
美 [ˈfeɪvərd]英 [ˈfeɪvə(r)d]
  • adj.受到宠爱的;得到偏爱的;获得优惠的;大众喜爱的
  • 网络受到偏爱的;有利的;受优惠的



1.受到宠爱的;得到偏爱的;获得优惠的treated in a special way or receiving special help or advantages in a way that may seem unfair

2.大众喜爱的preferred by most people

3.称心如意的;中意的particularly pleasant and worth having


新概念英语第四册笔记41-60课_张娟_新浪博客 ... appetite n. 欲望 favoured adj. 受到偏爱的 grudge vt. 怨恨 ...


每天练习 英语练习|每天英语 ... favoured 有利的,称心的 favourite 最受喜爱的 ...


英语六级考试预测试卷(7) ... )comprehensible 可以理解的; )favoured 受优惠的; )secure 保护,保卫; ...


优美的英语... ... secondly a.第二(点);其次 六级词汇 favoured a.有利的,喜爱的 四级词汇 vocation n.职业;使命;天职 六级 …


特权-的英语翻译-bab.la词典 ... 特权阶层 royalty 有特权的 favoured (经)买卖的特权 options ...

In just a few years, Japan has also lost its status as the favoured regional base for expatriate companies in Asia. 短短几年内,日本也不再是在亚洲地区开办海外分公司的上佳之选。
They say even during the war the Qataris bypassed them, sending weapons directly to favoured units at the front. 他们表示,即使在战争期间,卡塔尔人也无视他们的存在,直接向卡塔尔人中意的军队输送武器。
as the boat so favoured is usually in a rough plight , and mostly under water , so , sydney had a swamped life of it. 受到这种宠爱的小船总是灾难重重,大部分时间都淹没在水里,因此西德尼只好过着倒霉的日子。
He said he favoured a return to his father's original vision of improving conditions for the poor of all ethnic groups, not only Malays. 他表示,他支持将该政策回归到父亲最初的设想上——即改善各个民族贫穷群体的生活条件,而不仅仅是马来人。
This intellectual and artistic outbreak in Athens was no doubt favoured by the conditions of the time. 雅典的知识和艺术之所以勃发,无疑是由于当时环境的优渥。
The gods have indeed favoured Georgia this winter, bestowing a mild one when a harsh one might have been disastrous. 今冬,各路神仙确实偏爱了格鲁吉亚一次,送给他们一个暖冬,而一个严冬对格鲁吉亚来说可能是一个灾难。
Scientists at the EPA have long favoured such a ruling, which did not contain any specifics about reducing emissions of the pollutants. 环保局的科学家们长期以来倾向于这样一条原则,就是不抑制任何可以降低污染物排放的具体措施。
He said he also favoured a "code of conduct" for food export bans so as to ensure humanitarian food aid programmes are not affected. 佐力克说,他倾向于对食物出口禁令设立“行为准则”,如此方能确保人道主义食物援助计划不受影响。
Let's face it. Condoms are a bit of downer. So how do we convince guys to put it on? And make durex the favoured choice. 认了吧,套套就是会让人兴致全无。所以我们要怎么才能说服男生用它、并认准杜蕾斯这个品牌呢?
In other words, there was no single "natural" rate: policymakers could in principle try for the equilibrium they most favoured. 换句话说,并不存在单一的“自然”失业率,决策者在原则上尽可以定一个他们最喜欢的均衡数字。
That many of these moves make it easier to ship renminbi out of the country does not change the redback's natural and favoured direction. 这些举措中有不少都使人民币更易流向海外,但这一事实改变不了人民币受人青睐的自然流向。
This was the opening attack of the season by one of the storms with which Shanghai was favoured each summer. 这是年年夏季要光顾上海好几次的风暴本年度内第一回的袭击!
Such a scheme is included in legislation that has emerged from Congress so far, and is strongly favoured by many Democrats. 这一计划包括到目前为止国会的立法,以及受到民主党人的强力支持。
That seems to be the route favoured by senior figures in the regime, few of whom show any signs of being closet democrats. 在该政权中,很多高级官员倾向与这一路线,极少的表现出成为秘密民主党人的迹象。
Though often represented as fully armed, helmet and breastplate and all that, she favoured patriotic defense. 尽管雅典娜总是被描述成全副武装,头戴钢盔,身穿护胸甲等,但她只提倡为保卫祖国而战。
The favoured strategy is to snap up a small bank, healthy or not, and turn it into a vehicle to scoop up failed local rivals. 有利的战略是抢购一个小银行,不管健康与否,然后用它做媒介来铲平那些失败的当地对手。
We thank you for your inquiry of copper sheet, for which we quote you as below, and hope to be favoured with your order . 感谢贵公司对铜板之询盘,现报价如下,敬请惠顾订货为盼。
In China, he always said, there was no point in the sort of dangerous and eye-catching stunts favoured by Greenpeace. 他过去总是会说,在中国,那种绿色和平组织支持的危险和引人注目的杂耍并不被重视。
To a query, he said his government was willing to render all possible help to make Kashmir a favoured destination for Bollywood once again. 在回答询问时,他说他的政府愿意提供一切可能的帮助,使克什米尔为宝莱坞再次青睐的目的地。
Another way favoured by manufacturers is to take a piece of data from the image and assign it a secret code. 另一种为制造商们所喜爱的方法是从图片中提取出一片数据,并为其指派一个密码。
She had been courted by a wealthy suitor, whose addresses her mother had favoured, not withstanding the objection of old age and deformity. 曾经有一个有钱的人向她求婚,她母亲爱上他的财产,就不管他又老又残废。
There are caps (chiefly men's) and one pair of lacy, embroidered mules of the kind favoured by Venetian courtesans. 各式各样的帽子(主要是男式),一双深受威尼斯交际花喜爱的花边刺绣拖鞋。
Yet when he produced the conventional landscapes favoured by Linnell, they did not sell either. 但即便是他创作出林内尔偏爱的常规风景图画,这些作品销路也并不好。
If all this hadn't happened, he would most likely have been favoured to beat Nicolas Sarkozy in next year's presidential election. 如果这一切没有发生的话,那么他将最有可能在明年的总统选举中击败萨科奇成为法国总统。
For a time, it was successful, but then evolution struck back, as natural selection favoured the spread of insecticide-resistant genes. 这种方法一时间非常有效,但接着蚊子重磅回击——大自然的生存法则让蚊子大军有了抗杀虫剂的良好基因。
And the lack of climate legislation meant there was no price on carbon, which would have favoured nuclear power. 而缺乏环境立法则意味着碳排放成本为零,而这种成本原本将有利于核能。
However, Emperors could elevate another more favoured child or the child of a more favoured wife to the status of Crown Prince. 然而,皇帝可以提升另一个更赞成子女或子女更赞成妻子的地位王储。
Past research has shown that people are often willing to pay much more for a favoured brand than for seemingly identical alternatives. 过去的研究表明,人们宁愿多花钱买自己更喜欢的品牌,也不愿买似乎是一模一样的另一种品牌。
Although Nicholas II described himself as a man of peace, he favoured an expanded Russian Empire. 虽然沙皇尼古拉二世将自己描述为热爱和平的人,但他实际上喜欢一个扩大的俄罗斯帝国。
Although he is best known as playing in his favoured role behind the striker, he has also featured in a wide-right role for the youth team. 尽管他最擅长的位置是埋伏在前锋身后,但他也为青年队在右路打出了一片天。