes and Rooney will not miss the game. 由于目前他们仍没有收到任何来自荷兰足协的书面文件,因此斯科尔斯和鲁尼将不会错过揭幕战。
Emiliano Insua hopes today will mark the start of him fulfilling a lifelong footballing dream - playing at Wembley in an FA Cup final. 今天埃米利亚诺-因苏阿希望能够起航实现他的终生足球梦想—在温布利驰骋足总杯决赛。
Some newspaper reports claimed Mourinho was either in London already or about to fly into England from Portugal for talks with the FA. 也有不少报导认为穆帅目前并不在伦敦,也没有打算离开葡萄牙前往英国与英足总商讨接任问题。
A year later and Gerrard was at it again, helping Liverpool seal an FA Cup final triumph at the expense of West Ham in Cardiff. 一年后,杰拉德再度卷土重来,他帮助利物浦在加迪夫战胜西汉姆赢得足总杯最终的冠军。
We are really disappointed to be out of the FA Cup, but we cannot talk too much about this because we have an important game against Stoke. 我们真的非常失望被淘汰出足总杯,但是我们不能谈论太多这场比赛的失利,因为我们还有与斯托克城重要的比赛。
Buddhist monk, named Fa Hai, warned Xu Xian of his wife's deceptive appearance and suggested to him a plan. 一位名叫法海的和尚,警告许仙注意他妻子欺人的外表,并建议他实施一项计划。
FA subsequently transferred at the scene saw the closed-circuit television video, the ultimate penalty to Chelsea mismanagement and a fine. 英足总随后调看了现场的闭路电视录像,最终判罚切尔西管理不善并且予以罚款。
The Londoner was one of the outstanding performers in last season's FA Youth Cup success. 这位出生于伦敦的年轻人是上赛季青年足总杯上表现出色的球员之一。
He has won the Champions League and the FA Cup, got to another Champions League final and just missed out on the title. 他已经赢得了欧洲冠军杯冠军和足总杯冠军,而另一次欧冠决赛也只是惜败而已。
For a while, there was much discord among practitioners, to the point that we could not even study the Fa together. 有一段时间,同修之间间隔很大,甚至学法都坐不到一起,分成了两组。
FA: Racing at home is always special and Valencia is a beautiful city and a great place to have a race. FA:在家乡比赛一直非常特别,巴伦西亚是一个非常美丽的城市,很棒的一个比赛地。
Owen came on as a late substitute to help United dump the Reds out of the FA Cup third round at Old Trafford on Sunday. 周日在曼联淘汰利物浦的足总杯赛上,欧文在比赛后半段替补登场。
Although not announced for the time being, but it is certain that Jihai will certainly face FA punishment of a fine. 虽然暂时没有宣布,但是可以确定的是,继海将肯定会遭遇英足总的罚款处罚。
Round of this season's FA Cup in what was Kenny Dalglish's first game back in charge of the Reds. 曼狗在足总杯第三轮对阵我军,是达格利什重返红军的首场比赛。
His final game was at the Millennium Stadium, Cardiff, when he came on during extra time to help his side win the FA Cup. 他的谢幕之战是在卡迪夫千年球场,同时帮助阿森纳取得了足总杯的冠军。
And the Portuguese centre-half admits he is facing up the heartache of missing out on the first FA Cup final at the rebuilt Wembley Stadium. 而这位葡萄牙中卫亦坦承错过在重建的温布利球场的第一场足总杯决赛,令他心痛不已。
There had been claims that the Ghana FA believed the Chelsea man had feigned the injury and could ban him from featuring in Germany. 有报道说加纳足协认为切尔西中场假装受伤,因此足协将禁止他参加德国世界杯。
The FA said that it had written to both for explanations and that they had until next Wednesday to respond. 英足总的发言人说,他们已经通知了两人,要他们在下周三之前为他们的言行做出解释。
" Then, like the " Three Kingdoms ", one of the men to a " Xing Bing Fa Wu. 然后,像《三国演义》中,与男人来一出“兴兵伐吴”。